Chapter Three

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Harry stood in front of a row of dingy looking houses. There was a small cobbled square where children were still running round although the sun was setting and night was threatening to swallow the sky in its inky blackness.

His group of protectors stood behind him, all smiling lightly at the utter confusion on the raven haired boys face.

"Where are we?" The green-eyed boy asked, his eyes meeting Remus' as he turned his head slightly.

"Here," Moody pulled out a piece of parchment and handed it to Harry. "Read and memorize."

Harry's eyes scanned the cursive writing and his eyebrows furrowed together. This was not giving him any answers. "What's 'the Order of the-'"

"Shhh, not out here." Moody interjected and with a wave of his wand, the parchment in Harry's hand burst into flames, soon turning into nothing.

Suddenly, the building in front of them began to tremble. Harry stared on, astonished, as a new house began to appear in between number eleven and thirteen. What shocked Harry the most, however, was the fact that the Muggles seemed not to notice the building trembling and just carried on as if nothing was happening.

The group guided Harry inside and Harry stood at the door, looking around curiously. The house was dusty, the wallpaper peeling, the floorboards creaking, cobwebs infesting the house like lines on a map. Harry noticed that the house was dark aswell. He saw no windows, or bright colours apart from the Slytherin green that adorned the walls and the dark chestnut wood that covered the floors.

"Welcome, Harry, to your new home. The headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix." Lupin smiled as he came up behind Harry.

With confusion and frustration still clouding his mind, Harry went to walk deeper into the house to explore and let the others past when Mrs. Weasley suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking his way.

Her plump face crossed with joy upon seeing Harry and she pulled the lanky boy in for a motherly hug. Harry grinned and hugged back. No matter how frustrating his current situation was, seeing his family was always the best feeling to him. He treasured it.

"Harry, thank goodness. I was so worried. Oh, let me look at you. You're looking peaky; you need feeding up." Mrs Weasley examined, her hands resting on each side of his face, while her voice held a disapproving tone.

"I'm fine." Harry smiled, the lie flowing from his lips smoothly.

"Did everything go well, then?" Mrs. Weasley said, turning to the others.

"Not so much as a peep. Bucket-leg here wanted to come from the southwest. Add another hour to the trip." Tonks explained, addressing Mad-Eye.

"Well, the meeting has already started. The others are waiting for the rest of you."

"Harry, upstairs, first door on your right." Mrs. Weasley smiled, ushering Harry upstairs.

"I can't come?"

"Sorry, Harry. Members only, and you're still a bit young." Lupin smiled, sounding almost apologetic.

"Are you sure, I mean I -"

"Oh don't worry, Harry. It's nothing important. Just go up stairs, they'll explain everything." Molly interjected with a tight-lipped smile.


But the others had already disappeared into the mystery meeting room at the end of the dark hall. Harry trudged upstairs, anger bubbling in his veins because he still had no answers.

He walked up to the first door on the right and knocked three times. As he knocked, a rain fall of dust sprinkled from the ceiling, leaving the air thick and heavy.

The door swung open and Harry was immediately crushed into a hug. He recognised this person as Hermione Granger.

"Harry! It's so great to see you." The bushy haired girl exclaimed with a bright smile as she released Harry. "Ron!"

Before Harry could get a word in, Hermione pulled him into the bedroom to which he saw Ron jump off the bed, beaming. He also noticed Robyn, who was smiling brightly, relief in her tired hazel eyes. Harry also observed that her hair had been trimmed slightly and she had also grown taller once again, though Ron and himself were still towering over the girl.

Before anyone could get a word in, Hermione spoke up again. "You must be so furious with us. I'm sorry we couldn't tell you more in our letters, but Dumbledore made us swear not to tell you. We heard everything -"

"Did you really fight off two Dementors -" Ron interjected, curious to find out what really happened.

"Don't worry, Harry they have no case against you. I looked it up. You were defending yourself, they can't expel you!" Hermione fretted.

Robyn smiled in amusement. It seemed Hermione was getting more worked up about it than Harry was.

"Hermione, let him breathe." Robyn laughed. "So how've you been?"

"Have you been attacked?" Harry asked.

Hermione, Ron and Robyn all glanced at eachother.

"What? By Dementors? No. We've been here, with the Order of the Phoenix. We came a week after the end of last term." Ron explained.

Robyn noticed Harry's eyes were getting darker, she could tell he was angry.

