Chapter Thirty-One

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Harry walked along the corridor calmly, trying to act as casual as possible even though his heart was beating fast in his chest. His brain worked hard on coming up with an excuse if the worst case scenario were to occur; he got caught.

Suddenly, when he thought he would be fine and his heart rate was beginning to slow down to a normal pace, something caught his leg and he fell to the floor with a painful groan.

Harry heard footsteps approaching him and soon Malfoy came into view wearing a smug little smirk. "Trip Jinx, Potter!"

Harry didn't waste time in reaching his hand out and grabbing his wand and poising it so it was pointed at Draco. "I don't have time for this today, Malfoy!"

Draco's smirk didn't falter but grew in size as he watched Potter with much amusement. Excitement buzzed through his veins. He had won this one. "That's what you think . . . PROFESSOR, I GOT HIM!"

Harry's eyes widened as Umbridge came sauntering into view wearing that same menacing smile and those same pink clothes that infuriated Harry so much.

Harry quickly lowered his wand.

Umbridge looked beyond pleased as that same sadistic pleasure gleamed in her eyes and a disgusting grin stretched on her lips, showing a row of pointed teeth. "Excellent, Draco! Fifty points! See if you can round up a few others. Look for Weasley and Granger, they should be around here somewhere."

Malfoy nodded and immediately scampered off without a word.

Harry felt anger burn through his veins but fear of what was going to happen froze the very fire that was running through them.

"You're coming with me!" Umbridge said as she pulled Harry up forcefully and began to lead him through the castle...


Harry tried to remain composed as Umbridge pushed him up the stairs leading to Dumbledore's office. But when he entered the room, the sight made him pause.

Dumbledore was sitting behind his desk as he normally would but the room was packed. Kingsley, Percy (quill in hand), Professor McGonagall, Fudge and two Auror's (Dawlish and Joseph) stood in the room all looking rather grim.

Harry gulped as Fudge smiled at him, one of the only people who looked happy besides Umbridge. It made Harry's blood boil.

"Well, Harry. Game over, I'm afraid." Fudge said, looking over at Harry and Harry did his best to look confused.

Umbridge, or Umbitch as Harry liked to call her thanks to Robyn, still had a death grip on Harry's arm but when Harry wiggled for escape she only held on tighter. "The Malfoy boy caught him."

"Excellent! I'll remember to tell Lucius." Fudge smiled, something gleaming in his eyes; like a giddy excitement. "I expect you know why you're here?"

Harry put on his best show. He looked at everyone in the room and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Well, no."

Fudge's face dropped instantly and his tone held anger. "Excuse me?"

Harry forced down his anxiety and put on his best nonchalant face. "All I know is I'm walking by myself and Malfoy jinxes me. I'd like to make a complaint, if I could."

Harry swore he saw McGonagall give a half smile and he fought back his own.

Fudge stared furiously at Harry. "There's no slithering your way out of trouble this time, Potter! So, you are not aware of breaking any school decrees?"

Harry shrugged. "Well, dunno?" Harry turned to Umbridge. "Did you make any new ones in the past five minutes."

Umbridge sneered but then smiled wickedly. "I think I'll fetch out our informant."

"Yes, nothing like a good witness, is there, Potter?" Fudge countered.

Harry's blood ran cold but he glared at the Minister.

Umbridge brought out a student. The student had a hood pulled over their face but Harry could tell it was a girl by the long hair cascading over their shoulders.

Upon closer inspection, Harry could tell who it was. It was Marietta, one of Cho's friends.

"It's alright, dear. The Ministry and the school are very proud of you. Just tell them what you told me." Umbridge said to Marietta, her tone much more soft and coaxing.

Harry found out that was the case to the people who sucked up to Umbridge. She gave them special treatment only to manipulate them further.

Marietta lowered her hood slightly to talk, but just then the ugliest, nastiest pimples popped up around her face spelling the word snitch.

Harry jumped back in surprise.

"Oh, for Goodness' sake, don't we have the counter curse." Fudge exclaimed, refusing to look at Marietta after flinching.

"Not yet. The curse is very advanced. Leading me to believe that a teacher might have done it. No student could of done this."

