Chapter Forty

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A sigh of relief washed over the teens as they saw the Order members. They had never been so relieved in all their lives...

Sirius raised his wand and Lucius was sent flying back and skidding across the floor on his back.

In the blink of an eye, spells were hurdling through the air at alarming speeds and shouts of all sorts could be heard. The battle had begun. Death Eaters versus The Order of the Pheonix.

Robyn groaned, her vision was still blurry from her tears. Her throat hurt from her screaming and her body protested against her brain who of which was telling her to get up and fight.

She didn't have to push herself up though as Harry was quickly by her side and gently pulling her too her feet, concern etched his face. "Are you alright?"

Robyn nodded her head. "I'm fine."

After noticing Harry's unconvinced look, she grabbed the sides of his face and forced him to look her in the eyes. "I'm alright." She said more forcefully though her face held a gentle smile.

Harry nodded and their attention turned back to the battle. The two rushed over to Ron and Hermione, who were still on the ground. One of the Death Eaters caught sight of Harry and charged.

Harry looked up just in time to see the Death Eater poise his wand.

But a jet of blue hit the Death Eater in the side, knocking him away. Harry turned his head and saw Tonks, her wand still raised and her hair still as eccentric as ever. Harry gave her a thumbs up and grinned then crouched down to see how Hermione and Ron were doing.

Harry and Robyn didn't get far into their inspection on their best friends though as Lupin came running up admist all the jinxs and curses and crouched down next to them all.

"Take them back up the stairs and stay there!" Lupin ordered over the noise and Harry, who knew he had caused enough trouble for one night, agreed and signalled Luna, Neville, Noah and Ginny over. Harry and Ginny helped eachother pick Hermione up as Neville crawled over.

They all made their way for the stairs, sticking together, their hearts all beating the same fast beat as the fear and adrenaline continued to course through their veins.

Just as they reached the bottom step, Ginny flew back as if being pulled by an invisible rope. She stopped at Lucius' feet. Blood trickled down his forehead, but he aimed his wand at the red-headed Weasley girl. Harry narrowed his eyes in anger and his heart leapt with guilt. This was all his fault...

He placed Hermione in Ron's arms and left the others.

He ran forward, raising his wand as he did so, his face and voice fierce. "Expelliarmus!"

Lucius' wand wriggled in his grip but Malfoy didn't break his grip, causing him to stumble forward from the sheer force of the spell.

Lucius' lips curled into a cold sneer and quickly regained his composure, raising his wand too.

They both shot curses at each other and their spells collided in mid air. A brilliant light exploded between them and the force of it all knocked the both of them back.

At the flash of light, Sirius saw Harry was in trouble and tried to rush towards his godson but Bellatrix stepped into view and blocked his way with a sinister smirk. Sirius' eyes immediately turned icy cold.

"Dear cousin, how wonderful to see you again." Bellatrix looked even more crazier than she did before. It seemed the fight had ignited a mad spark in her normally dull eyes and her sallow face didn't suit the crazed and disgusted look that she was throwing at Sirius.

Sirius kept his face passive and his tone flat. "Bellatrix. I always love family get-togethers."

Bellatrix shot a red blast at Sirius who ducked and aimed his own spell in return.

Robyn rushed down the stairs and made a beeline for her boyfriend but a masked Death Eater chuckled and sent an incoming spell at her. Robyn dived out the way of the green blast with a gasp and clamoured up in a rush. She glared at the Death Eater. "Stupefy!"

The Death Eater deflected the spell with sickening ease and a nasty grin. "Crucio!"

Robyn was just in time to deflect the torture curse and wildly thrashed her wand through the air. In her state of fear, she used the first spell that came to her mind in that moment. "Alarte Ascendare!"

The Death Eater was sent soaring into the air and landed with a sickening crack, his body mangled.

Robyn didn't get time to celebrate her victory though as she heard Neville yell; "Harry!" and looked at the top of the stairs where four more Death Eaters came running down.

Harry's attention had been focused on the new arriving Death Eaters that he barely noticed Lucius readying his wand. Harry dodged just in time.

But as Harry was going to retaliate, Lucius was quicker and Harry was immobilised.

With a swipe of his wand, Lucius sent Harry flying through the air. Harry landed hard as he skidded to a stop.

Robyn went to run to him when she noticed that he was moving. She took a breath of relief. Her head turned to see Ginny struggling in a fight with a masked Death Eater. It looked like the Death Eater was close to winning.

