Chapter Two

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Everyone knew the Dursley's were proud to be perfectly normal and if anything strange or abnormal happened then they would go berserk and do everything in their power to keep it a secret.

Ever since Lily and James had Harry Potter, Petunia knew he would be just as abnormal as her sister and brother-in-law.

She did everything in her power to ignore the fact that magic existed and that her sister and newly born son were wizards, so she cut off all contact with them and pretended they never existed.

Due to this, Harry hated the very thought of the Dursley's knowing about the Dementor attack. They would be sure to blame him and punish him in some way. But he also knew he couldn't hold the weight of Dudley much longer so he trudged up to Number Four, Privet Drive and prayed on Merlin that they wouldn't ban him from going back to Hogwarts.

Harry knocked on the door and waited for Vernon or Petunia to answer and freak out.

After a few minutes of Harry shifting from one foot to another while staggering under Dudley's weight, Petunia finally opened the door. Petunia's first reaction was to scream and that's exactly what she did, making Harry sigh in annoyance at the over dramatic reaction and the fact that he was still holding Dudley.

Hearing his wife's shrill scream, Vernon rushed to the door and let out a kind of strangled cry while glaring daggers at Harry who just looked blankly back, quite used to the behaviour of the two.

Finally, Vernon grabbed Dudley relieving Harry of the weight.

Uncle Vernon took Dudley to the living room with Petunia scurrying after while freaking out and having a breakdown.

Harry sighed again and let himself in the house while shutting the door behind him.

Dudley began to show signs of life again which Vernon took this chance to get answers.

"What happened, son, what happened? Did Mrs. Polkiss give you something foreign for tea?"

Harry rolled his eyes at his uncle. Oh how he couldn't wait to go back to Hogwarts.

"Vernon, call the police, he's been mugged." Petunia said after calming down from sobbing.

"Who did this to you, son? I'll get them, don't worry. Give me a name?" Vernon said while giving his son a gentle shake.

"Please, talk to Mummy?" Petunia begged, a fresh set of tears falling.

Harry stumbled up to the couch and practically collapsed on to it, still breathing heavily.

Dudley raised his shaking hand and pointed at Harry. "It was him!"

Vernon turned and glared at Harry, his face turning purple. "Boy, what have you done to my son?"

"It wasn't me!" Harry defended himself.

"I swear, I'll have your neck if you don't tell me what you've done." Vernon hissed, getting closer to Harry.

Harry jumped up from the couch and glared at Vernon, anger bubbling through his veins. "I swear, it wasn't me." He exclaimed.

"Vernon, he's ice cold, we have to get him to the hospital." Petunia fretted, her boney hand resting on Dudley's forehead.

Harry wanted to hit his head against the wall repeatedly. Why couldn't they listen?

"No, here," Harry said rather forcefully while pulling out a chocolate frog from his pocket. "Eat this." He placed the chocolate frog in Dudley's hand.

"Poisoning my son, boy!" Vernon raged, going to hit Harry.

"It was not me! It was a Dementor!" Harry yelled, ready to pull out his wand.

Without warning, an owl swooped in from the fireplace and dropped a letter in front of Harry. Confused, Harry rushed for it and opened it up.

Harry began to read. "'Mr. Potter. We have received intelligence that you performed the Patronus Charm in the full presence of Muggles. We regret to inform you of your expulsion from Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry . . ."

Harry's eyes went wide and his mind clouded with disbelief. He continued to read. "'A Ministry representative will be calling shortly to destroy your wand . . .'"

"No . . ." Harry gasped, horrified. All he did was save himself and Dudley's life and now he had to pay the unfair price.

The letter slipped from Harry's fingers as he stared blankly at nothingness. The Ministry were being unfair, they didn't even know what happened.

Harry's eyes drifted over to Dudley after a couple of minutes of silence. He had eaten the chocolate frog and seemed practically back to normal. Harry fell back on to the couch, his eyes wide. He couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe any of it.

"What did you do?" Vernon said suspiciously though the harsh tone wasn't in his voice any more.

"They've expelled me, for saving us . . ." Harry gulped, sadness engulfing him. He wouldn't be able to see Hermione, Ron or Robyn again. Nor Hagrid, Dumbledore, McGonagall, no one.


"They expelled me from my school, because I fought off the Dementors with magic." Harry explained, his voice still laced with disbelief.

"So you admit it, boy!" Vernon turned to Dudley once again. "What happen, son?"

"It was . . . In my head . . . felt -"

"- like you'd never be happy again." Harry finished, and although he hated Dudley, he couldn't help but sympathise him.

