Chapter One

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(A/N So this is a pre-warning that the story might not be spot on to the movies or books. Normally, I watch the movies to write the books or I look for the movie script online but I couldn't find a perfect one following the movie or book and I haven't got time to keep going back to the books or re-watch the movie over and over, so I managed to find a script but like I said it's not spot on, so you'll have to forgive me. I hope you all understand. Anyways let's get on with the story. Hope you enjoy!)

Robyn lay on her bed without her blanket covering her, sleeping. A heatwave had hit the country leaving everyone hot and bothered. Robyn, who much preferred the cold English weather, was sleeping because the hot weather left her constantly drowsy and tired, not to mention covered in a layer of sweat all the time.

A fan lay on her bedside table, blowing cool air along her body but it did nothing to cool her down as she twisted and turned in bed.

"Cedric. No." The words left her mouth as her face scrunched up in pain. The end of her fourth year at Hogwarts haunted her. If only she wasn't an idiot and decided to run into the maze after Harry. If only she didn't grab the Tri-Wizard Cup that turned out to be a Portkey and transported them right into Riddle's grasp. If she didn't do any of that, she wouldn't be suffering the affect of seeing a fellow Hufflepuff by the name of Cedric Diggory die in the hands of a cold hearted psychopath.

Robyn's eyes moved furiously under her eyelids and her body twitched and turned, unwanted memories replaying in her mind so clearly she swore it was real.

Voldemort's raspy voice echoed in her head, making her shiver with fear and Harry's cries haunted her, bringing a tear to roll down her cheek. She wanted to see him, Hermione and Ron so badly but they still had a few weeks left before the 1st of September would come around so they could go to Hogwarts.

Ebony Thompson, Robyn's mother, crept upstairs, the floorboards creaking underneath her feet making her wince. She knew her daughter was sleeping and she was already on her way to wake her but she wanted to do it nicely, not scare her to death with the noises of the decaying house.

Ebony was worried about Robyn, everyone could see that. The poor girl hardly slept anymore and when she did she woke the whole neighbourhood with her screaming and hysterical crying. It worried the whole Thompson family to no end.

They, of course, knew everything that had happened as they were all Ministry employees and they didn't blame Harry for it like people expected them to.

In fact, they all felt truly sorry for the raven haired boy. Parentless and chucked into a world he knew nothing about while being famous for defeating an evil Wizard he also knew nothing about must have been really hard for the boy and the Thompson family were some of the few who were on his side and believed him about Voldemort being at large. They, of course, could never admit that as they didn't want to lose their job but if Robyn and Harry knew they were on his side then that was okay.

Ebony entered Robyn's room and tried to hide her tears of worry for her daughter as she saw, once again, that Robyn was having another nightmare and was crying for this Cedric boy.

Ebony tiptoed over to her daughter and rested her ageing hand on her upper arm and shook Robyn awake. Robyn jumped up with a start and looked around frantically. Once she knew she was safe, she rested her eyes on her mother.

"Mom? What's wrong?" Robyn asked, seeing as her mother looked extremely distraught and worried.

"It's Harry, honey. He's been attacked..."


(Earlier that day)

Harry swung on a broken swing in the local park by Privet Drive. A warm breeze ruffled his hair as he watched the other children play with their parents. How he yearned for that. It ate him alive how much he actually wanted it. To be loved like that.

If Harry wasn't watching the children play, he would've noticed Mrs Figgs watching him from her window.

Mrs Figgs was a nice old lady that used to babysit Harry when he was younger when the Dursley's would go off to do something fun.

Harry did like Mrs Figgs, she was the very few to treat and look after him properly but he hated that her house smelt and he hated it even more when he had to learn about her cats that she would tell the same old stories about.

He used to think that if he wanted to he would be able to write an autobiography on all of Mrs Figgs cats as she never shut up about them.

Suddenly, Harry heard harsh laughter and turned his head to see Dudley Dursley and his gang of goons that Harry didn't care to learn the names of. They were all bullies in his eyes.

Dudley and his gang walked straight past Harry as if he didn't exist. They carried on laughing obnoxiously loud while telling crude jokes. Harry's face scrunched up. Could they be anymore disgusting?

Harry began to piece together what their conversation was about and his stomach turned in disgust as he found out they had once again been hurting younger and more vulnerable kids.

"Did you see him start crying?" Piers laughed, Harry remembering him from when he went to the zoo for Dudley's birthday when Harry was ten, about to turn eleven.

"Yeah, Big D really put the fright in him, didn't 'ya?" Another one of Dudley's idiotic friends laughed.

Harry got up off the broken swing and followed them, hoping they weren't going to find a new victim to beat up.

"Yeah. Same time tomorrow?" Dudley suggested.

"My place, my parents won't be home. Later, D."

Harry was thankful when the group split up and he followed Dudley down a back alley that led to Privet Drive.

"What's going on, Big D?"

Dudley turned around, startled but his face went blank when he saw the lanky figure of his hated cousin, Harry stinking Potter. "Oh, it's you."