"Petrificus Totalus!" The Death Eaters arms and legs sprung to his side, bind by an invisible force and collapsed flat on his face, unable to move.

Robyn rushed to Ginny who smiled and said; "Thanks."

Robyn was just saying 'don't mention it' to Ginny when Harry reached into his pocket and pulled out a shattered glass orb, vapour escaping from it. Harry's heart leapt and his stomach plummeted but he didn't have time to dwell on it.

Suddenly, a strange feeling had over come Robyn. She found she had no control over her mind or body as if she were merely a doll being controlled by strings and all she could do was watch.

It was strange, all she could think about was getting her hands on Ginny, Neville, Luna, Noah, Ron, Hermione...Harry. she wanted to help the Death Eaters. She wanted that Prophecy.

Her eyes had glassed over but they had turned cold and full of evil intent. Her face was emotionless and void, not like the usual warmth it held.

Robyn watched as all the Order members fought as hard as they could. For some reason she found it amusing more than heart wrenching.

Mad-Eye had just shot down one Death Eater only to see three more ready to face him.

Sirius was still in a heated battle with Bellatrix.

Tonks smashed to the floor and for a minute Robyn delightedly thought that one of the Death Eaters had killed her. But the blue haired witch was still breathing. Kingsley rushed over and stepped over her body, guarding her. He shot stunning spells in every direction possible.

Robyn's sadistic smile wavered slightly. The true Robyn was trying to fight against whatever was forcing her to think these horrible things but it was too strong and soon she found herself being taken over by evil, and the good, true self was chucked to the back of her mind with no escape, no matter how she tried to scream out and beg to be released, the evil force merely laughed in her face.

She edged towards Ginny with a smirk...

Harry saw Lucius limp towards him and tried to push himself up but was overcome with pain and he fell back down again. Lucius smirked and pointed his wand at Harry, Harry doing the same and pointing his wand back at the elder Malfoy.

Robyn grinned as she pointed her wand at Ginny, who looked confused. Robyn found her lips moving against her will. "I've always wanted to do this." She jeered. "Crucio!"

No! Robyn screamed, trapped inside her head. Stop it, I don't want to hurt Ginny. What am I doing?! Stop it!

But it didn't stop, Ginny collapsed to the ground and screamed bloody murder. This attracted attention and Lupin who had just finished off a Death Eater rushed forward, his scarred face contorted into confusion. "What-"

Robyn saw herself raised her wand and fought against it but the other power was too strong.

No! This isn't me! I don't want to attack Remus. I won't attack Remus!

But it was all futile. Lupin looked shocked but made no movement to raise his own wand. He looked hurt. "Stupefy!"

Remus was sent flying across the room.

Luna came running up. "Robyn?"

But Robyn ignored her. All her mind was on was getting that orb and her body began to move against her will, towards Harry. Robyn noticed Lucius still had Harry trapped and felt her face morph into a smirk even though it wasn't truly her. She continued to fight against it.

Just as she was a few steps away from Harry and it looked like Lucius had won and was about to attack Harry; the sixth golden door opened with a bang, revealing Dumbledore.

Lucius' face crossed with fear and suddenly Robyn felt her body go suddenly heavy and then she had control over it. She had no more dark thoughts, no more urge to get that orb. Only fear, questions and worry spiralled around her head now.

The Imperius Cruse again, she thought with worry and a glance at Dumbledore. They were definitely, safe now but how would she explain the fact that she had hurt her friend and old Professor?...

Lucius stumbled backwards, with fear in his eyes he had never shown before. He raced for the stairs and all the Death Eaters apart from Bellatrix aimed their wands at Dumbledore.

Lucius stepped over Hermione and Ron (who were still laughing and unconscious) and raced up the stairs. He almost reached the top when Dumbledore slightly flicked his wand.

Lucius flew backwards, as if being pulled by an invisible rope back into the room. He flew some fifty feet from the top of the stairs to Dumbledore's feet. Lucius' body was frozen.

Dumbledore waved his wand again with anger and power the students of Hogwarts had never seen before. All at once four of the Death Eaters flew in different directions as if being pulled by a power far beyond their own.

Lupin rushed to Harry's side as Dumbledore walked past Harry. Ron, Ginny, Noah and Luna pulled Hermione towards Harry who was watching Dumbledore. Robyn walked over to and the teens eyed her with caution and confusion and her heart sunk more with guilt and fear.

