Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Their spines tingled with fear as the voice echoed behind them, making the hairs of the back of their necks stand tall. The group of teens spun around, only to be greeted by darkness until they saw black silhouettes step into the eerie glow of the orbs, giving them all an otherworldly glow.

There was no mistaking the fact that the group of students were very much outnumbered, surrounded by fifteen or more, heavily cloaked Death Eaters.

The teens took a step closer to each other so they all stood back to back and they each had a Death Eater in view so none could make a movement without someone seeing.

Robyn grabbed Harry's hand and squeezed it tight. She wished that her father had decided to stay late tonight so that he would be here. Fear clutched on to the teens but they wore it well and kept their heads held high.

"Where's Sirius!" Harry said. It wasn't a question, it was a demand.

Lucius Malfoy sneered at Harry tauntingly. He knew he had the upper hand. "The Dark Lord always knows. Give me the prophecy, Potter."

Harry didn't back down but held the prophecy tighter in his hand as he glared hard at the Death Eaters. "I want to know where Sirius is!"

One of the Death Eaters stepped forward. They were smirking mockingly. They had unruly curly and matted hair, skin that was sickly pale and clung to their high cheekbones and dark, heavy eyelids. Harry instantly recognised them from the Daily Prophet. It was Bellatrix Lestrange.

She jaunted towards Harry. "Ah, the baby wants his godfather." She jeered in a baby voice.

Harry ignored the comment and muttered under his breath to the others, his voice a mere whisper so the Death Eaters wouldn't hear. "Don't do anything until I say . . ."

Robyn was scared and she could feel it twisting around in her stomach. The thought that most of the Death Eaters standing in front of them were the Death Eaters at the grave yard last year ran around her mind and her fear squirmed, increasing in size.

"How cute, baby Potter's giving instructions to the other children." Bellatrix continued to taunt.

Lucius smirked towards Bellatrix. "Potter has a great weakness for heroics, Bellatrix." He turned back to Harry. "Now give me that prophecy in your hand and we'll allow you to live."

Harry's hand tightened around Robyn's hand and his wand. Impatience was growing fast in him. "Give me Sirius!"

"Foolish boy!" Lucius snapped, laughing bitterly. "Learn the difference between dreams and reality. The Dark Lord knew you were foolish enough to come charging here with your little gang of rugrats."

Harry wasn't shocked by this news. He had expected it but that didn't stop the wave of sadness and fear crashing over him. He had yet again put the people he loved in danger because of his mistakes. "He's not here."

Lucius smiled wickedly. "No, but you are. Now give me the prophecy. No one needs to die tonight, Potter. Just hand it over and you and your friends can walk away."

Harry's anger bubbled over and his protective nature took him over. "Liar!"

"Enough of this! Accio Pro-" Bellatrix bellowed.

"Protego!" Harry interjected at the same time so Bellatrix stumbled back a few steps, taken by surprise. She looked at Harry with wicked amusement. "He know how to play, itty bitty baby Potter." She laughed while pointing her wand at him.

Lucius put his arm out to stop the mad women. "No, you fool! You could smash it!"

Bellatrix rolled her heavy lidded eyes. "We need more persuasion then. Kill the little girl!" She exclaimed with I'll-kept excitement as she pointed at Robyn.

Robyn shrunk back in fear.

Harry stepped in front of Robyn protectively and glared at Bellatrix while loosening the grip on the prophecy warningly. "You touch her and I smash it! I doubt Voldemort would be please."

A cool breeze swam through the room and the teens huddled closer together.

Bellatrix looked furious. "You dare speak the Dark Lord's name from your unworthy half-blood lips -"

"Yeah, well, old Voldy's half-blood too. Never told you, did he? His father was a Muggle. A common verity Muggle." Harry counted back, his voice taunting and fierce.

Bellatrix looked as though she was about to explode with anger. Robyn squeezed Harry's arm in panic but Harry simply raised his wand defensively, hiding his fear well and looking unbothered. Robyn just wished Harry would stop with all the snide remarks.

"Stop! Wait until we have the prophecy." Lucius demanded as he watched Bellatrix pull out her own wand.

"Fine, Potter. You want to know what you hold? Dumbledore never told you why you bear your scar, did he? Explains why you didn't come earlier." Lucius sneered, his face looking at Harry with pure hatred.

But Harry was only pretending to listen and show interest so Lucius would continue to ramble on. He lightly kicked Hermione's foot as a warning that he would soon be making a move. Hermione discreetly warned the others too.

