Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Luna lead the group into a small, remote paddock trying to lure more Thestrals in.

It didn't take long and soon Luna pointed to a gathering of trees where more Thestrals were pawing at the air and sniffing around cautiously at the smell of blood on the teens.

Harry stepped forwards, his eyes squinting in the darkness but his eyes soon focused in on the skeletal horses with their black reptile skin clinging to their bones.

Robyn walked up to one cautiously and put her hand out, petting the creature. "There weirdly beautiful, aren't they?"

Harry wanted to disagree but now wasn't the time. He had to get to London.

"Where are they?" Ron asked as he stared at the gathering of trees where Robyn was petting thin air.

"Right in front of us." Harry answered.

"You can only see them if you've seen death. They have the best sense of direction of any magical creature and are faster than dragons in flight." Luna said, her voice airy and light.

"I'm not going to like this, am I?" Ron said, his face full of reluctance and discomfort.

"Well should we get going then?" Noah suddenly spoke up and everyone turned to him.

"You're not coming." Harry said fiercely, his eyes set into a cold hard glare.

"I agree with Harry on this one. You can just run along back up to the castle." Ron added, his face morphed into distaste. Hermione nodded at Ron's statement.

Robyn felt her heart swell.

"But Noah's family work for the Ministry since they moved from Bulgaria. He will know where to go." Luna piped up, her voice much too bubbly for the present situation.

Suddenly, Ginny was by Robyn's side. "My father works for the Ministry. Besides, Harry's been there before, he'll already know where he's going."

Robyn was shocked. She knew Ginny was good friends with Luna so to go against Luna must have been hard for the red head.

"Look," Noah began.

"Here we go." Robyn mumbled under her breath. But everyone heard.

Noah sent her a pleading look. "I said I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I never meant to hurt any of you. If Luna can be okay with it, why can't you?"

Neville suddenly took an threatening step towards Noah. But Harry grabbed to back of his robes. "We haven't got time for this. We need to get to London. If he insists on coming, let him."

Everyone was shocked for a moment. "Let's just hope that the Thestral throws him off its back." Harry added after a minute. Everyone laughed apart from Luna and Noah who both looked highly hurt.

Harry climbed on to a Thestral and without asking, Robyn climbed on the same one, wrapping her arms around his waist.

Luna went around and helped the others climb on to the back of the other Thestrals and soon they were all flying through the clouds, on there way to London, the harsh night air biting at their skin.


When they reached London, it was day break and the first signs of orange hues were breaking through the clouds.

The group of teens climbed off their Thestrals and Harry had to help Hermione down. "Oh . . . I don't like flying on things I can't see."

Harry lead the group to a near by Telephone box and they all got in, uncomfortable. Once they had all said their names and what their purpose was at the Ministry of Magic, they descended down until they reached the empty Entrance Hall with its jet black tiles and eerie silence.

They all raced forward, allowing Harry to lead the way, no one talking, all of them being there for Harry and the purpose of rescuing Sirius.

"Harry, where are we going?" Hermione gasped, her breathing loud as she was running out of breath.

"No idea. I'll know when I see it." Harry replied, his hand absentmindly touching his scar.

"Well, Ginny's point completely just backfired."


The elevator doors opened at the Department of Mysteries and the group of teens exited them, the grates closing noisily behind them.

Harry lead them all down corridors that looked identical when suddenly, Harry abruptly turned his head and everyone followed his gaze to see a long black corridor with a black door at the end.

"That's it." Harry said, his eyes transfixed upon the door he had seen for months in his dreams.

"How'd you know?" Noah asked curiously.

Harry sent him a glare and wasn't going to answer until he saw the confused looks on Neville, Luna and Ginny's faces and knew he had to answer the question. "I've seen it before in my dreams."

Harry's body was aching for him to go and open that door and his mind was egging him to do it too but before he did, he addressed the others. "Look, I don't know what's beyond this door. Voldemort could be waiting behind it. Maybe you should go back and get help. I'll go alone." Harry said and hoped they would all turn away and listen to him for once.

He didn't want them to get hurt. But the reasonable part of his brain was telling him that he needed them to make it out alive and he knew it was true.

"No way. You've had to face him alone too many times already. We're coming with you." Ron protested fiercely and everyone nodded, looking determined.

