Chapter Twenty

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The D.A. was assembled again. Everyone was paired together and they were all going through the Disarming Charm, Expelliarmus, as Harry deemed it an important one to know as it had gotten him out of many tricky situations.

Neville was trembling, he looked scared but Harry looked back at him reassuringly.

"Neville, trust yourself. C'mon, you can do this." Harry coaxed, knowing Neville's biggest downfall was his lack of confidence. Harry meant every word he said though.

"No, I can't, Harry. Really."

"Yes, you can. Just speak clearly. Don't think about stuttering, don't think about anything else. All I want you to think about is what you're about to do. Look, if you do it; great, but if you don't, no big deal. We'll try again until you get it, okay? Ready?" Harry's voice echoed around the Room of Requirements and everyone stopped what they were doing to turn and see if Neville could finally master this spell.

Neville nodded but didn't at all look ready.

Robyn couldn't help but stare at Harry. He was good at teaching. Everyone in the room had been able to perfect the little flaws in their wand work since Harry had began to teach them.

"Alright . . . go!" Harry stood ready.

A moment went by where Neville took a deep breath. "Expelliarmus!" He exclaimed.

Suddenly Harry's wand flew out of his grasp and on to the highest bookshelf. Everyone forgot how to breath for a moment as they all stared at Neville in awe.

Neville rushed towards a grinning Harry. "I-I did it." Neville muttered in shock, turning to the place where Harry's wand had landed. "I actually did it."

Harry's grin was still stretched on to his face and a warm proudness had overcome him, making him feel all giddy and happy. "You did. You disarmed me, Neville." Harry praised but the boy did not expect anything less to happen.

A moment passed. "Okay, now go get my wand back." Harry said.

Neville's smile dropped as he looked up at Harry. Harry patted Neville on the back and walked off to go and help another struggling fellow student.


After the session ended, the room was almost empty with the addition of Harry, Ron, Hermione, Robyn, Cho and her friend.

Not a surprising situation occurred where Ron and Hermione were bickering, so everyone left them to it.

"Hermione, I disarmed you way more." Ron argued, his ears turning a pink-ish colour.

Hermione was quick to respond. "Ron, you got me once. I got you at least six times more." Granger turned to Harry. "Harry, that was really, really good."

"It was, mate. Did you see me disarm Hermione?"

Robyn rolled her eyes at Ron but giggled under her breath.

"Once!" Hermione exclaimed, glaring daggers at the red head.

Hermione and Ron headed for the door, Ron opening his mouth to say something when Hermione stopped him when she's saw what was about to happen. She pushed Ron out the door and gently took Robyn's hand, sending her a sympathetic smile.

Robyn looked back at the room confused until she realised it was only Harry and Cho left. Alone.

Her heart gave a slow ache that made her want to scream in agony. Instead the brunette put on a brave face and smiled. "We'll see you back in the common room." She said to Harry.

"Okay . . ." Harry trailed, confused.

Once Robyn shut the door, she felt her hands begin to shake. She turned to Hermione slowly. "You were wrong."


"Clearly he still has feelings for her otherwise -..." A lump had formed in Robyn's throat and she couldn't get anymore words out. Tears stung her eyes as her heart gave another ache, paralysing her body with pain.

Instead of staying to let Ron and Hermione see her breakdown, Robyn left, running down the corridor as a sob escaped her lips.

"Robyn - wait!" Hermione yelled after her but it was too late.

Ron put a hand on her shoulder. "They will come together soon. Don't worry, they will both see sense."

Hermione sighed and ran a hand through her bushy hair. "I hope so. I'm so sick of seeing them in pain and not being able to do anything..."

Back in the Room of Requirements, Harry turned around, only to see it was only him and Cho left in the room.

He swallowed, a wave of nervousness taking over him.

"Harry, that was a really good lesson. I've never been able to disarm before." Cho said, her voice high but soft to Harry's ears. She turned and walked to the back wall where she stared at the picture of Cedric and the old Order.

"Thanks." Harry muttered, slowly walking over to the girl. He didn't like where this conversation looked like it was heading. He didn't want to talk about it...About what happened.

"You know . . . learning all this, just kinda makes me wonder . . . if he'd known it, would he of still . . ."

Harry sighed. Cho turned, in tears, as she tried to hide them from Harry.

"Cedric did know, Cho. He was good too. But this is still no match for Voldemort." Harry admitted, choosing his words carefully for the sake of not only Cho but himself too.

"But you survived . . ." Cho sniffled, wiping her eyes.

"I got lucky." Harry shrugged, turning to stare intently at the picture of the old Order. Of his parents.

"But you survived when you were just a baby."

"Yeah, but that had nothing to do with skill or knowing anything. I don't know how that happened."

Cho sniffled again, turning to face Harry. "I'm sorry, 'bout this. Talking about Cedric . . . You probably don't want to be reminded."

Harry wanted to say she was right, that he didn't want to talk about it but looking at her tear stained face he couldn't find the words. "No, it's okay."

Cho looked up above them and lightly smiled. "Mistletoe."

Harry looked up and sure enough Mistletoe was growing just above their heads. Surprise flashed across Harry's features and his stomach turned. "That wasn't there before . . . how'd-"

Cho's voice was just a whisper as she stared at Harry. "I suppose one of us had a requirement, and the room provided." She moved closer to Harry. "I really like you Harry."

Harry gulped, his cheeks turning a dark red. "Well, I like you too."

Cho took yet another step closer and soon they were nose to nose.

Harry gulped again. This was wrong. This felt all wrong.

Cho turned her face ever so slightly to the side and began to lean in...

Harry put his hand out to stop her from getting any closer. "I'm sorry...I can't-"

Cho's face tinged red and tears sprung to her eyes again. The only thing that was stopping her from flipping out was the sincereness in his voice and the fact he was a great friend.

Cho let out a humourless laugh as the tears ran down her face. "It's okay. I was kind of expecting it. You look at her the way you used to look at me. But with more passion..."

With that Cho ran out of the room and Harry was left feeling guilty and like an absolute jerk...

(Aye, another chapter. They didn't kiss! I repeat they did NOT kiss. You know what that means, don't you ;) The moment that you have all been waiting for and is long overdue is coming soon. Whoo! Anyway, hope you like. Until next time)

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