"Cool name, Big D. I liked 'Dinky Diddydums' better though." Harry grinned as anger flashed through Dudley's fat features.

Harry liked picking on Dudley. It was pay back for all the years of torture he had to endure in the pigs presence. Not to mention he deserved it for being an unfair bully.

"Shut up!" Dudley bellowed, his chubby hands clenching at his sides. This sight amused Harry even more and sent a rush of adrenaline down his spine.

"What, you don't tell the wild bunch back there what your mum calls you? Or do they just take you as a pig that learned how to walk and talk?" Harry taunted, liking the fact that Dudley was getting more and more angry with every passing second.

"You just think you're all big with that thing in your pocket?" Dudley hissed, hinting to Harry's wand while turning purple in the face reminding Harry of Vernon.

"Oh what? This?" Harry said innocently while pulling out his wand with a smirk. His smirk grew when he saw Dudley shudder.

"You're not allowed! They'll kick you out of that freak school of yours." Dudley insisted, his voice lacking its usual confidence.

"How do you know they haven't changed the rules?" Harry continued to tease Dudley, enjoying every moment of it.

Dudley looked unsure. "They haven't . . . I'll tell Dad!"

"Oh, run to daddy, Diddykins." Harry laughed with a raised eyebrow and cocky grin.

Suddenly, Dudley stopped shaking and his usual arrogance appeared back in his stature as if he figured out what to say next to really rattle Harry's bones.

"Not so brave at night, are you? Always crying for mommy and daddy." Harry's smirk faltered and a flash of red took over his vision momentarily.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Harry demanded, raising his wand slightly.

"'Oh, please don't kill Cedric. Please.' So who's Cedric, your boyfriend?" The positions seemed to have changed abruptly. Harry was the one to once again get teased. He could never win.

Suddenly, the summer breeze picked up harshly, ruffling their hair and rippling through their clothes. The sky grew darker and a sheet of clouds covered it. It seemed to get colder.

"Shut up!" Harry barked, his green eyes darkening menacingly while his jaw clenched.

"'Please, save me Dad.'"

Something in Harry snapped. "SHUT UP!"

Harry pointed his wand at Dudley's neck while breathing heavily. Dudley stood rigid.

The air became colder and their breaths were visible in the frigid air. Harry finally became aware of it. So did Dudley.

"What are you doing?" Dudley stuttered, no longer able to keep his fear in.

Harry glanced around, confused. "I'm not doing this." He said honestly.

"Stop it! I'm gonna tell Dad." Dudley whined.

Harry ignored him as he continued to look around. Something about the crisp cold air stirred something inside of him. Fear perhaps? Harry noticed everything seemed much more sad and depressing and then it clicked in his brain. Fear coursed through him. "It's impossible. Not here."

"Stop it! Stop it!" Dudley yelled, frightened.

"Shut up, Dudley, they'll hear." Harry hissed, hinting to the soulless creatures that haunted his third year.

Harry turned his back briefly to look for the cloaked figures when suddenly Dudley punched Harry in the back, the force sending Harry falling to the floor.

Harry grumbled under his breath as he picked himself up. He didn't understand why the Dementors would be here. Why, when there were Muggles everywhere?

Dudley began to run away.

It was then when Harry noticed the Dementor soaring towards them and Dudley running straight at it. "Dudley, no! You're running right at it."

Dudley stopped but not because Harry had told him too. No, because the Dementor had got to him. Dudley shivered and fell backwards on to the cold concrete street. He couldn't see the Dementor but Harry certainly could and he knew it was a matter of seconds before it would preform the Dementors kiss.

Harry shoved back his fear and raised his wand.

"KEEP YOUR MOUTH CLOSED!" Harry yelled over to his chubby cousin, seeing as his mouth was opening due to the Dementor sucking out his soul.

Harry ran over to Dudley and froze. A second Dementor appeared, much larger than the one Dudley was dealing with.

The Dementor backed Harry into a wall. He had nowhere to go. Harry raised his wand and shut his eyes, forcing himself to think of a happy memory. Harry knew he had to be quick as the white mist appeared in his head making it hard to think and the whistling of his late mothers screams rang in his ears, warning him it wasn't long before he would pass out.

Harry stood taller as he thought of his parents once again.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" He roared and opened his eyes just in time to see the end of his wand burst with light and a majestic stag appear, making Harry feel instantly warmer inside.

The stag charged for the Dementor and it fled in seconds. But the one still hovered over Dudley's motionless body, sucking his very soul out.

"There!" Harry commanded the stag and watched as it turned and galloped towards Dudley, making that Dementor flee too. Harry sighed in relief as he saw Dudley's breathing slow down a little. Harry felt exhausted. Both mentally and physically.

The stag dissappeared and Harry walked up to Dudley, helping him up and beginning their walk back to number four Privet Drive.

Harry dreaded what Vernon and Petunia would say after they saw their precious Diddykins.

(Hope you like.)

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