"I got here about an hour or two ago, my mom woke me, explaining you had been attacked, so we all came here straight away." Robyn said, trying to keep her voice steady and gentle.

"Why didn't Dumbledore send for me?"

"I suppose he wanted you to stay with the Muggles." Ron said with a shrug, his voice becoming less and less confident and more anxious at what Harry would do. They were all expecting it. They couldn't blame him.

"He had people from the Order tailing you, though."

"Didn't work, though, did it?" Harry countered, his fists balling at his sides.

He knew he shouldn't be taking it out on his three best friends but he couldn't keep it in any longer. It was eating him alive. He felt it in his veins, a brewing storm, ready to rain down on anything and everything.

"See, I knew he'd be mad." Hermione hissed to Ron. Robyn rolled her eyes at this. That wasn't going to fix anything.

"Harry, I'm so sorry. We really wanted to tell you, but -"

"But Dumbledore made you swear, I got it." Harry said, a bit too harshly. Ron and Hermione flinched.

Harry, absentmindedly, walked over to the grime covered window to see Hedwig already there in her cage and hooting softly. Harry put his Firebolt in the corner of the room, only now remembering he had it in his hand.

Robyn admired how the moon reflected off his skin, giving him an unhumanly glow. She also admired that he was struggling with an internal battle and admired how he was fighting to hold back his burning rage.

Hermione and Ron shared yet another knowing look.

"But you're here now, that's what matters." Robyn said, smiling lightly.

That was when she saw his eyes flicker and knew he finally snapped. She stood tall ready to face whatever wrath Harry was holding in while Hermione and Ron took a step back, knowing all to well how Harry can get awfully angry.

"How come you three are allowed to know, but I've got to be kept in the dark about everything?"

"We don't, Mum still won't let us in the meetings. Says -"

Harry intrrupted Ron's cowering, his eyes flashing dangerously while his face held pure anger and menace. It made Robyn shiver but knew he deserved to be angry.

"So what! You're still here, together! I've been stuck in a black hole, completely cut off! I've been hiding in bushes listening to Muggle news, hoping for some shred of news about Voldemort! Everyday I've been looking over my shoulder, expecting to see a Death Eater pop out with a wand pointed at my heart! And all the while I haven't got a clue what's going on! I can save the Sorcerer's stone, get rid of Riddle, and save all your skins from the Dementors, but I can't be trusted to know what's happening with the people who are plotting to kill me!" Harry shouted and once again, Ron and Hermione flinched. Robyn noticed that Harry had also missed out on mentioning last year and her heart broke just that little more.

Robyn turned to Ron to see his mouth ajar and Hermione looked liked she was about to burst into tears.

"Harry, I'm sorry. We wanted to tell you, but -" Hermione sounded almost desperate now. As if she were begging.

"Whatever!" Harry interjected harshly. Robyn didn't know what to say. She didn't know how to make him feel better. So she did what her heart told her. She made her way over to him and wrapped her thin arms around his neck, pressing him into a long needed hug.

"I'm sorry. So, so sorry. About everything." She whispered into his ear and slowing but surely, she felt his tense shoulders relax and he hugged her back. Robyn smiled.

As Robyn pulled away, a popping noise echoed through the room and she turned around only to scream in surprise when she saw Fred and George's tall bodies standing before her.

"Hey, Harry. Thought we heard the ranting of our tragic hero." George grinned. Robyn clutched her chest and glared at the twins before she sat down on the dusty bed.

"You might want to consider anger management." Fred joked, though his voice was deadly serious. Robyn rolled her eyes but grinned none the less.

"Guess who passed their Apparation test?" Ron said to Harry.

"With distinction." Fred added proudly.

Suddenly, the door opened and entered the youngest Weasley. Robyn tensed.

Herself and Ginny still had not spoken and Robyn still had not forgotten about all the glares Ginny had sent her way in her third year. But surprisingly, what caught Robyn off guard, was the fact Ginny had smiled at her. Robyn sat too confused to smile back.

"Hi, Harry. Thought I heard you."

"It was kinda hard to miss, mate." George admitted with something between a cross of a teasing smile and a smirk.

Harry's face turned red and his demeanor turned sheepish. "Sorry. I didn't . . . you know."

"It's alright, I'd be mad too. But you haven't been missing much. They don't tell us anything." Robyn said, speaking for all her friends and trying to be reassuring. Though it was hard.

