Chapter Twelve

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It was Friday now and Hermione, Ron, Harry and Robyn stood in the Common room, staring at the notice board.

"'The Ministry of Magic seeks education reform . . . Dolores Umbridge appointed first-ever High Inquisitor.'" Hermione read with a scowl as shock overcame their features.

"What's that mean?" Ron asked dumbly.

Hermione ignored him and continued to read. "'Education Decree twenty-three, which gives the High Inquisitor power to inspect her fellow teachers and appoint new powers to students as she sees fit.'"

"Hermione, what does this mean?" Ron repeated, louder this time.

"This is an outrage. She's going to conduct inspections of the classes." Hermione looked at Ron. "That means she's looking to sack some teachers."


Robyn gritted her teeth.

"I didn't think it'd happen this fast. Oh, I can't wait to see her inspect McGonagall, then that toad is going to get it." Hermione smirked, her voice laced with excitement and anger.

Robyn grinned despite her anger. "Forget McGonagall, I want to see what Snape and Umbridge do to each other."

"Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll finish each other off." Ron suggested with a hopeful gleam in his eyes.


Their first class to get assessed by Umbridge was Potions.

Hermione and Robyn sat as a pair and in front sat Ron and Harry who turned around to talk to them.

"This is why Fudge sent her, she's going to weave out Dumbledore's supporters." Hermione whispered to the three, being careful to keep her voice low.

"But she won't be able to sack anyone. I mean our teachers are tough enough as it is -"

"I think regardless she's going to take them out. She's trying to find out which are loyal and which aren't." Robyn butted in, her voice also just a whisper as she looked at her friends.

Professor Snape suddenly appeared at the door and the class immediately fell silent. Everyone waited with bated breaths to see what would happen when Umbridge decided to make her presence clear and begin her interrogation.

With a flick of Snape's wand, rolls of parchment flew to each student, unravelling revealing the grade they had got on that weeks test.

"As you can see, I have awarded grades on the last test to the standards of the O.W.L.s. This should give you a realistic idea what to expect on your finals this year." Snape drawled out in his monotonous voice and face void of emotion.

Harry picked up his parchment and it showed a fat 'D' in red ink. He frowned.

"Needless to say, most of you would of failed had this been the real O.W.L.s. I expect better of my students and I will see a great deal more effort. Or I'm going to start handing out detention to those who get Ds."

Draco's laugh could be heard from somewhere in the class. "Some got Ds."

Robyn glanced down at her paper, she had achieved an 'E' and was extremely pleased with herself. Of course Hermione had got an 'O' and Ron had recieved a 'P'.

"Today we shall have a visitor critiquing the way this class is run. Anyone who acts in a manor of foolishness shall find themselves imbibing Mr. Longbottom's next carelessly produced potion. Today's lesson is on the board, I suggest you get started." Snape ordered with a sneer and everyone obliged, not willing to argue.

Robyn frowned. Neville wasn't that bad at Potions and he only made silly mistakes due to Snape's constant bullying. It was really horrible to watch but enough students had spoken out about it and nothing had been done.

Robyn was surprised Dumbledore still let him teach here. Then again he appointed someone like Dolores Umbridge to teach so it seemed his standards were not that high.

With another flick of Snape's wrist, a long complex list of ingredients and instructions magically appeared on the black board in front of the class.

Everyone began with their work.

As everyone was working, Umbridge walked up to Severus and began to circle him, clipboard in hand.

Snape held his hands together, his face showing no care in the world as he seemed so unfazed by her sickening presence.

"So you've been teaching for fifteen years?" Umbridge looked up at the tall figure of Snape with a fake smile but analyzing eyes as if to try and search for even the slightest evidence of hesitation.

Everyone looked up from their work and watched the scene fold out in front of them.


"And it says you've applied for the Defense Against the Dark Arts position several times. Each one denied." Umbridge questioned while scribbling something down on her clipboard.

"Obviously." Snape drawled and snickers echoed throughout the room.

"Any reason why you were denied so many times, considering the job seems to have constant openings?"

Everyone seemed eager to hear the answer to this one.

"I suggest you ask the Headmaster about that." Snape replied briskly and a sigh fell over the class to which Snape glared at everyone.

"Oh, believe me I will. Very well, they seem to be advance for their age. It seems you have control of this class." Dolores concluded as she continued to write things down. With one last fake yet satisfied smile towards the class, she began to walk out, her pink heels tapping against the floor noisily.

Snape looked almost insulted at the fact that Dolores thought something less was expected from his class.

The trio and Robyn looked at eachother, dissapointment evident on their faces. Nothing had come out of Umbridge being here.

They looked down and continued with their Potions before Snape came around and rewarded them with a detention and deducted points.

(Short I know but I haven't done a short chapter in a while so I'm not feeling too bad about it. Anyway, hope you enjoy. Until next time)

Also let me know if I got the grades wrong for Hermione and Ron, I couldn't remember what they got so I just guessed.

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