Chapter Sixteen

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It had been a week. One week. Robyn was still avoiding Noah at all costs and once even crashed into a classroom full of second years in order not to get noticed by him. The Professor proceeded to give her a detention for disturbing the class and not being in class herself (she was running late) and the second years were all giving her bewildered and scared looks.

Robyn smiled sheepishly at the time, not that bothered about the detention but more relieved she didn't have to talk to Noah.

Robyn and Harry's friendship had not gone back to what it used to be and it upset Robyn to no end. Robyn often thought it was because he was mad at her but then it would always end up to the conclusion of why. If only she knew Harry wasn't mad but upset and heartbroken but also scared at the new found information that he liked her. A lot.

Now they all sat in Umbridge's classroom on a bleak Thursday morning and all were dreading this class more than Potions and that was saying something.

Umbridge walked in, still with her clipboard in hand. She had not finished torturing all of the Professors and Robyn was frankly getting tired of it. Umbridge was just a bully.

"Right, wands away, books out. Read chapter two."

The class had been expecting this and so their wands were all safely hidden in their robes and their books were already sitting neatly on their desks.

Harry sighed and opened his book. His eyes trailed over to Robyn who was sitting next to Neville and sighed again.

Hermione raised her hand and Umbridge looked as though she was ready to crawl back to the Ministry. "What is it, Ms. Granger?" The toad asked tiredly, though that same old fake smile was still adorning her face.

"I've already read chapter two." Hermione said.

Robyn felt a grin crawling on to her lips, no matter how hard she tried to fight it. Oh, how she loved Hermione.

"Then proceed to chapter three."

"I've read that chapter, too. I've read the whole book." Hermione replied with a passive tone.

If Robyn didn't know Hermione better, she would of thought she read the whole book for enjoyment like she did most times but it seemed Hermione only did this to rile Umbridge up and it seemed to have worked.

Harry looked behind him at Ron and they smiled at eachother.

Umbridge looked at Hermione challengingly. "Well, then, you'll be able to tell me what Skinkhard says about counter-jinxes in chapter seven, won't you?"

Umbridge crossed her arms waiting for an answer she expected to never come but Umbridge had never crossed with the brightest witch of her age so she was in for a treat.

Hermione shuffled in her seat, sitting taller. "He says that counter-jinxes are often improperly named because the witches or wizards who discover them do so by accident during an attack; so 'counter-jinx' is just a means where people give their jinx to sound more acceptable in the general public." Hermione answered as if she had rehearsed it over a hundred times or read it straight from the book.

Harry turned around in his seat again and held out his hand which Ron slapped with a smirk on his face. Robyn noticed this and smiled but it soon turned into a frown. She used to do that with Harry.

Hermione had not finished there though. She never left anything without giving her own opinion first. "But I think he's wrong. Giving your jinx, that you've created, a name you've chosen puts ownership over it. When you choose to -"

"That's enough. Five points from Gryffindor." Umbridge interjected, a kind of sadistic smile twisting on to her face. Robyn's blood boiled and she was about to stand when she felt Neville grab the back of her robes. She turned to see him giving her a warning look. She only nodded, trying to hide her annoyance.

But no one was there to stop Harry from doing the same. "For what?!" He yelled.

"Harry, don't." Hermione whisper-yelled to the green eyed boy.

Harry didn't listen. His anger was burning in his veins. He ignored all the voices in his head telling him to sit down and behave, he couldn't.

"For interrupting my class with pointless interruptions. I will not have my class lectured by a bookworm Know-It-All."

Robyn gasped at this and glared at the women.

"Don't call my friend a 'Know-It-All!" Harry spat with so much venom some of the class inched away from him.

"Don't you think that's a bit hypocritical of you to say, professor." Robyn spoke loudly, ignoring the tugs on her robe by Neville trying to get her to shut up.

"And why is that Miss Thompson?" Umbridge asked, turning to the brunette girl that also couldn't keep her mouth shut.

Robyn laughed at this. "Well for starters, don't you have to be a know-it-all to become a teacher? So what does that make you, professor?"

Students laughed at this but Robyn could see from the corner of her eye that Hermione was trying to signal to her to quit it.

"And second of all, you should be praising Hermione for reading the damned book as she was clearly the only one to actually bother to read your Ministry approved crap. You shouldn't be telling her off for it." Robyn snapped, her fierce voice echoing off the walls and making students shudder.

Umbridge's eyes burned. "Sit down Miss Thompson, unless you would like another detention?"

Robyn growled at the sick pleasure on Umbridge's face but before she could protest, Neville grabbed her upper arm and yanked her into her seat.

Umbridge grinned. "I didn't think so."

The pink toad turned to Harry who was still standing and fuming with anger. "Sit down, Mr. Potter. Your previous teachers may have allowed you to act a fool in front of the class, but I will not. With the exception of Professor Quirrell, you haven't had a decent teacher since you've begun your schooling."

"Yeah, Quirrell was great. He just had that little drawback of having Voldemort sticking out from the back of his skull!" Harry couldn't stop the sarcastic comment slipping his lips.

The students in the class froze, amazed at what they had heard. Umbridge's eyes looked like they could spit fire but Harry stared back, not even flinching.


Harry had served detention with Umbridge again. Luckily Robyn had only had to suffer once but the same could not be said for Harry.

