Chapter Nineteen

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Robyn managed to slip away from Ron and Hermione and she smiled smugly to herself that night as she lay in bed as she managed to avoid the conversation. She knew she would have to talk about it eventually. She knew she would have to tell Harry. But for some reason she was scared.

Maybe it was because when she looked back on the conversation she had with Hermione and Ron that she finally realised she did admit that she loved Harry. Maybe it was because of the fact that she actually did love Harry and didn't know what to do with herself? Maybe it was because she knew she would have to talk to Harry herself... Alone. Only him and her. Her stomach did a summersault as Robyn rolled over in bed making her feel both extremely sick and nervous.

Hermione entered the girls dorm and with one look at Robyn's bed, rolled her eyes, amused. She knew she would talk to Robyn tomorrow.

In the boys dorm it wasn't so quiet and tranquil. In the early hours of that morning, Harry began to thrash around in his bed, back and forth. He was having yet another nightmare. He had them each night yet somehow they never got less terrifying.

Through the flashes of green, a black door emerged in Harry's nightmare. Harry eyes scrunched up and his breathing hitched. Harry began to mumble incoherent words as he began to travel closer to the door in his dream. He knew that door from was always the same black door but yet he still couldn't put his finger on where he saw it before.

Ron rolled over in bed grumbling, at first it looked liked Harry had disturbed him but he just yawned and his steady breathing and snores retured.

Harry gasped as he awoke, sitting upright and begging for air, his chest heaving up and down unnaturally fast. Cold sweat covered every inch of him. He was drenched in it. Through Harry's panicking, he managed to reach a shaking hand up to touch his scar. He winced at the contact.

Harry took several deep breaths, reminding himself he was safe and now in the real world. He ignored the burning pain in his scar, and slowly began to calm down.

"So sorry, sir!" A quivering voice squeaked out from the darkness.

Harry reached out for his bedside table and grabbed his circular glasses, putting them on his sweaty face and turning to the side, only then noticing a small House-Elf with bat like ears and big green doe eyes.

"Dobby? What're doing here?" Harry whisper-yelled, surprise evident on his face although his breathing was still uneven.

Dobby looked sheepish as he wrung his slender hands together. "Dobby came to wish Harry Potter a happy Christmas."

Dobby looked at Harry with those big green eyes and Harry melted. Dobby only ever wanted the best for Harry and it warmed Harry's heart more than Dobby knew.

Harry shook his head, feeling a genuine smile sliding on to his face though his cheeks reddened slightly and he felt slightly awkward. "Oh . . . Well, thank you Dobby. But Christmas isn't for another three weeks." Harry pointed out.

Dobby nodded and Harry watched as Dobby's ear twitched as one of the boys let out a mumble in their sleep. "Dobby knows, but he won't be here when Christmas comes for Harry Potter. So Dobby has brought Harry Potter a present now, you see."

Dobby climbed on to Harry's bed and pulled out a poorly wrapped present.

Harry smiled again. "Dobby, you shouldn't have."

"Oh, but Dobby wanted to, sir." Dobby said as he looked at Harry with an expectant gaze.

"I got you something too." Harry lied. In all honesty, Harry was going to get Dobby something but with it being three weeks before Christmas he was going to get the House-Elf something closer the time. But now, feeling guilty, Harry lied. 

"Harry Potter has gotten Dobby a . . . present." Dobby's lip trembled.

Harry climbed out of bed and walked over to his trunk to which he opened. At this point, Dobby was full on sobbing and Harry gently hushed him.

"Harry Potter is too great a friend to Dobby. Dobby is not worthy to have such a friend." Dobby wailed between sobs.

"Sorry it isn't wrapped." Harry said as he pulled out the only pair of un-worn socks he had. They were long and orange and Dobby took them as if they were pure gold. Harry smiled at the sight.

"A sock? They are Dobby's favorite! Dobby has several already, he buys them with his wages, sir. Thank you so much, Harry Potter."

Harry climbed back into bed, the effects of his nightmare gone now. He grabbed the present Dobby had gotten him and unwrapped it. Harry pulled out a pair of new socks. The green eyed boy looked up to see Dobby's ear to ear smile and Harry couldn't help but mirror it.

Harry wasn't having the best time at the moment and this made his world seem light again.