Lucius carried on talking as if he had Harry convinced. "Haven't you ever wondered why the Dark Lord wanted to kill you as a baby. The reason is in your hand!"

Harry looked down at the orb, curious about the prophecy, hurt about the fact that Dumbledore had told him nothing, but he mostly was just trying to buy time for the others. "It's about both of us, isn't it? Only him or me could get it. That's why I saw Sirius. He knew I'd come. He put the images in my head. And now your his delivery boy."

"Very good, Potter. Now give it to me. Or I will kill you, boy!"

Harry looked down at the prophecy, as if thinking it all over. He looked back up at Lucius.

"Bombarda!" The bespectacled boy directed the spell at Lucius and it sent Malfoy flying into the never ending shelf of prophecies.

Just then Hermione, Ron, Luna, Ginny, Robyn, Noah and Neville fired a second after. All their spells smashed into the shelves of blue orbs and they all began collapsing on the Death Eaters.

In a heartbeat, the group of teens darted for the door. In all the confusion, Lucius managed to pinpoint where they had got to and gave chase, firing curses when he could.

Robyn let out a squeal as one narrowly missed her head and Harry grabbed her hand, forcing her to run faster.

Noah was the first one through the door closely followed by Hermione, Neville, and Robyn. Robyn turned to see where Harry was. Just then,  Lucius grabbed Harry's shoulder.

Robyn raised her wand without skipping a beat. "Stupefy!" A bolt of red light shot Lucius in the chest, knocking him back.

Hermione reached out and grabbed Harry, pulling him through the door. Hermione pointed her wand at the door just as Death Eaters began to charge at it. "COLLOPORTUS!"

The door magically slammed shut and locked, allowing the teens a moment to catch their breath but it didn't last long...


The teens gasped for breath as the doors began to revolve around them.

"That's not going to hold." Hermione breathed, fear evident in her voice, shaking from head to toe.

"It's okay, it'll hold long enough . . . Where's Ron? Luna and Ginny?" Harry asked, his voice on edge.

"Oh no." Neville moaned fearfully.

"They must of gone through the wrong door." Noah said with a note of panic.

"We can't wait for them here." Harry said.

Hermione looked at Harry fiercely. "We can't leave them."

Harry shook his head at Hermione. "We're not, but all these rooms are connected. Eventually they're going to find us, both sides." Harry explained reassuringly.

"So where now?" Robyn asked, her wand still clutched at her side like a life line.

Harry shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine."

They headed to another random door and opened it. 

Harry, Neville, Hermione, Noah and Robyn ran towards the door at the end of the room. Just as they reached it, they heard the muttering of two gruff voices.

The teens dived behind a desk.

The Death Eaters entered the room. "They might've run straight through to the hall." said one of the Death Eaters with a rough voice.

"Check under the desks." said the other.

Harry saw the knees of one of the Death Eaters bend, poking his wand out from under the desk, he shouted, "Stupefy!"

A jet of red light hit the nearest Death Eater, he fell backwards into a grandfather clock and knocked it over; the second Death Eater, however, had leapt aside to avoid Harry's spell and was pointing his own wand at Hermione, who was crawling out from under the desk with Robyn to get a better aim.


Harry launched himself across the floor and grabbed the Death Eater around the knees, causing him to topple and his aim to go awry. Neville overturned the desk in his anxiety to help, and pointed his wand wildly at the struggling pair, he cried: "Expelliarmus!"

Both Harry and the Death Eaters wands flew out of their hands and soared back towards the entrance to the Hall of prophecy. Harry and the Death Eater both scrambled to get to their feet and charged after them, the Death Eater in front, Harry hot on his heels, and Neville bringing up the rear, plainly horrorstruck by what he had done.

"Get out of the way, Harry!" Yelled Neville, clearly determined to repair the damage.

Harry flung himself sideways as Neville took aim again and shouted: "Stupefy!"

The jet of red light flew right over the Death Eaters shoulder and hit a glass-fronted cabinet on the wall full of variously shaped hour-glasses; the cabinet fell to the floor and burst apart, glass flying everywhere, sprang back up on to the wall, fully mended, then fell down again, and shattered.

The Death Eater had snatched up his wand, which lay on the floor beside the glittering bell jar. Harry ducked down behind another desk as the man turned, his mask had slipped so he couldn't see. He ripped it off with his free hand and shouted; "Stup-"

"Stupefy!" screamed Robyn, who had just caught up with them, with Hermione and Noah right behind her.

