Chapter Eleven

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Robyn and Harry walked back to the common room in silence. Both of them were angry and shocked at what Umbridge had done to them.

"Are you going to tell them?" Robyn asked as she saw the portrait to get into the Gryffindor common room get nearer.

"Not planning too," Harry replied,  looking warily at Robyn as if he expected her to suddenly turn into Professor McGonagall and give him a lecture. "Were you?"

"Nope." Robyn answered back simply. Harry nodded and they continued on in silence.

It turned out it didn't take much for Hermione to notice their hands as they kept trying to hide it with the long sleeves of their robes.

The common room was empty and it was only those three. Ron was no where to be seen.

After noticing and a short lecture about the two not telling her, Hermione rushed off upstairs to collect a book, some ingredients to make some complex potion and a bowl.

After about half an hour of Hermione working hastily to get the antidote finished, she finally had and lowered Harry's hand tenderly into it first as his was the one bleeding the most. Harry winced as she began to wash the wound with a cloth.

Harry looked at her gratefully. "Thanks, Hermione."

"That wicked woman. You should go straight to McGonagall with this." Hermione said sharply.

Harry's eyes darkened. "No, I'm not gonna let her win."

Robyn nodded. "Harry's right. We can't give the wretched women the satisfaction she wants."

Hermione glared at the two. "Then tell Dumbledore, I know he wouldn't stand for this."

"No. Dumbledore . . ."

Suddenly Ron entered with a broom. Hermione, Harry and Robyn stared before Hermione turned back and grabbed Robyn's hand, now putting it in the mysterious liquid that seemed to heal the wound, only leaving a white scar.

"Where've you been?" Robyn asked, eyeing the broom in Ron's hand.

"Nowhere." Ron said in a failed attempt to lie. The fact his voice had gone up an octave or two and that he was carrying a broom late at night gave it a way. Who would've thought.

"What are you doing with a broom?"

"Ah . . . it's mine." Ron trailed. Harry blinked, confused.

"Mum got it for me, for making prefect." Ron explained.

It seemed something clicked in Harry's head. "Ron, did you try out for the team?"

"Maybe." The red head mumbled looking rather scared.

"Well, how did you do?" Harry beamed.

Ron seemed surprised at Harry's positive attitude but smiled. "Well, I think I did rather good, actually."

"Are you trying for Keeper?"

"Yeah. What do you think?"

"Brilliant, Ron!" Harry beamed.

Robyn grinned. "Awesome."

"Really? I mean, you're not mad?" Ron asked skeptically.

"Mad, no, why? That'd be great if we were both on the team."

Ron sat down next to them. "Good. I thought you'd be angry." Ron grinned, relief washing over his features.

"Why?" Harry asked looking confused and slightly offended.

Robyn eyed Ron and Hermione. Yes, she knew where they were coming from but that doesn't mean they had to look at Harry as though he was a ticking time bomb ready to explode. He was a normal teenage boy who got affected by some murderers anger due to a connection he did not ask for.

Ron looked at Hermione. "Well, Harry, don't take this the wrong way. But ever since you got back you've been acting like a sourpuss." Hermione said warily.

"No, I haven't!" Harry exclaimed defensively.

"You see," Hermione pointed out. "everytime you get mad you bite our heads off. Remember, we're on your side." She said lightly.

Harry looked like he was about to argue but then his face softened and he looked apologetic. Robyn grabbed his hand. "I'm sorry . . . It's just . . . with everything and all . . ." Harry sighed.

"Hey, we understand, mate. Can't be easy being the most loved, hated, and envied fifteen year old in the world." Ron grinned, trying to lighten the mood while he put his arm around Harry. The two smiled at eachother.

Then Ron looked at Harry's hand. "Why did you write "I must not tell lies" on the back of your hand?"

Robyn couldn't help it and soon a giggle bubbled from her throat.


It was breakfast and Hermione, Harry and Ron sat next to each other, Neville and Robyn sitting opposite to them.

Angelina Johnson, a pretty girl with braids walked up.

"Harry, why weren't you at practice last night?" She said it in a demand rather than a question as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'm sorry, I had detention." Harry apologised, looking dissapointed he had missed it.

"Detention? It's the first week, how'd you do that?" Angelina exclaimed, looking less angry and more questionable and intrigued.

"It's a long story." Harry sighed.

"Harry, I'm the new captain. We have a new Keeper so we all have to be there. I can't have practice without my Seeker."

"I know, I'm sorry. I'll be there."

"You better, Harry." With one last stern look at Harry, Angelina walked off.

But their peace wasn't long lived as Malfoy soon strutted up, an arrogant smile playing on his lips.

"Scar feeling okay, Potter? It's been a week since you've been to the hospital wing, that's a record for you, isn't it?" Malfoy smirked.

"Get outta here, Malfoy!" Harry snapped. Neither of the five friends wanted to put up with Malfoy.

"I don't like your tone, Potter. I just might have to give you a detention." Malfoy scowled as a coy smile took over his pale features.

"You're not the only prefect here. So beat it." Ron said, glaring hard at Draco.

 "Ah, Weasley, now I don't like your tone. So lets see: That will be fifty points for you. Fifty for Potter, for talking back . . . And Granger, I forgot, you're a Mudblood, that's fifty more." Malfoy grinned in triumphant, looking rather pleased with himself.

Robyn wanted to wipe that smile off his face.

"Funny Malfoy. Prefects can't take away more than five points." Robyn sneered, turning her body round to face the awful creature. Her blood boiled at the sight of him.

The arrogant smirk on his lips grew. "You mean Gryffindor prefects can't take away more."


They turned to the house point counter at the front of the Great Hall and sure enough, one hundred and fifty points had been lost.

"You can't do that!" Ron exclaimed, his neck and face turning an angry red colour.

Robyn jumped up off her seat and took out her wand. "You put them all back, you slimy, unfair little p-"

Before she could say more she was dragged into her seat by Neville. Malfoy looked shocked and scared for a moment before the smirk returned to his face.

"Tut, Tut," Draco taunted. "That will be another fifty points."

"You do that Malfoy and it won't only be Voldemort you'll have to worry about." Robyn hissed with as much venom as she could muster and luckily nothing had been taken away.

"It pays when your father is close friends with the Minister of Magic." Hermione said, glaring at Malfoy.

"Yeah, well, tell your dad to say 'Hi' to Voldemort for me." Harry smiled fakely, even though his eyes burned with hatred.

Draco stared at Harry. But he didn't look offended. Malfoy just smiled and walked off.

"Umbridge has to be behind this. I don't know how, but it has to be her."


It was near the end of the day when Robyn bumped into Noah for the first time that year. He had been placed into Ravenclaw and was sporting blue robes. Robyn smiled politely at him as he passed but he spun her around before she could get away.

"Hey." He smiled.

"Hi, I see you got into Ravenclaw."

Noah nodded. "This weekend is a Hogsmeade trip and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?"

Robyn thought for a moment.

"As friends. Remember last year, we talked about it." Noah looked sheepish.

Robyn thought back to last year and remembered that awkward conversation. Guilt washed over her. "Yeah I'll go with you." She smiled.

Noah's face lit up. "Really?"

Robyn laughed. "Really."

"Great! I'll meet you at the Great Hall, saturday."

"Sounds good to me. See you then Noah."

Robyn walked to the common room with a smile on her face. Hanging out with Noah wouldn't be so bad, she thought. It would be fun.

And although she thought that, she also couldn't help but wish it would be her and the trio going together. . .

(Sorry for the late chapter. I was busy yesterday. Anyway, hope you like. Until next time.)

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