Chapter Fourteen

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Everyone was silent. Everything was quiet. It was as if time stopped. But not in a good - I just saw the love of my life - kind. It was more of the agonisingly slow way where you just wished someone would talk. Heck, Robyn would even go for a burning look of hatred off the trio but they stood there, mouths ajar in shock.

But suddenly, something changed. Something snapped inside of Harry. He had this pain in his chest. It was worse than when his scar hurt. It was like a slow ache in his chest and the more he stared, the worse it got.

With his head spinning in confusion and hurt, Harry turned on his heels and walked off, hoping Hermione and Ron weren't following him. He needed time to himself. He needed to get his head straight.

Robyn's eye's clouded with tears and it was then when Ron and Hermione finally saw she was struggling against Noah and not in fact kissing him with open arms.

Hermione gasped, horrified and went to reach for her wand but before she could do anything, Ron marched up to Noah and used all his strength to push him off.

Noah swayed and immediately let go of Robyn. Robyn sighed in relief and rushed over to Hermione.

Noah turned to Ron in confusion, but Ron's eyes only held anger.

Before anyone could say anything, Ron's fist was out and smacking Noah across the jaw.

The punch didn't seem to have much affect but Ron seemed satisfied. "Asshole." He spat and then pulled Robyn and Hermione away from a teary eyed Noah...


Hermione and Ron had demanded to know what had happened, but Robyn just shook her head and sat in silence, feeling absolutely disgusting and used.

She did not cry though. No matter how many times her head ran over the scene. Maybe it was because she was still in shock. Or maybe it was the way her stomach churned horribly that prevented her from crying. But either way, she stayed emotionless and stoic in the face. She refused to talk about it and acted as though nothing happened.

Her head clouded in confusion when she saw Harry walk away in her head. But then she shook her head. He was probably off to talk to Cho. That same green eyed monster erupted in her at the thought and momentarily her shock and disgust was took over by anger.

But she then reminded herself that Harry thought she was kissing that scum, Noah, and her anger changed to be directed at Noah.

Her anger was not long lasted as it was soon night fall. Then morning. And soon breakfast.

Breakfast was full of silence. Ron and Hermione shot worried looks at Robyn but she ignored them and continued to eat her porridge. She refused to look at Harry and Harry refused to look at her.

Robyn left the Great Hall as soon as she saw Noah enter. She was tempted to pull out her wand and curse him then and there but she also wanted to run and hide in fear. She ignored both temptations and tried to act as casual as possible. Instead of walking back to the common room, she began her walk to Professor McGonagall's room for her first class; Transfigurations.

As soon as Robyn left the Great Hall, Hermione and Ron immediately turned to Harry. Harry looked up from his bacon in confusion. "What?"

Hermione sighed dramatically. "Harry - about yesterday-"

Harry looked away and ignored the great ache in his chest. "What about it?"

Hermione's face crossed with sympathy and agitation.

"C'mon, mate. You know what." Ron said while eating some toast.

Harry puffed his cheeks out and placed down his knife and fork, turning his body completely to his two best friends. "I don't know why you're making a big fuss about it."

"Because it was not what it looked like." Hermione said, her voice sounding like it was pleading. But Harry did not know why.

Harry's eyebrows creased. "Yes it was. Plain and simple. Why are you trying to tell me different? I don't care."

Harry's last words made him flinch. What was happening to him? He felt so incredibly weak and his stupid chest wouldn't stop hurting. It was becoming unbearable.

"Yes you do, mate."


Harry stood up from his seat and grabbed his bag. He looked at Hermione and Ron. "Robyn may kiss anyone she likes. She may go out with anyone she pleases. If that person is Noah, then so be it. You're making a big deal out of nothing. You're acting like I should care or something." With that Harry walked away, feeling his chest constricting with every breath he took.

He ran a hand through his messy hair and sighed. His mind was a battlefield. He didn't need this extra confusion in his life. He already had to deal with school, Voldemort and the constant nightmares.

He didn't need the confusion about what he was feeling. He hadn't thought about Cho in at least two weeks. When they speak, he didn't feel his heart palpitating. He didn't feel his stomach doing summersaults. He didn't feel any thing around the girl anymore. It confused him to no end.

But when he saw Robyn his life seemed to get brighter again, no matter what mood he was in. He instantly smiled when he saw her. He always wanted to see her happy and smile.

He lived for when she laughed or stuck up for herself. It made him feel like he finally did something right in his life.

Then when he continued to think about it, he recognised the butterflies he got when ever she was near or when he was thinking about her. He always missed the shiver that ran through his body when they touched but now he remembered, back in third year, when he reached over to kiss her cheek, how he yearned for it to be her lips. He remembered how when they hugged, he wanted it to last forever.

Everything he had been feeling but brushed off came rushing back to him in dizzying realisation.

His mind then turned to the aching in his chest and how it only made it hard for him to breath. He felt a lump form in his throat and a noise escape his lips. A sob?

Harry shook his head to try and clear his mind and swallowed the lump in his throat.

Then a thought entered his mind, no matter how many times he told himself no or tried to shake it off. It crossed his mind like a bolt of lightning, so shocking and disbelieving, he questioned his sanity.

But the goosebumps that spread across his body and the sparks of electricity that followed after, left him thinking maybe...

He couldn't possibly like Robyn? One of his best friends...

Could he?...

(Hey, hope you like it. It's coming soon and I'm so excited.)

Also who is excited about Beauty and the Beast? It's coming out on Friday but I'm going to see it Saturday. I'm so excited I can't wait. The soundtrack is incredibe and Emma Watson, whoo. I love her voice, it's amazing. I haven't been this excited to see a movie since Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them. Anyway, until next time. Bye.

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