"I love 'em, Dobby." Warmth and happiness was glowing in Harry's eyes.

"Oh, Dobby wishes only for the happiness of Harry Potter. If there is anything Dobby can do, good sir, name it and it will be done."

"Thanks, Dobby. But right now I've got to find a place where I can teach twenty-eight people without anyone knowing. Especially Umbridge."

At Harry's confession, Dobby's eyes lit up. "Harry Potter seeks the Room of Requirements." Dobby's voice dropped to a whisper much like it always did when he was saying something he shouldn't.

Confusion took over Harry's features. "What?"

"The Room of Requirements. A magic room, Harry Potter. But it can only be entered if you truly need it and it gives whatever you require at the time." Dobby explained.

"Dobby, are you serious?" Harry grinned, leaning closer to the House-Elf, his interest peaked.

Dobby looked back at Harry in excitement. "Oh yes! Very few know of it, and those that do don't understand and never find it again. For they do not require anything the room can give."

"It sounds brilliant. Do you know where it is?" Harry asked, his excitement growing and feeling like all his prayers had been answered.


Morning came quickly after Dobby had disappeared back to the kitchens and Harry found himself falling asleep in no time.

Harry had immediately told Robyn, Hermione and Ron about Dobby's little visit and they had instantly decided to go and check out this Room of Requirements after their classes.

And as Robyn sat down for breakfast, thinking Hermione had forgotten about the whole conversation they needed to have, the Granger girl sent her a look that made Robyn want to hit her head off the table repeatedly. Hermione had not forgotten after all.

After breakfast, Hermione pulled Robyn away after promising she would fill Ron in later which made Robyn roll her eyes but she did not protest.

Ron had stayed with Harry to not make anything look too suspicious.

"So..." Robyn trailed, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet.

Hermione raised an eyebrow at the brunette, wanting Robyn to elaborate.

Robyn sighed. "What do you want me to say, Hermione?"

"That you admit it!"

Robyn felt a sudden heat rush to her cheeks, causing Hermione to squeal in delight. "It's true, isn't it?"

"Yes but what good does it do me?" Robyn's eyes wandered to the floor. Loving Harry had only ever really caused her pain.

"Me and Ron have tried to talk to him but he won't listen." Hermione said, her face dropping of the excitement it held moments before.

Robyn felt a humourless chuckle leave her lips. "He's always been a stubborn one. I just don't understand why he won't listen."

This time it was Hermione's turn to laugh. "Because he's a boy. Because he's stupid. Because he's trying to hide the growing feelings he has for you."

Robyn felt her throat hitch after Hermione's words hit her ears. "What? - What did you just say?"

"Robyn, Harry admitted to Ron and I that he hasn't felt anything for Cho for some while..."

"So, what does that have anything to do with me?" Robyn asked, though a flutter of excitement ran through her body at the news.

Before anything else could be said, Harry came walking up with an apologetic looking Ron trailing behind.

Robyn sent an urgent look towards Ron but Weasley was quick to catch on and shook his head. Harry didn't hear anything. Robyn sighed in relief.

"Are you two done? We've got to get to Potions."

Hermione smiled but sent a burning look to Ron who just shrugged. "Yeah, let's go..."


Following Dobby's advice, the four managed to find the Room Of Requirements. As they pushed the door open, they all gasped.

Harry walked in, his Invisibility cloak and the Marauders map in his hands. The large wooden doors shut behind them.

The room had a high ceiling and the floor space was massive. Harry grinned to himself. This was perfect. The walls were lined with books which got Hermione excited. She rushed over and began grabbing books.

"Harry look at these books. The Dark Arts Outsmarted. . .Self-defensive Spell Work. It's perfect!" Hermione squealed, equally as excited.

Robyn roamed to the centre of the room and spun around. "It's brilliant. This is going to be so good."

Weeks flew by in a blur and soon the Room of Requirements was full of students dueling one another. Harry stood at the front, watching them and smiling proudly. Things were beginning to look up after all...

(Hey, so I have a two week holiday and I'm going to update as much as possible because when I go back to school i have no idea how often I will be able to write because my exams are just over a month away and I mean they are the big ones. They will determine my future. On the contrary, I am absolutely shitting myself. Anyway, hope you enjoy. Until next time...)

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