Seven Death Eaters battled Dumbledore with a chance of winning against him as a fire extinguisher is against a nuclear bomb.

One Death Eater broke away from the others, pinning himself against the wall and aimed his wand at Dumbledore. Dumbledore, not looking, flicked his wand towards the rogue Death Eater. Suddenly the red curtain on the wall came alive in the form of a giant hand. It reached down and smothered the Death Eater.

Harry's eyes turned to Sirius still caught in battle.

Sirius' and Bellatrix's wands flashed at each other as they dueled. Sirius flicked his wand and a red spell sliced across Bellatrix's face, making a deep cut.

Sirius smiled tauntingly. "Come on, I know you can do better than that!"

Bellatrix's eyes filled with fury. She made three slices through the air with her wand, sending three jets of startling green towards the framed murderer.

Sirius deflected the first one with ease, his smile still lighting his face. He hadn't been able to do anything to help the Order in months and now he was and he never felt better. He waved his wand right and deflected the second Killing Curse and then slashed his wand upwards, deflecting the third one.

The teens attention was now on Sirius' battle and they were all watching in awe as it looked like Sirius was winning but just as Robyn turned her head to watch more clearly, Bellatrix suddenly shot a fourth jet of green at Sirius and before anyone could blink or take a breath, the curse had hit the man, passing through him.

It seemed everything went in slow motion again. Robyn had blinked to see if she saw it properly and the smile had faded from Harry's face.

It was like Sirius' smile was framed on his face, just like the surprise that was passing through his eyes as slowly as his wand slipped from his hand and to the floor. The sound echoed and thundered through the room, each time it hit the floor with a bounce it was like the weight of it all fell on Harry and his heart was feeling more heavier by the second.

Sirius turned his head slowly, as time seemed to tick by slowly. Harry could see the life draining from him but it seemed Sirius wanted to use his last bit of life to see his beloved godson and see how truly he looked like James, standing there still staring at Sirius in shock, not quite believing what had happened.

Their eyes met. And Sirius stared at Harry as he fell graciously through a misty veil that seemed to be calling him and greeting him with warmth.

Harry watched as Sirius began to fall through the archway behind him and made a run to give his godfather a helping hand. But hands wrapped around his torso and he was stopped in his tracks by Remus Lupin. Harry struggled against the hold, tears streaming down his face as the veil seemed to reach out and soften Sirius' fall. Sirius soon disappeared.

Bellatrix's scream of glee pierced through Harry and made him feel anger he had never known before.

Lupin was putting up a damn good fight as Harry struggled against him, his mind still reeling about how he was going to get Sirius from the arch way.

A scream of despair and anger ripped through Harry's throat, as tears continued to run from his eyes and blur his vision.

Reality seemed to come zooming back into focus and everything picked up speed again. Bellatrix rushed up the stairs, laughing gleefully.

Dumbledore flicked his wand and all the remaining Death Eaters flew into the center of the room, bunched together, tied by an invisible rope.

Dumbledore looked up and saw Bellatrix escaping and aimed his wand. He fired a purple blast that narrowly missed its target and hit the bottom stair that shattered as Bellatrix flew through the door.

"Let me go! Let me go! Sirius! Sirius!" Harry screamed, using his hands to try and pull Lupin's arms from around him, stopping him from getting to his godfather.

"Harry, there's nothing you can do!" Lupin said into Harry's ear, his voice sad but firm.

"I've got to save him! He needs me! Sirius!"

Robyn watched Harry put up a fight and then looked at the veil, she knew Sirius wasn't coming back and her heart ached for Harry and also the fact she would never see Sirius again. She wasn't exactly close with him but he was a good, brilliant man and didn't deserve the fate he got. She felt a tear roll down her face.

"Harry, he's gone!" Remus raised his voice, trying to get some sense into the raven haired boy and it seemed to have worked and Harry collapsed into Remus' arms and sobbed.

Lupin seemed to think Harry was stable enough to be let go of now and so Harry crumbled to the floor.

Harry looked back up to where Sirius stood moments ago, smiling. Harry shook his head, his face morphed into a numb kind of shock and his eyes held devastation. He refused to believe it. Sirius was standing there just moments before. He can't be gone.

Harry was hiccuping now. "He's not dead. He's not dead. He's not dead. He's not dead. He's not dead."