"Yes." Dudley nodded, a slight shake in his voice.

"The Dementors. The guards of Azkaban." Harry explained once again after seeing Vernon's confused face.

"The wizard prison?" Petunia asked.

Harry began to nod when his features were overcome with shock. "How did you know that?"

"Who cares, what the hell were they doing to my son?" Vernon demanded.

Harry sighed. He couldn't exactly lie. "Sucking his soul out."

Everyone went quiet for a moment and Harry hated it. It made him feel like he would go insane.

"And what were these, thing-a-ma-gigs doing in Little Whinging?" Vernon asked. He couldn't wait till he got rid of Harry. He was trouble the moment Vernon laid eyes on him.

"He must of sent them after me. He has control of Azkaban now, then."

"Who, boy?"

"Lord Voldemort." Harry spat, though his stomach churned in fear at the thought of him being back.

"Lord Vold-what? Wait, I've heard that name before . . . he was -"

"The one who murdered my parents." Harry muttered, a wave of sadness engulfing him again.

"But he's gone." Petunia said, a hint of nervousness in her voice.

Harry didn't question how Petunia knew all this. He was too tired. "He's come back. For me."

"And now he's sending dismembers after you?"

Harry didn't bother to correct Vernon. "Yeah."

"Well, that does it: GET OUT!" Vernon suddenly bellowed, his face returning to its usual purple colour.

"What?" Harry questioned, taken aback.

"I didn't stutter, boy. It was a mistake to ever take you in. You get out of my house! And don't you ever come back!" Vernon spat, advancing on the raven haired boy.

Harry looked hard at his uncle, his anger boiling and threatening to spill.

"Fine!" Harry shouted.

Just as he got up, another owl flew through the fireplace and dropped a red letter on the floor.

"Bloody owls! Take them with you, boy!"

"Vernon . . ." Petunia's voice quivered. "Vernon! This letter is addressed to me."

"What?" Vernon turned to his wife, dumbfounded. Harry felt exhausted, he had had one hell of a day.

Harry stared at the letter. "It's a Howler." Harry stated, remembering what it looked like from when Ron received one in his second year at Hogwarts.

Petunia picked up the letter and with trembling hands, opened it. The letter jumped to life. A voice thundered from it. "REMEMBER MY LAST, PETUNIA!"

Petunia cried out in shock as her hands shook.

"P-Petunia? Dear?" Vernon questioned cautiously.

"The boy stays." Petunia said sternly. Harry looked at her in shock just as the others did.


"You, up to your room. Now!" Petunia ordered to Harry, still shaken up.

"Who sent the Howler to you?" Harry asked, not able to keep his curiostity in.

"You heard your aunt! Upstairs, now!"

Harry sighed before he trudged upstairs to his small bedroom.

He slammed his door open, not even flinching when it hit his wardrobe with force.

Harry only calmed down when he heard a squawk off his snowy owl, Hedwig.

He then noticed a letter tied to one of her talons. Harry walked over and untied the letter while Hedwig nibbled at his hand affectionately.

Harry, for the second time that day, opened the letter.

It was then when he heard the voice of the writer; "Harry, Dumbledore has arrived. Do not leave your aunt's house and do not surrender your wand. And for God's sake do not use anymore magic. Arthur Weasley."

Harry dropped the letter, once again confused and furious. When was he going to get answers?

There was nothing he could do so he sat slouched on his single bed and tried to make sense of his thoughts. What a dangerous thing to do...


Harry was asleep. His aunt and uncle had taken Dudley to the hospital, making Harry believe they were even more stupid than he originally thought.

Harry was awoken from his nightmare by the unmistakable sound of glass breaking. Harry jumped up from his bed, his hair looking messier than normal, even for his standards.

Harry eyed the door, weighing out his decisions, when he heard heavy footsteps. Harry poised his wand, and made his back straighter and held his head higher. Whatever it was, he was ready to fight it. Even if his heart was pumping in his chest loudly and fear coursed through his veins.

Seconds later the doorknob began to turn slowly.

Harry narrowed his eyes, trying to improve his sight as it was night and practically pitch black in his room. Suddenly, the door was knocked open causing Harry to blink in shock.

Shadowy figures stood in the hall but it was impossible to know who they were

"Who are you?" Harry asked, his tone defensive as he raised his wand higher.

The closest figure entered the room and the moonlight was just enough to make out their features.

"Professor Lupin!" Harry exclaimed, his heart swelling with happiness.

Lupin smiled widely. "It's not Professor anymore, Harry. It's good to see you."

Harry hesitated for a moment before he launched forward and wrapped his arms around his old but favourite Professor. Lupin smiled as he returned the hug.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked as the two parted from the embrace.