The jet of red light hit the Death Eater in the middle of his chest: he froze, his arms raised, his wand fell to the floor with a clatter and he collapsed backwards towards the bell jar. The teens had all expected to hear a clunk, for the man to hit solid glass and slide off the bell jar to the floor, but instead, his head sank through the surface of the bell jar as though it were nothing but a soap bubble and he came to a rest, sprawled on his back on the table, with his head lying inside the jar full of glittering wind.

"Accio wand!" cried Hermione. Harry's wand flew from a dark corner into her hand and she threw it to him.

"Thanks." He said. "Now let's get out of-"

"Watch out!" said Noah, horrified. He was staring at the Death Eaters head in the bell jar.

It was shrinking very fast, growing balder and balder, the black hair and stubble retracting into his skull, his cheeks becoming smooth, his skull round and covered with a peachlike fuzz...

A baby's head now sat grotesquely on top of the thick, muscled neck of the Death Eater as he struggled to get up again.

They all took a step back in surprise.

As they watched the Death Eater struggle, Harry raised his wand.

Hermione slapped his arm down. "Harry! You can't hurt a baby." Hermione cried.

They all walked cautiously into the next room, making sure the Death Eater wasn't returning to normal.


The next room they entered, in a hurry and their hearts beating fast, was a room lined wall to wall with books. The ceiling seemed to infinity go upwards, with the books showing no end.

Hermione was transfixed, seemingly forgetting about the danger they all were in.

". . . wow . . ." Hermione gasped in awe.

Robyn nodded numbly at her, her mouth agape.

"Not now." Harry hissed just as thunderous foot steps could be heard all around them.

Noah pointed to one of the many doors at the end of the room, with a determined look on his face. "There! Come on."

The five of them headed for the door in a rush. Suddenly, a third door to their right opened and two Death Eaters entered.

Hermione pointed her wand towards them, but they were faster. "IMPEDIMENTA!" The two Death Eaters yelled in unison.

The blast was strong enough to knock all the teens off their feet. Harry was knocked straight on to his back as Neville did a triple flip in midair and landed on his face. Noah was slammed down on to the floor and Robyn and Hermione were slammed into the book cases. Robyn's head hit it with force and she could feel the blood dripping down her head, her eyes went dizzy momentarily. But Hermione had the worst of the blow as the book case she crashed into wobbled, unsteady, and two dozen book fell on top of her.

"You're mine." one of the Death Eaters smirked, advancing on Harry.

"WE HAVE HIM!" bellowed the other Death Eater, his voice carrying into the other rooms.

Harry went to dive for his wand, when suddenly; "Protego!" Noah said, his wand pointed at the Death Eater that was just about to attack Harry. The Death Eater was hit by his rebounded spell.

Harry pointed his wand at the second Death Eater. "Avis!"

Four living birds shot from Harry's wand and surrounded the second Death Eater. The birds couldn't harm the Death Eater, but it was enough of a distraction for Harry to put some space between himself and the Death Eater.

As reluctant as he was about it, Harry made sure he sent a thankful look towards Noah.

The Death Eater screamed as the birds burst into flames. The Death Eater pointed his wand at Harry again, grinning wickedly.

"Petrificus Totalus!" The spell shot from Hermione's wand and the Death Eaters arms snapped to his sides and he fell face flat on the floor, unable to move as if tied together by an invisible bond.

Harry just about turned to Hermione before, without any warning, a blue light shot past him and hit Hermione square in the chest.

It was like slow motion. The spell seemed to go through her rather than hitting the bushy haired girl. Hermione's face turned emotionless before she crumbled to the floor. The world seemed to stop around them.

Robyn screamed in despair.

Harry turned his head in the direction the spell had come from and made eye contact with a third Death Eater who was showing off his yellow teeth in a sinister smile.

Harry didn't know what overcame him. His eyes turned malicious and his mind was full of evil intent. He raised his wand and muttered a curse he had never used before: "Crucio!"

Harry hadn't expected it to work, but to his pleasure and horror, the Death Eater began to wriggle and convulse, screaming in pure agony.

The Death Eaters wand fell to the floor and rolled to Harry's feet.

Harry lowered his wand and the screaming ceased.

Harry turned and rushed over to Neville, Noah and Robyn who were bent over Hermione. Harry turned tearful. "No . . . she can't be . . . please, God . . ."

"She's breathing. She's alive." Neville said in a small voice, a relieved smile on his face.