Harry smiled at them all (apart from Noah) and walked towards the door, the others following him.

Harry could feel his heart thumping in his chest and his hands itched with excitement to touch that door and open it, and find Sirius.

Harry opened the door and was greeted by a large, dark circular room with twelve doors facing them.

Neville, being the last one in, shut the door behind himself. Just then, the room started spinning around them, the doors moving in a blur and as quick as they began to move, they all came to a halt, the doors in a completely different order than when they entered.

"Well, that's great." Ron muttered sarcastically.

"How are we going to get back?" Ginny asked.

Harry shrugged, running a hand through his raven hair. "We'll worry about that later. Maybe we should each take one?"

"No away. I'm not going alone." Neville said quickly.

"We're better sticking together." Hermione agreed.

"Alright, that one then." Harry pointed to a random door and walked towards it, opening it.

They all entered the room and it was filled with an eerie blue glow that was emitting from a large tank holding several brains with tentacles.

Hermione's face held disgust. "Well, that's lovely."

Ron's face also held horror and disgust. "I don't even want to know what they do in this room."

"Back up." Harry said and they all rushed out of the room back into the circular room that held numerous doors.

Hermione pointed her wand at the door leading to the brain room. "Flagrate!"

A large red 'X' appeared on the door just as all the doors began to spin again. They came to a stop a second later.

"Nice one." Harry commented with a smile.


Harry headed towards another door. "Alright, this one."

They entered the biggest room that they had ever seen in their lives. Harry's heart leaped in anticipation. This was the room. Sirius was here. Somewhere...

There were shelves upon shelves and rows upon rows of glowing orbs about the size of tennis balls. Each orb they neared came a different voice echoing from it.

"This is it." Harry exclaimed and rushed off, his feet hitting against the ground loudly. Harry allowed his mind to go back to the vision of Sirius and recalled his godfather was down row 97.

"Harry," Robyn called, her voice echoing loudly making her cringe. "We need to stick together."

But Harry wasn't listening. He was looking out for row 97 as he ran down the thousands of shelves of orbs. The others did there best to catch up to him.

"He should be near . . . Somewhere about . . . He might be . . . no, maybe over . . ." Harry mumbled under his breath but his voice carried around the vast room.

"Harry! I don't think he's here." Hermione's voice was on edge and she pulled out her wand. The others doing so too.

"No! He has to be! I saw him." Suddenly Harry came to a skidding stop as his green eyes found row 97. "He was on the ground right here!" Harry continued, his eyes searching the row hungrily for Sirius but it was empty...

Harry's insides froze but his mind was in disbelief. He ran forward, down the isle, not ready to accept that he was wrong. And that Sirius wasn't here...

"Harry . . . It was just a dream."

"No, I felt it. My scar hurt. It only hurts when Voldemort's . . . He's got to be here!" Harry insisted, stumbling over his words. He looked around frantically, shaking his head.

He wasn't here...Sirius wasn't here...

Harry's frustration turned to anger. Then to paralysing fear. He looked like he might cry.

Robyn felt a shiver run through her body and she glanced around, scared. Something wasn't right.

"Harry." Ron called. He was standing in front of a shelf, looking at one of the glowing orbs, his mouth agape.


"I think you better look at this. It's got your name on it..." Ron trailed in disbelief.

Everyone rushed forward with Harry. The orb was slightly smaller than the others and when Harry got nearer, the insides of it began to swirl, entrancing them all. A peice of yellow caught his eye. Just beneath the orb, it read; S.P.T. to A.P.W.B.D. Dark Lord and (?) Harry Potter.

Harry was entranced by it and his heart was calling out to him, telling him to reach out and touch it. Harry obliged and slowly reached out his arm. His fingers tingled as he brushed it with his hand and the orb glowed brighter when it was encased in his hands.

They were all so transfixed that none of them heard the soft footsteps approaching them...

"Very good, Potter. Now slowly hand it over."

(That cliffhanger though. I've legit been working on this for two hours straight so I could get this chaper up. I say it was time well spent. My aching back says other wise. Ah, well, I hope you all enjoy this chapter. I'm excited to finish this book cause shit is legit going down in the next book. I'm so excited! Anyway, enjoy. Until next time...)

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