Harry tried his best to hide his smile. Hermione truly was an amazing witch.

"Ms. Edgecombe, you did the right thing. Tell us . . ." Fudge encouraged softly but Marietta refused to speak.

Harry rolled his eyes. But the damage is already done... He thought bitterly towards Cho's friend.

"It doesn't matter, she told me before the spots appeared." Umbridge said, growing impatient. "I also have a testimony. We heard that day that Potter was setting up an illegal society. To learn spells and curses the Ministry feel are not school-appropriate."

"If I may say, you are wrong there, Dolores." Dumbledore's voice rang out for the first time.

"Really?" Umbridge countered with a pursed lip.

"Cornelius, I do not deny, nor, I'm sure, does Harry, that he was in the Hog's Head the day in question, or that he was trying to recruit students to his own Defense Against the Dark Arts group. I am simply saying at that time that you are wrong to suggest that it was illegal."

Harry's heart swelled with appreciation.

"What?" Fudge's voice was growing harsher with anger and Harry tried to keep the amusement off his face.

In the pit of his stomach, Harry was trying to keep the worry from gnawing away at him. He was hoping none of the others got caught. As horrible as they might end up being, Harry could face the punishments but if he knew he got his friends into trouble he truly would hate himself...

"If my memory serves me, and I admit it doesn't always, that Umbridge's decree against organizations in school did not happen until the day after. So during the time it happened it would have been perfectly legal." Dumbledore's voice was calm and his tone reminded Harry of Hermione when she would answer a question in class.

"That's very fine, Dumbledore! But this is five months later. If the first meeting was legal, all those that followed certainly were not."

Dumbledore nodded, his face still only showing calmness. "I agree. But what proof do you have that such meetings ever took place after the first and last?"

Umbridge stepped up, looking smug. "We have a witness of meetings that took place twice a week afterwards since then!"

"I am unaware that Marietta here has said anything of this nature." Dumbledore looked down at the girl through his half-moon spectacles.

Umbridge turned to Marietta. "All you have to do is shake your head, dear. Did these meetings take place afterwards?"

All eyes turned to Marietta. She shied away for a few moments before slowly shaking her head, no. Harry felt a little respect return for the girl as Fudge and Umbridge looked furious.

"Why are you shaking your head?" Umbridge demanded, making Marietta jump.

"Well, normally that means 'no.'" Professor McGonagall quipped with pursed lips.

Harry, once again, forced back a smile.

Umbridge's eyes were buring with anger. "There was a meeting tonight! Potter was their leader! He organized it . . . Why are you shaking your head, you stupid girl?"

"Dolores, that's quite enough. You will unhand my student." Dumbledore said, his voice raised and full of authority.

Umbridge reluctantly released Marietta. "Fine. We still have proof. Marietta here, before she decided to go mute, came to me earlier and told me about a magic room known as the Room of Requirements that Potter has been holding these meetings in. And alas, we needed and the room provided."

Umbridge's face gleamed with satistic pleasure as she pulled out a piece of parchment.

Harry felt the colour drain from his face when he realised it was the parchment Hermione got everyone to sign.

Umbridge handed it to Fudge.

"Dumbledore's Army!" Fudge exclaimed with both slight fear and happiness. It was something the Ministry feared yet they had caught it in time so they could stop it.

"You will find Potter's name at the very top, along with the rest who joined in." Umbridge continued on, looking rather proud of herself.

Dumbledore closed his eyes for a second and sighed.

Harry felt his heart sink. But he still didn't regret the D.A. Everyone was so much more prepared now.

"See what they've done."

"No escaping this time, Potter. I'm going to enjoy expelling you." Umbridge smirked at Harry and it made the bespectacled boy feel rather unsettled but he tried his best to keep his composure.

"Well, it seems the game is up. Would you like a written confession from me, Cornelius?" Dumbledore suddenly spoke, his voice much louder then before.

Everyone was caught off guard. Cornelius turned to Dumbledore.

Fudge did a double take. "What?"

Dumbledore raised an ageing hand and signalled to the parchment. "This piece of parchment reads, 'Dumbledore's Army.' No where do I see 'Potter's Army.'"