"Shame too. I really wonder what Snape's been up to." Fred shrugged while leaning against a cracking wall which crumbled slightly more at Fred's weight.

"Wait, Snape's here?"

"Yeah, remember he is on our side." Ron said.

Something in Harry's eyes darkened as if he thought differently. Or knew differently. "Who else is here?" He asked.

"Everyone. McGonagall, Hagrid, pretty much the entire school staff."

"Bill and Charlie are even here."

Harry realised they were missing out on someone. "Where's Percy?"

Everyone shared a knowing look, their expressions darkening.

"What?" Harry questioned, taking notice of the change in atmosphere in the room.

"Well, Percy's being a real git right now." George said, anger taking over him, something Harry didn't think he would see in the normally carefree, mischievous boy.

"He and dad had kind of a falling out. Don't mention it in front of Mum. She still breaks down." Fred explained, looking both upset and angry. The subject seemed to put all the Weasley's on edge.

"What happened?"

"Fudge promoted him. Junior Assistant. Youngest one ever."

Harry's eyebrows knitted together. "So. What's the problem?"

"Well, Dumbledore's name is mud in the Ministry these days. Yours too. They don't want to listen to him, all because of You-Know-Who. They still don't think he's back. Mr. Weasley sided with Dumbledore, Percy with Fudge." Robyn said softly, not sure how everyone will deal with being reminded of the horrible situation.

"Percy takes the Daily Prophet seriously." Hermione said.

"What do you mean?"

"You haven't been reading it, have you?" Hermione said with an eye roll.

"Of course not." Harry replied, thinking back to how the Dursley's would go ballistic if an owl greeted him everyday with a newspaper adorned with moving pictures.

"Dumbledore's name isn't the only one that's gone downhill since you saw... Him come back. They're kind of taking shots at you too." Hermione answered back, hesitantly, her voice still wary.


"They're just trying to discredit you. They just don't want to believe it."

The room filled with silence and Robyn hoped and prayed that it was better at Hogwarts. That people believed not only Harry but Dumbledore aswell. After all, she too saw it with her own eyes that Voldemort was back and more powerful than ever.


It was later in the evening now. About six or seven o'clock. Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny and Robyn were walking down to the kitchen as Molly had called them down for dinner not too long ago.

"You don't have to worry, eventually You-Know-Who is going to have to reveal himself, and everyone will know you were telling the truth." Hermione said, reassuring Harry but Robyn didn't miss the fear in her voice at the thought of Voldemort revealing himself.

"Yeah, they'll be begging for forgiveness then -" Ron was saying just as they walked past an old picture that was normally covered by a red moth-eaten curtain.

It burst to life as they walked past.

"Filthy Mudblood! How dare you befoul the house of Black with your -" the old woman screeched so loud, Robyn was surprised it didn't crumble the whole house down. Hermione groaned.

"- Not again -" Ginny moaned, shooting daggers at the painting while Harry looked highly confused but also annoyed at the hideous painting.

"Do shut up!" Robyn bellowed.

"-filthy Muggle feet walking into my house and-"

Suddenly, Sirius Black appeared, looking a lot more cleaned up than Robyn had ever seen him. He looked a lot younger but was glaring at the painting of his mother with a lot of hatred.

"Give it a rest!" Sirius barked, and shut the curtain to the painting, making Walburga shut up instantly.

"Thank Merlin!" Robyn sighed as her body relaxed. Harry shot her an amused look to which she just stuck her tongue out at him childishly.

Sirius stared at the two of them, seemingly reminiscing on something when he snapped out of it and beamed at all of them.

All but Harry and Sirius left for the dining room, excited to eat but also knowing the other two needed to catch up and talk.

"Hey, Harry. See you met my dear old Mum." Sirius winked.

And for the first time that summer, Harry grinned a genuine grin. Actually feeling happy and warmth in his heart.

He launched forward and hugged his Godfather tightly, the grin not leaving his face. Sirius smiled too and the two stayed in the embrace for a second before pulling apart. This is what Harry needed. Family.

Suddenly, Harry's world didn't seem to be closing in around him. He didn't feel so angry. He didn't feel so scared. He just felt happy. How things should be....

(Another filler chapter, I know. It's not the best but in my head their essential. It felt wrong to miss it all out. Anyway I hope you don't mind and still enjoy it. The chapters should return back to normal soon but for now, enjoy. Bye for now)

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