Chapter Eighteen

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After the meeting, when everyone was filing out of the Hogs Head, Hermione and Ron pulled Robyn away to the side to which she groaned. She turned her head to see Harry talking to Cho, their eyes alight with laughter.

Robyn swallowed the lump in her throat and ignored the burning in her eyes and turned back to Ron and Hermione, who both looked at her with concern.

"Robyn, you need to tell him. The truth." Hermione looked at her sternly but Robyn could see the sorrow in her eyes aswell.

Robyn sighed in frustration. "How can I? How am I meant to tell him that I was having a perfectly normal time with Noah when he suddenly came on to me out of nowhere? How am I meant to tell him I've been in love with him since third year!? Because Hermione, I've tried. I've had so many conversations in my head about's not only affecting him you know. It's breaking me."

Hermione and Ron looked at her in sadness but kept their mouths shut, inviting Robyn to continue her rant.

"I wouldn't see why he cares anyway, he likes Cho. I've seen the way he looks at her and turns into a complete fool when she is around. He hasn't been talking to her a full year and he's already gotten further than I have in three years. Not to mention I have all this crap going on with the Ministry being against me and I even found out my parents might get sacked for it. Voldemort is at large and I'm absolutely terrified and if that isn't all, I've got to deal with a pink Dementor as a bloody professor!" Robyn sighed once she got it all out, feeling much more at ease now she was able to vent. That didn't stop the tears from building up in her eyes though.

"And what Dumbledore wanted with you." Hermione added softy.

Robyn ran a hand through her hair. "That too."

"Oh, what am I to do?" Robyn moaned.

Suddenly, Ron's eyes lit up and a ridiculously huge grin appeared on his face. "You love him?"

Robyn furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, not realising the words had slipped past her lips accidently.

Ron's grin grew until he looked equivalent to the Cheshire Cat. "You said-"

Suddenly Ginny came up behind them. "Hello. Sorry to intrude. I need Robyn for a minute. Is that okay? Okay, thanks!"

Before Robyn could even comprehend what was happening, she found herself being pulled outside by the red head. They stopped just outside the pub.

"Err, hi?" Robyn said, very unsure and confused.

"Hey!" Ginny smiled casually. "I just want to talk to you."

The chirpy look fell from Ginny's face and she turned serious. "I'm sorry."

Robyn did a double take. "Excuse me?"

Ginny sighed. "For how I acted towards you. I was stupid and I let a certain feeling of jealously overcome me and I acted irrationally."

Robyn stared at Ginny for a moment, not saying anything.

Ginny raised an eyebrow at the brunette and looked at her weirdly. "Are you going to say something? Or should I just go..."

Robyn snapped out of her thoughts. "Oh yes, sorry! You are very much forgiven."

"I am?"

Robyn looked sheepish. "Well yes. I too know how the jealousy thing works."

Ginny grinned. "Oh good. I didn't think it would be that easy. I wanted to tell you sooner but I just wanted to be certain of something."

"Certain of something?"

"That I was over Harry. It started in my third year, you're forth year. I didn't feel anything other than friendship and that's why I never looked or said anything to you. I wanted to be sure so I didn't apologise and then go back to my old, stupid ways." Ginny looked entirely confident with what she just admitted and Robyn couldn't help but be in slight awe at it.

Ginny's eyes went wide as she soon found herself wrapped in a tight hug by Robyn. "Oh, Ginny. You don't know how much I needed some goodness in my life right now, so thank you."

Ginny patted the girl on the back awkwardly. "No need to thank me. He is all yours."

Robyn pulled back instantly, looking confused. "All mine? But he's-"

Ginny looked at Robyn incredulously. "You really think they are going to last? The girl bloody cries at the mere mention of Cedric. She is in no state for a new relationship."

Robyn shrugged feeling the red head had a point. "I guess you're right."

Ginny looked offended. "Of course I'm bloody right, I'm a Weasley."


Evening had fallen. The moon blared down brightly on the grounds of Hogwarts as the quartet settled in the Gryffindor Common Room.

Robyn smiled, she was now on good terms with Ginny, and felt much better now she got all her feelings out. She was just sorry Hermione and Ron had to see it. And although her life was still going to shit, she felt it fall back into place a little more.

She had been skillfully avoiding Hermione, Ron, and that awkward conversation that would follow shortly after but she knew she couldn't run for long as they would be on to her by tomorrow.

Hermione set down the parchment with all the signatures on, beaming at the successful outcome of the meeting.

"Why 'Dumbledore's Army?'" Ron asked, his eyes trained on the black ink at the top of the parchment.

"Because that's exactly what Fudge is afraid Dumbledore's doing." Robyn explained, a grin crawling on to her lips and adrenaline coursing through her veins at the thought of repelling.

"We'll call it the D.A. for short." Hermione mused, smiling at her work.


Harry, Hermione, Ron and Robyn were walking to class together. They were again talking about the D.A.

"Now all we have to do is find a place to practice." Ron mused in a hushed voice, wary of the large amount of students rushing past them.

"It has to be some place where no one will find us. And it's got to be wide open, so that -"

Harry stopped Hermione going off on a tangent by coming to a curt stop, causing the other three to follow pursuit.

"No." Harry muttered as his eyes read over what was on the wall, a wave of disbelief and anger washing over him as he pondered it.

A giant parchment poster had been hung on the wall. A few students were also stood by, reading it while gossiping.

"'Education Decree number twenty-four. All student organizations, societies, teams, groups, and clubs are henceforth disbanded . . . None may exist without the knowledge and approval of the High Inquisitor.'" Robyn read aloud, her voice becoming more and more laced with disbelief as she read each word. "How does she know?" She added angrily, spinning around to face the others.

Umbridge was really treading on thin ice when it came to Robyn's patience.

"Someone ratted us out!" Ron hissed, his voice harsh but still quiet.

"No, they couldn't have. I hexed the parchment and everyone signed it. We'd know who'd ratted us if they did. She somehow knows, though. What do we do?" Hermione said, turning to Harry as he was really the only one who could say their next step as he was the one teaching after all.

Harry stared blankly at the parchment as if he were staring at the ugly pink Professor himself.

The fury in his eyes were evident as his jaw clenched and unclenched, only making his jawline even more defined, if possible. "We do it anyway." Harry declared, his voice dangerously low.

(Hey, so try not to judge too harshly. I wrote this at like one o'clock in the morning. This is where my more spontaneous work comes into play, from late night writing. Anyway, hope you like. Until next time.)

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