Chapter Thirteen

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Saturday came around quickly, Friday ending in a blur of anger and a certain pink Professor. Robyn was certain that the toad faced Professor would continue to ruin her lessons to come and torment and question the teachers.

Not only did it make Robyn angry, it made her feel disgusted. Growing up, she always thought highly of the Ministry - her whole family worked there so that decided most of the matter - but now - now she saw it for what it was; a bunch of scared adults doing everything in their power to ignore the truth and that so happened to be abused as they wrote horrible things about an innocent boy who only wanted to warn people and a girl who went through a series of unfortunate events that they had no idea about.

But instead of asking for the truth or ignoring the matter completely like the adults they should be, they escalated it all and claimed Harry and Robyn were delusional and lying, causing everyone to turn against them.

Robyn was glad to escape it all and take a breath of fresh air in the lovely environment of Hogsmeade. She couldn't remember if the trio said they were going or not. She shrugged it off as she waited for Noah to show up. This was in fact herself and Noah's first time together, as she promised him. Besides it was the least she could do for shutting him down. Even if it did seem kind of sudden for him to express his feelings.

Robyn forced a smile on to her face as she saw Noah approaching. Although, she was slightly nervous considering he liked her and though he promised they would stay friends, he never really acted just as a friend towards her and it worried her and made Robyn feel guilty at the same time.

None the less, Noah was still a nice guy and enjoyable to be around so she kept the smile on her face and stood straighter, telling herself she would have a good time and to stop being so mean.

"Sorry I'm running a bit late, all the guys were showering so I had to wait." Noah looked sheepish as he rubbed his hands together.

Robyn's smile grew slightly, she knew all too well what it was like to be shy. Though the thought occurred to her that this might be a different type of shyness.

"It's okay, Noah. You're only about ten minutes late. It's not the end of the world." Robyn said, laughing softly.

Noah beamed. "Right, should we get going then?"

"We should."


The ride to Hogsmeade was quiet. Robyn and Noah sat together in an awkward silence.

Noah would do all he could to make conversation and save it but it always died and faded into nothingness. Robyn spent most of the time staring out the small window of the carriage, trying to go over conversation topics but she thought of nothing. So she stayed quiet, no matter how guilty it made her feel.

When they would catch eachothers eye, they would smile at one another and turn away.

Robyn felt a sigh escape her lips. Her eyes trailed over to the disappearing castle and it was as if a light bulb went off in her head.

"So," She began, turning to face Noah. "How have you found Hogwarts so far?"

"Oh, it's been great so far. The lessons are very different to the one's we had at Durmstrang. Much more interesting. It's been weird without all my friends and the usual uniform but I'm getting used to it. I've just got to stop tripping over my cloak." Noah grinned, a slight chuckle leaving his lips.

"Ahh, yes," Robyn nodded, a fond smile playing on her lips at the thought of Hogwarts. "The castle is known for its eccentric ways. As for the cloak, all I can suggest is pick it up as you walk up stairs. I bet you'll look so elegant."

A booming laugh erupted from Noah and Robyn couldn't help but giggle along. Maybe today would be fun after all...


Their day at Hogsmeade went smoothly and the conversation flowed easily from then on.

They visited the Shrieking Shack which brought a smile to Robyn's face at the memories but a cold shiver to run down her spine at the same time.

Noah asked questions about it to which Robyn answered back quickly and Noah listened, interested by all the new things. It amazed him how different the Wizarding community was to his own.

They went to Honeydukes where Robyn brought a crap ton of sweets much to Noah's amusement. She only smiled and rolled her eyes, explaining she was buying some for Ron, Harry and Hermione. Robyn swore she saw his eyes darkening but it could've been the lighting.

Next they went to Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop where Noah stocked up on some new quill's and Robyn brought herself a red and gold quill with some more black ink.

They even visited Zonko's joke shop where they both found great entertainment in trying out everything and laughing obnoxiously loud.

Lastly, as the sun began to set, Noah and Robyn had just exited the Three Broomsticks where they had talked about nonsense and sipped Butterbeer.

As they walked outside, Robyn wrapped her arms around herself, feeling a cold chill take over her body.

Noah turned to her with a smile. "I had an amazing day today."

He took a step towards her.

Robyn fought the urge to take a step back but instead smiled at him. "Me too."

"We should do it again sometime." Noah suggested.

Another step he took towards the girl.

This time Robyn took a step back, glancing around uneasily. "Y-yes. We should. S-Shouldn't we head back now?" Robyn stuttered as Noah took yet another step towards her.

A surprised squeak left Robyn's lips as she felt her back hit against the brick wall of the pub. She had nowhere to go. What was Noah even doing?

"But Robyn, the fun has only just started."


Robyn couldn't get another word out as she soon found Noah's lips on her's. Her eyes stayed wide open in shock and she found herself paralysed.

Her arms tried to push Noah off her but she wasn't strong enough. Her eyes darted around, trying to find an escape route or for someone to come to her rescue but what she saw only made the blood drain from her face and her heart to stop...


Ron, Hermione and Harry spent the majority of the day at Hogwarts. They ate breakfast and much to Harry and Ron's dismay, Hermione forced them into the library to catch up on homework.

Harry had practically finished and soon he found himself staring out the window, trying to block out Hermione and Ron's squabbling.

He thought of all that had happened in his life so far. He thought about why Dumbledore was ignoring him. He thought about the danger he constantly put his friends through. He thought about Umbridge and the Ministry. He thought about the Dementor attack. He thought about what Robyn was doing.

But strangely enough, Cho had not entered his mind at all...

Once the trio finished their homework which Ron did not complete, they decided to head to the Three Broomsticks to relax. The note Sirius had given Harry was coming in useful. Harry smiled at the thought of his Godfather.

Once they reached the Three Broomsticks, the three ordered Butterbeer and talked about anything and everything. Most of the talk consisted of Hermione and Ron talking about Harry and Voldemort, them only taking a break when the two began to argue.

No matter how exhausting it all was, Harry managed to smile.

Soon though, the day had come to an end and they had to get back to the castle. As the three walked out the pub, Harry laughing at something Ron had said, the three stopped dead. Right in front of them was Robyn and Noah. Kissing...

(Hey, hope you like it. I tried to add a bit more drama. Anyway, everything with Robyn will all add up soon and soon you'll all get some Harry and Robyn action. Anyway, until next time.)

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