But the more he stared at the veil in front of him and the more he said those words, his head began to understand that Sirius couldn't and wouldn't be coming back. Before he could let the grief fully weigh him down though, a sudden anger like no other ran through him and all he could think about was that it was all Bellatrix's fault.

Throwing caution to the wind, Harry picked himself up, grabbed his wand and sprinted up the stairs without a second thought on the others.

I'll destroy you. Harry thought darkly, letting his rage, anguish and the need for revenge take over his body.

Bellatrix skipped towards the exit of the Ministry, strutting past the Magical Brethren statue of the old wizard, witch, centaur and House-elf with arrogance and a satisfied smirk twisting at her sunken face.

All Harry could hear was his footfalls hitting heavily against the floor and the drum of his heartbeat in his ears. Harry skidded around the corner, his eyes set on finding Bellatrix, his wand raised high and his body tense with anger and pain.

"BELLATRIX!" Harry bellowed, his voice echoing around the giant hall.

Robyn gasped as she heard the muffled shout of Harry from the other room. The others began to take notice too and their faces twisted with worry at what Harry would do.

Before she could think reasonably about what she was doing, Robyn left Neville's side and rushed into the next room where she found Harry and Bellatrix. She needed to prove to Harry that she was still on his side and what had happened before wasn't her.

"Potter." Bellatrix cackled, looking even more delighted. She irked Harry even more than Umbridge did.

Robyn ran to Harry's side, her wand raised. "What are you doing, Harry?" She asked him sternly, her eyes watching Bellatrix skip around cautiously.

Harry shot her a dangerous look. "No, what are you doing here?! Go back to the others."

Robyn turned to him in disbelief. "Oh, sorry, I didn't think you had the right to tell me what to do!"

"I'm trying to keep you safe." Harry said, struggling to keep his voice calm.

"Well, what if I want to keep you safe-"

"Ooh, look at you two, arguing like an old married couple." Bellatrix cackled.

Harry's attention turned solely to Bellatrix again. The monster who killed Harry's last living relative.

Harry charged forward, looking murderous, his wand raised. A red blast shot forward at the witch. Bellatrix ducked as the blast shot into the wall behind her and set it on fire.

Bellatrix raised her wand but Harry was quicker. Harry's eyes burned; "Avada Kedavra!"

Robyn gasped as the green light shot forward and hit Bellatrix in the chest. She had never seen Harry act like this. It was scary.

"Harry." She mumbled but he wasn't listening.

The curse didn't have the same affect as it did on Sirius. Bellatrix shot back and screamed, a real terrified scream, as she smashed into the wall with a crash. She was breathing erratically, looking shocked and slightly scared. But she wasn't killed.

Harry made his way towards her, still not thinking straight. There was no forgiveness in his emerald eyes.

Suddenly, Bellarix' face morphed into a sinister smirk and before Harry could react, he was sent flying backwards by Bellatrix. Harry stopped with a crash on the ground. He sighed, all will seemingly leaving his body. He sighed in defeat, his anger turning into pain and grief.

Robyn rushed over to her boyfriend and knelt down beside him, her heart breaking as she watched a tear roll down the side of his face.

Bellatrix stood, barely. She coughed, staring down at Harry with ill-kept amazement that, by the look in her eyes, she hated showing. Though she played it off by clapping tauntingly at Harry and smirking again. "Never used the Killing Curse, have you? Even for a first time that was powerful. But it takes a Dark Wizard to truly kill someone with it, Potter. This is your last chance, give me the prophecy."

"I don't care if I die anymore . . ." Harry said, looking up. "He's gone. You took him away. And your precious prophecy is smashed."

Bellatrix's smirk wavered. "No . . . No!"

"Nothing can bring it back." Harry said, his voice heavy but held triumphant.

Robyn poised her wand at Bellatrix but the Azkaban prisoner simply fell to the floor in despair. "No, you lie! You lie! YOU LIE!"

Suddenly all three of them jumped as a chilling, cold voice echoed around the room. "No, he doesn't, Bella."

Harry and Robyn jumped up to their feet, looking at each other fearfully and then they saw it. The person who managed to freeze the very blood in their veins; the Dark Lord. Voldemort. And he was looking at them, his red eyes blazing...

(This turned out longer than expected. Not many chapters left now! I hope you enjoy it. Until next time...)

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