Chapter Fifteen

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McGonagall exited her classroom, ready to wait outside for her students. Her stern gaze ran over to Robyn and shock covered her face momentarily.

"Miss. Thompson? What are you doing here so early?"

Robyn looked up. "Just thought I'd get here early, Professor." Robyn muttered simply.

Worry crossed McGonagall's features. She cared for each of her students and she liked to think she could tell when something was wrong.

"Miss. Thompson, why are you not with Mr. Potter? Or Granger and Weasley?"

McGonagall watched as Robyn's face crossed with so many emotions it was hard to keep up.

"I don't always have to be in there company, Professor." Robyn's voice was hard yet sadness laced her words.

The Professor didn't have time to reply as the bell chimed and soon students were filing through the corridors and queuing up. McGonagall spotted Potter on his own too and her worry only increased.

Ron and Hermione soon came after, whispering quietly to one another. Minerva let her students in and allowed them to sit down before she began to speak.

As a teacher she was never allowed to get involved in the students lives unless one of them came up to her and asked for help. So unless one of the quartet came up to her, she could only hope they sorted whatever was wrong out. Mainly for the sake of Potter. Merlin only knew what he was going through.

Soon, Minerva noticed a bundle of pink enter her classroom and the stern, stoic look overcame her ageing face once again.

Robyn was forced into a seat next to Harry by Hermione and all the girl could do was look straight ahead of her. She didn't need questioning by Harry.

The first ten minutes of the lesson went smoothly enough. Umbridge stood to the side of the classroom with her irritating clipboard in hand.

"Hem, hem."

McGonagall ignored the Professor. "Now, as you prepare for your O.W.L.s you'll be forced to begin to consider what profession you'll be heading into for your future. Throughout the year you will be taking practice tests to prepare you for the real thing." McGonagall explained and stressed looks were spread across the classroom.

"Hem, hem."

Some students flashed a look at Umbridge but McGonagall continued to ignore the toad, bringing a smile on to Robyn's face.

Harry turned his head to the side and was shocked to see Robyn. He flashed a look at Hermione and Ron who both smirked in return.

Harry forced himself to look forward and continue to listen to his Professor but his head was beginning to get fuzzy and he couldn't stop the loud and fast beating of his heart in his chest.

"Today we're advancing from vanishing snails to mice. Now the Vanishing Spell-"

"Hem, Hem!"

Minerva turned around with a swish of her cloak and tried to hide her irritation and hatred. "Yes?" The women said curtly.

"Well, Professor, I was just wondering if you had received my note about the inspection today." Umbridge said with a smile.

"Well, obviously, or I'd ask you what exactly you're doing standing in my classroom."

Robyn smiled to herself again.

Harry turned and grinned to Ron and Hermione which they returned.

"Now, as I was saying the Vanishing Spell grows in complexity with the complexity of the animal. As you begin -"

"Hem, hem."

"- on your mice you will see that vanishing them will prove far more concentration than with -"

"Hem, hem."

Professor McGonagall's eyes burned towards Umbridge. "May I offer you a cough drop?"

"Oh, no."

"Well, I wonder how you expect to gain an idea of my normal teachings standards if you continue to interrupt me with your sudden asthmatic attacks?" McGonagall snapped.

Umbridge wrote something down and returned her now cold glare towards Minerva again.

Robyn fought the urge to pull out her wand and turn Umbridge into a toad.

"Expect the result of your inspection in ten days." Umbridge huffed, giving up on her fake cheery demeanor.

"I don't know how I'll contain my anticipation." McGonagall said and Robyn was shocked to detect some sarcasm in her Professors voice.

Umbridge left and Minerva took a minute to regain her composure.

Harry raised his hand.

"Yes, Potter?" McGonagall asked, her voice returning to its stern yet kind self.

"You could turn her into a worm." Harry suggested with a grin.

The class couldn't help but laugh. Robyn giggled from besides him and for a moment their gaze caught but they instantly looked away from each other.

Normally, Minerva wouldn't have stood for that behaviour. Harry knew that too. But McGonagall shook her head, trying to hide her smile.

"We could go fishing in the lake?"

"That'll be enough, Potter." McGonagall said sternly yet her tone was light.

This time when Robyn laughed, and when their eyes locked, Harry and Robyn didn't look away from eachother but laughed together and Hermione and Ron shared a relieved look.

(Yes, a second update. Whoo. Hope you enjoy. Until next time.)

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