Hermione was now tending to his hand with that same potion she used to heal it the first time. Her gratitude for Harry sticking up for her showing in the way she held his hand and treated his wounds with such care it made Robyn's heart glow at seeing such friendship.

Robyn and Harry had been talking but nothing was mentioned about what happened between her and Noah.

Hermione and Ron had been trying to tell Harry what really happened but he continued to shoot any talk of it down, feeling his heart wrench at the mere mention of it.

Fred and George were sitting with the quartet too.

"Wicked, Harry. So it cuts open every time you write?" George grinned, looking at Harry's wounds in wonder.


"Brilliant." Fred grinned.

"It's not brilliant, it's barbaric." Hermione answered back sharply, cleaning the blood on Harry's hand with a wet cloth.

"I was speaking strictly from a disciplinary point of view." Fred defended.

It always amazed Robyn how no matter what the matter of conversation was, the twins voices always held a tone of joking. She wished she could picture life as one big funny joke. She bet the world looked so much brighter in that point of view.

"She's an awful woman. We have to do something about her." Robyn said, her teeth gritted.

"Like what? Dumbledore can't get rid of her, what hope have we got?" Ron asked with a shrug of his shoulders.

"I wasn't talking about getting rid of her." Robyn mused, a smirk crawling on to her lips as she locked eyes with Hermione.

"Oh, I was going to suggest poison, but if you got a better idea, we're all ears." Fred teased, causing Robyn to let out a giggle.

"She's purposely not teaching us anything. So, I think it comes time we do it ourselves." Hermione announced, looking at Robyn again.

Harry looked between the two, confusion clouding in his green eyes. "What?"

Robyn zoned out for a moment, finding herself getting lost in Harry's eyes but as hard as it was, soon realised what she was doing and shook her head, feeling her face go hot and red.

She noticed Hermione and Ron share a look of pity and glared at the two of them.

"You are mental. You want us to do more work? We already can't sleep at night with all the essays Snape's making us do." Ron said incredulously, replying to what Hermione had declared.

"This is more important than homework, silly."

"Something more important than homework? What have you done to Hermione?" Ron accused, looking at Robyn expectantly. Robyn just smiled at him, making Ron more confused.

"Listen. But we can't do much ourselves, we have to be taught. We need a teacher." Hermione declared, her eyes brightening with mischief. Something rare for Hermione. Robyn tried to suppress her grin.

"But where are we going to find a teacher?" Harry asked, thanking Hermione as she was now done tending to his hand. Only white scars ran across his hand now; I must not tell lies.

Everyone looked confused apart from the two girls that created the plan.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Harry, wake up. You!" Hermione snapped but a wide smile spread across her lips.

"What?" Harry sputtered out, looking at Hermione incredulously.

Ron's face brightened at the idea. "Yeah, that's brilliant. You teach us." Ron encouraged with a grin adorning his freckled face.

Harry shook his head, his face impassive. "You've all lost it. I can't teach Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"She's right. I mean look what you've done." Ron said.

"I haven't done anything." Harry insisted, looking at Ron and furrowing his eyebrows.

Robyn rolled her eyes. Ignoring the fact that her face was still hot and the fact that her and Harry weren't on the best of terms, she spoke up. "Haven't done anything, Harry? In your first year you saved the Stone from You-Know-Who! Second year you killed a basilisk and stopped Riddle. Third year you fought off a hundred dementors! And last year you survived your forth attack from You-Know-Who and about two dozen Death Eaters!" Robyn exclaimed.

"Not to mention you're the youngest Triwizard champion ever." Ron inputted with a smile.

Harry shook his head again, his black hair swaying as he did so. "But that was luck."

George and Fred looked at eachother. Then George raised an eyebrow at Harry. "No one's that lucky, mate."

"You can do it. I know you can. You're the best Defense Against the Dark Arts student since You-Know-Who was here." Hermione encouraged, her tone more gentle and hoping.

"Stop it, all of you." Harry scolded. "That was all luck. I was guessing half the time, the other half I was scared out of my mind. You don't know what it's like. You have no idea what it's like to face him. It's not like Cedric was stupid and I was smart. That could just as easily been me if he didn't need to use me." Harry explained, his face falling.

Hermione, Ron and the twins shared dark looks.

Robyn looked down at her lap, a flash of green light and dark laughter echoing in her brain making her take in a sharp intake.

"We're not saying anything like that. But just on experience only you could teach us. Harry, think about it." Hermione pleaded softly.

Harry shook his head, looking as though he killed the idea instantly and everyone looked down in dissapointment.

But Harry couldn't stop the nagging thought in his head. He wasn't near enough as good as a teacher. And he wasn't as good at Defence as everyone made him out to be but with the dark thought that maybe Voldemort would try to get to him once again, followed after a thought that maybe it was time to teach everyone how to fight property, came a conclusion, maybe he could do it...

(Yay, this is a long chapter and we are getting into the good stuff now. I hope you all enjoy. Until next time.)

Also, as you know I saw Beauty and the Beast yeasterday and can I just say is was incredible. Omg, some of you might kill me for saying this but I even thought it was better than the original. If anyone of you get the chance to see it or are thinking about going to see it, please do. You won't regret it. It was truly mesmerising...

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