Giving a heavy sigh of relief, Harry said. "Come on, we have to go."

Together him and Neville picked up Hermione and the five of them walked through another door wondering how much longer this might last...


The five stumbled back into the room of brains, trying to move as quickly as they could with the extra weight of a slack Hermione.

The walls were covered with curse burns from the previous fight but the tanks with the brains were still intact.

"We've already seen this room." Neville said.

Suddenly Ginny appeared from behind a knocked over book shelf; her wand at the ready. She took a breath after seeing her friends weren't in fact a group of Death Eaters. Luna and Ron showed themselves too but something was wrong with Ron, he was laughing hysterically as if this whole situation was one big inside joke.

Ginny rushed over after seeing Hermione. "What happened to Hermione!"

"She got hit. She's alive. What happened to you?" Harry asked hurriedly.

Ginny's face turned sour. "They chased us into a room of planets."

Ron suddenly came stumbling up, still laughing uncontrollably. "Harry, we saw Uranus up close!" He giggled.

"What happen to him?" Robyn asked in concern and mild amusement.

"They hit him with a laughing curse, I think." Ginny answered.

"We gotta get out of here." Harry nodded towards another door. "Have you tried that door?"

"No." said Luna with a shake of her head.

"Well, anywhere's got to be better than here." Harry shrugged as he and Neville made their way towards the door, still holding Hermione up, the others following behind.

Ginny pulled hard on Ron's arm to get him to move as he was still laughing hysterically.

The door opened to a grand large flight of stairs leading down to a wide area with red curtains forming as walls. The teens walked down the steps and Harry and Neville gently placed Hermione on the last step. Ron fell down right next to Hermione and looked at her emotionless face. "Oh no, what happened to Hermione? I'll kill them." Ron said, still laughing.

Six golden doors stood ahead of them. They all stared at the doors.

"Which one?" Luna asked, in her whimsical voice.

Just then both Luna and Harry, who were approaching the doors, flew forward, sliding across the floor.

Harry looked up and saw Lucius Malfoy coming down the stairs, followed by Bellatrix and five other masked Death Eaters.

Lucius raised his wand at Harry. Each Death Eater did the same so the teens were trapped.

"Games up, Potter. No more bargains, not more running around, no way of escaping. The prophecy or you watch us kill each and every last one of your friends!" Lucius exclaimed with a smirk of triumphant.

Bellatrix took a step closer to Neville and laughed maniacally. "Longbottom? I don't believe it. It seems like only yesterday I was torturing your parents. Went mad, didn't they? Do they even know who you are anymore? I can still hear their screams. Your father begged me to kill him, your mother too. Oh well, I suspect your grandmother's use to losing her family members by now. Your death won't be a great shock."

Robyn gasped and glared at Bellatrix. She had tears of fear in her eyes but held her head high. "You sick, twisted bitch!"

Bellatrix turned to her, her eyes gleaming madly. "Crucio!"

Suddenly, an unbearable pain overcame Robyn. Screams ripped at her throat and her whole body felt like it was tearing itself apart. She crumbled to the ground in excruciating pain while tears ran down her face, begging for it to stop.

Bellatrix laughed.

Lucius smiled. "Enough now, Bellatrix. We want her to have enough energy to beg for mercy if we have to kill her."

Bellatrix clucked her tongue in disappointment but with a wave of her wand, Robyn's screaming stopped and the pain had vanished.

Robyn was breathing heavily, every inch of her body aching. She didn't have the strength to get up.

Lucius Malfoy advanced on Harry, who was still on the ground. Harry pushed himself away from Lucius, closer and closer to the doors. Lucius smiled again. "What's it going to be, Potter? The prophecy or we see if Longbottom can last longer than his parents did before they cracked."

"Don't do it, Harry." Neville shouted.

Harry glared hard at Lucius with burning hatred "I swear one day I'll make you pay."

Lucius readied his wand...Just as five of the six golden doors opened.

The light poured out of them, into the dark room. In each door frame stood, Sirius, Kingsley, Lupin, Mad-Eye, and Tonks; all with their wands poised.

"Get away from my godson." bellowed Sirius as their saviours all stepped into the room, ready for a battle...

(Guys it's been ridiculously long since I uploaded but to make up for it, this chapter is nearly 4000 words long. I think it's my longest one yet. College is killing me. I love it but I just don't get a break anymore. Anyway, I hope you enjoy. Thank you all for your continuous support and sticking by me, it means the world. Enjoy the chapter, until next time...)

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