"Take a guess."

Harry's smile widened.

"Let's go, Harry. We haven't much time."

The group walked to the kitchen, getting ready to leave for wherever. Harry only recognised Remus and Mad-Eye Moody - the real one. The other two were complete strangers.

"Harry, this is Alastor Moody." Lupin said, pointing to the man that looked like he had been sculpted by a person who had no idea what a human looked like.

"I know him." Harry nodded in recognition while looking at his old Professor.

"Don't confuse me with that punk who posed as me, Potter."

Lupin, ignoring Moody's statement, continued to introduce people. "This is Nymphadora." He smiled, gesturing to a young girl with short bubble-gum pink hair. She was the only women in the group. Harry smiled lightly at her when she waved.

Suddenly, it seemed that it dawned on her what Remus had said. "Lupin, you're asking for it." She growled, her hair turning a bright red. Harry's eyes widened.

"She prefers Tonks." Harry nodded at Lupin's words and reminded himself never to get on her bad side.

"You would too if your mother named you Nymphadora." Tonks countered. Her hair eventually turned back to it's eccentric pink.

Lupin then pointed to a tall dark-skinned wizard. "And this is Kingsley Shacklebolt."

"Pleasure." Harry smiled, talking to all of them.

"If you're done with gettin' acquainted, I'd like to get a move on before the Death Eaters find out we're here." Moody huffed gruffly while walking towards the front door, his wooden leg hitting against the tiled floor.

"Quite right." Lupin agreed, turning to Kingsley. "Kingsley, his trunk is up stairs."

Kingsley nodded and walked away. Harry was about to protest, saying he could get his own trunk when he thought better of it. Besides, Kingsley was probably already up there.

"Are we in danger?" Harry asked, turning to Lupin, remembering Mad-Eye had mentioned Death Eaters.

"Don't let stumpy-leg here scare ya, Harry. He always thinks somethin's 'bout to jump out the bushes and hex 'im. He gets a little paranoid." Tonks said, winking at Harry with a teasing smile on her face.

"It's not paranoia, it's experience." Moody countered, angrily.

"I think that magic eyes affected your brain for too long, Lazy-Eye."

Harry smiled, holding back a laugh while Lupin rolled his eyes, a ghost of a smile on his ageing face.

Once Kingsley walked back into the kitchen with Harry's trunk, they all exited for the front yard.

Kingsley went straight to tying Harry's trunk to the back of his broom and then re-entered the house.

Harry's eyes widened. There were five more witches and wizards, holding brooms, waiting for him.

"Is this . . . all for me?" Harry questioned, but none-the-less, heart warmed.

"Yeah, quite a lot volunteered to come and get ya. If you hadn't noticed you're kinda popular."

Kingsley, yet again, emerged from the house with a broom stick in one hand and Hedwig in the other.

Tonks shook her head and her hair changed from pink to blue. Harry blinked in surprise.

"What do you think? Blue or Pink?" Tonks said, turning to Harry.

"Ah . . . Blue." Harry said, slightly confused and unsure.

"Yeah, you think? Really?"

Harry was about to respond to Tonks when Kingsley called him. "Harry!"

Kingsley tossed Harry his Firebolt and Harry caught it with ease, grinning. He was going to be free from the Dursley's. Though he was still nervous about what was going to happen to him. Was he going to get expelled? What about his wand? Harry hated all the unanswered questions running around his head.

"That everything?" Kingsley asked Harry.

"Yeah, thanks." Harry said, turning to the man and smiling politely.

"Alright, I want close formation. It's a clear night, so I want high and fast. No going into clouds. If one of us is killed, keep flying. And don't break rank." Moody huffed, addressing all the witches and wizards who came to protect Harry.

"He's such an optimist. Don't worry, we'll be fine. You just stick close to me, Harry." Tonks reassured Harry with a light tone. Harry nodded.

"Alright, mount your brooms."

Everyone did as they were told. Harry smiled, he loved flying, it was his favourite thing to do.

Without warning, they all kicked off the ground and soared into the sky. Harry followed after realising what had happened and had no trouble catching up with them as he had a faster broom.

They all traveled to 12 Grimmauld Place, Harry having no idea what the place was of course. If only he knew he was about to meet his Godfather, Sirius Black...

(Boring, boring, boring. I know, i know but I thought it was too important to leave out. Some of you will disagree but thats fine. I am hoping to get another chapter up by Christmas eve but I'm not making any promises. I hope you like, even though it's not my best work. See you)

Also, If I don't see you before Christmas, MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

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