Chapter Seventeen

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The quartet sat in the Hogs Head. They wanted a more quiet place and so they thought it would be better than going to the Three Broomsticks. Harry was drinking Butterbeer from the dirty glass Aberforth, the bartender, had given him.

"Harry, we're not going to learn a thing with that hag teaching us. You're our only hope." Hermione pleaded, once again bringing up the topic about Harry teaching them.

Robyn couldn't help but let the corners of her mouth twitch up. Hermione was really stubborn sometimes.

Harry sighed. "I dunno, Hermione." He replied incredulously.

"Harry, even Viktor said you could do things he's never seen. And he's three grades ahead of you and was taught by a Death Eater." Hermione coaxed and Robyn felt her eyebrow arch.

She did not know Hermione was still in touch with Viktor Krum. Robyn's eye's flashed over to Ron. Well this should be interesting. Robyn thought with a smirk.

"Wait? Viktor Krum?" Ron asked, perplexed as if he didn't hear what she said properly.

"How many Viktors do we know?" Hermione pointed out with a sigh.

"You're still in contact with him." Ron said, his voice a little too harsh.

Robyn glanced at Harry and watched as he rolled his eyes and took another sip of his butterbeer.

"So what if I am?" Hermione spat, her tone defensive and hostile.

"What do you two talk about?"

Hermione scoffed. "Nothing that concerns you. I can have a pen pal."

"Your pen pal, I doubt, he's trying to be." Ron murmured with distaste.

Hermione shook her head and turned back to Harry

"Hermione, who am I to teach-"

"Harry, you're Harry Potter! You're in every Dark Arts book written in the past fifteen years. You can't pretend like you're not good at it. Call it luck, but the fact is you were surrounded by two dozen Death Eaters and You-Know-Who himself and you dueled him and survived. No one's ever done that and that was your forth time." Hermione interjected with exasperation.

"It's kind of becoming a bad habit really." Robyn inputted with a teasing grin.

A moment of silence passed. "Yeah, okay, I'll do it. But just you three."

Hermione and Robyn shared a look.

"Well that might be a bit of a problem." Hermione muttered sheepishly.

"Why?" Harry asked and Robyn could hear the rising panic and anger in his tone.

 "Well, I told a few others, just Ginny. And well, some others might of overheard and they were interested too. I mean, Harry, everyone should have a right to learn if they want to."

Harry shot Hermione an annoyed look.

"How many?"

Hermione winced. "Now I don't want you to be mad, Harry, but-"

"Hermione, what did you do?" Harry questioned harshly.

Suddenly with a chime, the pub door opened and Harry turned around to see a group of his classmates. A rather large group to be in fact. He groaned.


The bartender was not too pleased at the large order of Butterbeers that were made but did not complain as he prepared two dozen cups of it.

Harry stood in front of the large group of students with Hermione and Ron.

Harry looked nervous with sweat beading on his forehead. Hermione was beaming and Ron was...well being Ron.

Robyn sat with the crowd. She still wasn't on the best of terms with Harry and didn't feel as close to the trio anymore. People around looked at her warily, but more as though they were intimidated by her rather than avoiding her like they did up to about late forth year.

Robyn was surprised at the turnout as she was not expecting as many people to come because of all the crap in the newspapers about Harry.

But Robyn was pleasantly surprised to see her friends; Neville, Dean and Lavender.

She also noticed Parvati and Padma along with the sweet Luna Lovegood. Katie Bell, Alicia Spinnet, Angelina, Ernie Macmillian and Michael Corner were in the crowd too.

Robyn smiled once she saw Colin Creevey, camera in hand, Fred and George accompanied by Lee Jordan and Ginny Weasley and unfortunately Cho Chang was there too.

Robyn felt a guilty feeling in her stomach when she realised she had been glaring at Cho. She was being pathetic and Robyn wanted to slap herself.

Cho was a lovely girl and Robyn was turning out to be the beast with the way she was acting so childishly, just over her having a huge crush on Harry. Besides, Robyn should be trying to comfort Cho with what she had to go through. Cho was previously dating Cedric before he got murdered by Voldemort and the whole matter had been very hard on Cho.

Robyn shook her head, trying to clear her mind again and after noticing ten or so more people in the crowd she did not recognise, turned back to the front where she awaited for Harry to speak.

"I will never forgive you for this." The raven haired boy mumbled into Hermione's ear to which the girl rolled her eyes.

"Well, thank you everyone for coming. I think we all know why we're here. We think it's a good idea if we, on our own, study Defense Against the Dark Arts. I mean, to defend ourselves properly."

"Doing this because you don't wanna fail your O.W.L.?" Michael Corner spoke up.

"No, because I want to be prepared for . . . for-" Hermione sighed. " . . . For Lord Voldemort." She said with force.

The room fell silent.

"What proof do you have that You-Know-Who's back?" Lee Jordan, who had always been one to support the quartet, asked with curiosity.

"Dumbledore believes it." Robyn shrugged simply.

"You mean Dumbledore believes him!" Michael pointed at Harry.

Robyn felt her blood boil as she glared at Michael.

"Harry said it happened, so it did."

Harry stood. "Look, Dumbledore told you what happened last year. If you didn't believe it then, you might as well leave now."

The group all looked at eachother but no one left. Robyn felt a smile creep on to her face.

"Is it true you can produce a corporeal Patronus?" Susan Bones asked.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows before replying. "Yeah."

"My aunt told me there are only a few wizards in the world that could do that." Susan said in awe and wonder.

Robyn looked up at Harry and grinned. Harry saw this and their eyes locked. For a minute the two just stared at one another before Harry smiled lightly and turned back to the crowd.

"Look, I'm not trying to impress you. I'm just offering to help teach the best I can. If you want to learn, you're welcome to join." Harry explained, feeling there was no way really to get out of teaching them but then he thought back to Hermione's words and they all did deserve to be taught and prepared.

"Harry, you'll be teaching us?" Neville questioned, none of the group knowing the green eyed boy would be teaching them.

"Yeah . . ." Harry trailed off.

There was another long pause.

"Well of course I'm joining! There was no doubt about it in the first place." Robyn said and Harry grinned.

"I'll join." Neville joined in.

"Me too." Cho added.

"If you're teaching it, I'll join." Michael said.

"I'm in." Fred declared.

George looked at his twin. "I was in before you even said a word."

Harry looked at everyone amazed, the smile on his face only growing larger. His heart swelled with warmth and his eyes filled with gratitude. Everyone was joining. It was incredible to Harry. He never thought this would happen.

His anger for what Hermione did subsided and all that was there was determination and adrenaline. He couldn't wait to teach but he also couldn't wait to fight back against Umbridge and everything she stood for.

Hermione smiled and pulled out a piece of parchment. "We all sign then!"

(Hope you enjoy. Until next time)

Also I finally got around to watching The Space Between Us and can I just say it's incredible. You should all watch it. Anyway, bye.

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