Harry's blood ran cold again and panic took over his mind. Dumbledore shouldn't, couldn't be doing this...could he?

Fudge didn't seem too disappointed by the news. In fact he looked even more happy to get rid of Dumbledore than Harry. "You did this . . . You recruited students for you own army?"

Dumbledore nodded. "I did indeed."

Harry looked horrified, as did McGonagall.

Harry wanted to say something, to protest but the brief look Albus sent the boy was enough to make Harry quiet.

"You've been plotting against me!" Fudge exclaimed joyously.

In fact, Umbridge and Fudge both seemed to be enjoying this all too much.

"Right under your nose too." Dumbledore said far too nonchalantly for Harry's liking. "Tonight was the first meeting. Pity. I'd have liked to see how many would've shown."

"Weasley, you're getting this all down?!" Fudge called over to Percy.

"Yes, sir!" Percy nodded vigorously as he scribbled furiously on a piece of parchment.

"I want it sent to the papers. Oh, Dumbledore, how long I have waited for this."

Panic was rising fast in Harry. If Dumbledore was gone, who would he have? "NO!" He couldn't stop the pleaded yell from escaping his lips.

Dumbledore looked at Harry gently. He didn't look angry or disapointed. He still looked at Harry with those same kind, blue examining eyes and it made Harry's heart break. He did this. He caused this. "Harry, quiet, please."

"Yes, shut up, Potter!" Fudge turned back to Dumbledore, happiness radiating off him. "I'd always knew I'd see you thrown in Azkaban. I was expecting to expel Harry Potter tonight, but this is so much better."

Still looking unfazed, Dumbledore merely smiled. "I imagine so."

"You will be taken to the Ministry where you'll be formally charged and then sent to Azkaban to await sentencing. Arrest him."

Finally, Dumbledore began to take action. "Actually, no."

Fudge did a double take for the second time that night. "What?"

"Well, you seem to be under some illusion that I'm going to let you take me away. What in heaven's makes you believe that I would allow you to take me to prison?"

"So you expect to take me, Umbridge, and three Aurors on, do you, Dumbledore?" Fudge challenged.

"Merlin's beard, no. Not unless you're foolish enough to actually attempt to bring me in by force."

Dawlish and Joseph looked at each other.

Fudge turned to Dawlish, his best Auror. "What are you waiting for? Take him!"

Dawlish lowered his wand and Joseph did the same.

Harry looked at the two Auror's in astonishment.

"What are you doing?" Fudge hissed venomously.

"If You-Know-Who was afraid of him, I see no reason why I shouldn't be."

Fudge reached for his wand and pointed it at Dumbledore. Albus didn't even flinch.

"I am the Minster of Magic. I am the one in power!" Fudge yelled out in anger.

An air of foreshadowing hung around Dumbledore. "An error that I will see corrected very soon."

Suddenly, a flash of light exploded. It stayed bright white for a moment. But when the light died down, Fudge still had his wand pointed at Dumbledore.

Harry had fallen to the floor but when he looked up, he saw Albus standing in front of his desk. Everyone seemed unable to move; frozen in time, except Dumbledore, McGonagall and Harry.

McGonagall rushed to Dumbledore as he walked down from his desk.

"Albus, what do we do?" McGonagall asked.

"You, Minerva must remain here. I will not leave my students defenseless against Umbridge. Do forgive Kingsley for me, I had to hex him as well."

Harry took this time to stumble forward towards his Headmaster. "Professor, I'm sorry -"

Dumbledore held a hand up, halting Harry in his speech. "Harry, you must do everything Professor Snape tells you. Remember, close your mind. You will understand soon."

Fawkes, the Phoenix, landed on Dumbledore's shoulder. Suddenly flames burst around Albus and he vanished, leaving nothing but smoke in his wake.

A second later everyone began to move again.

Fudge blinked. "Where is he? Where is he!"

"He disappeared!"

Fudge looked beyond furious. "You can't. Not in this castle. Search the grounds, quickly."

The others rushed out, leaving McGonagall and Harry in silence.

All Harry could think about was how this was all his fault and once again he pulled someone down with him...

(You got a pretty long chapter this time. Things are starting to kick off. I hope you enjoy it. Until next time...)

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