Chapter Thirty

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Harry walked down the corridor, on his way to Snape's classroom for his first Occlumency lesson. His whole body protested him not to go. He wanted nothing to do with Snape and Harry could clearly tell the Professor felt the same way.

As Harry entered the Potions classroom, he noticed a single chair stood in front of the Professors desk to which Snape was sitting behind.

Severus didn't even look up from his desk, only knowing Harry was there from the squeak of his sneakers. "Shut the door, Potter."

Harry did as he was told and walked towards Snape. He sat down on the chair and said nothing, not really knowing what to say to the Potions master.

"Well, you know why you are here, Potter. Let's just hope you prove more adept in Occlumency than you are at Potions. Now, as I hope you are now aware, Occlumency is a branch of magic to seal the mind against intrusion and influence. The Dark Lord is skilled at Legilimency, the antonym of Occlumency." Snape explained, his monotone drawl bouncing off the walls of the classroom, echoing around Harry.

"He can read minds?" Harry asked in slight horror.

"The mind is a complex thing, Potter. It cannot be opened at will. But under certain conditions, those that have mastered the art, are able to delve into the minds of their victims to a certain extent. The Dark Lord, for instance, almost always aware when someone is lying to him."

"So he could know what I'm thinking of right now?" Harry questioned again in intrigue and alarm.

Snape sighed, obviously getting annoyed by Harry's lack of knowledge. "The Dark Lord is a considerable distance away. Time and space matter in magic. It seems that the curse that failed to kill you has somehow forged a psychogenic connection between you two. It is inadvisable for this to continue."

"But, sir, why? I've been able to see his thoughts, too. I saw the snake."

"It seems the Dark Lord has been unaware of this connection until recently. Your last experience has clued him in and he's now aware such a bond exists. He knows you've had access to his thoughts and he knows the process can work in reverse. He will try and access your thoughts and feelings. If the Dark Lord breaks into your mind and discovers the secrets you know about the Order of the Phoenix it will make you more trouble than you're worth. Now take out your wand, Potter."

Harry took out his wand.

"Prepare yourself, Potter. I'm going to attempt to break into your mind. You've already shown aptitude to the Imperious Curse, you will find this similar. Brace yourself."

Harry didn't want to question why Snape seemed not to be insulting him but he didn't want to risk it so he did as he was told and took a deep breath, looking at Snape determinedly.

"Legilimens!" Snape muttered the spell with force.

Images flashed in front of both of their eyes, at first too fast to catch a glimpse but then the pair saw a five year old Harry running away from a dog and climbing up a tree. It disappeared and an older Harry was seen getting attacked by a hundred Dementors.

Yet another image was seen, and the pair of them saw Robyn standing still, smiling brilliantly at Harry as the sun caught her hazel eyes, making them glow.

Suddenly, the bond broke and Harry was brought back into Snape's room. Severus was unaffected but Harry stumbled back, breathing deeply as if he had ran for miles.

Harry looked as if he had been violated. "No." He breathed while staring at his Professor.

Snape seemed to ignore the comment. "You lost control. You let me in too deep."

"Did you see everything I did?" Harry asked, his neck warming.

"Flashes of it. Who was the dog?"

"My Aunt Marge's." Snape smiled slightly at Harry's comment which made Harry sigh in relief as the Professor had been acting strangely civil towards the boy.

"Well, that certainly could of gone worse. You stopped me, eventually. But you let me in too deep. You have to clear your mind." Snape critiqued but before Harry could prepare his mind again, Snape readied his wand. "Again. Ready? Legilimens!"

Harry felt the barriers in his mind shatter as Snape invaded his memorises once again.

This time the memories the two saw were much more sinister.

Cedric lay on the floor, his eyes dull and his skin pale as Voldemort kept his wand pointed at the inoccent boy.

The dark long corridor soon came into view, the door getting closer and closer until the connection broke again and Harry was sent falling into his chair, his heart going haywire and his breathing laboured.

"Get up." The Professor ordered.

Harry reluctantly did, glaring hard at the man.

"That last image . . . that door. How did that image enter your mind?"

"I saw it in a dream. I've been seeing it a lot." Harry explained.

"You dream about that door? Potter, every night you will clear your head before you sleep. I want you back here Wednesday. Now get out."

Harry stared at his Professor, trying to wrap his head around everything, then turned on his feet and walked out the classroom. He made his way to the common room where he would be able to fall into his soft, comfy bed and try to determine what just happened...


Once again, the D.A were gathered all together for another lesson by Harry.

Today they were learning about the Patronus Charm. Harry had spent the first half of the class explaining the charm and what it did, while he told them the incantation and wand movement they had to perfect to be able to produce their Patronus'.

The second half of the lesson, everyone felt was much more harder than they ever anticipated to cast their Patronus' but they all stayed determined and continued on trying.

Hermione had been trying the spell over and over. "Expecto Patronum!" But all that emitted from her wand was a feeble whimsy looking string of blue light.

Hermione huffed in frustration and Harry turned to her. "It's okay, that wasn't bad for -"

"- the twentieth time." Hermione sighed, looking ashamed of herself.

Harry smiled encouragingly. "You have to think of your happiness memory. Or just a happy thought, as long as it's strong. Fix on it."

"Harry?" Cho called over.

Robyn lowered her wand and turned to look at Cho. Harry caught her staring and gave her an amused smile and waved it off as if telling her 'don't worry, nothing will happen. I told you I only have feelings for you.'

Robyn gave Harry one last lingering stare before nodding and turned back to trying to cast her Patronus.

Robyn had come to terms that Cho had liked Harry for a while now. Even Harry had liked Cho before he realised his true feelings for Robyn and although Robyn was a hundred percent confident Harry would never stoop low enough to cheat on her, she still didn't like the way Cho was looking at him.

"Nothing's happening. At all." Cho explained as Harry neared.

"Maybe I should of waited a while longer before I introduced the Patronus Charm." Harry said then shook his head. No, they can do this.

"You need to think of your happiest memory. Fix on it. Think souly of that memory and then cast the charm. Give it another go." Harry smiled encouragingly while he took a step back and watched as Cho poised her wand and shut her eyes, thinking hard.

"Expecto Patronum." Blue mist emitted from Cho's wand and Harry beamed. It was better than nothing.

"Good. Well done. Remember to think of your happiest thought and try to keep that wand steady. Keep trying." Harry told Cho as he walked away in the direction to Robyn.

"You got any further yet?" Harry asked as he approached his girlfriend.

"No, no yet. Still just a faint outline of it." Robyn said, as she sighed.

Harry grabbed her hand. "You think I got it on my first go. It took me a whole year to be able to cast my Patronus.

Robyn smiled. "I know."

Harry nodded. "Go on. Give it another go."

Harry had not let go of her hand and Robyn only squeezed tighter when she felt him take a step back.

Harry chuckled lightly but kept a hold of her hand.

"You ready?" Harry asked.

Robyn nodded and shut her eyes, trying to think of her happiest memory.

Going to Diagon Alley for the first time.

Seeing her parents getting married after all those years.

All those late nights chatting to her brother while she was a kid.

Making friends with Harry, Ron and Hermione.

As Robyn continued to think of happy memories, one specific one came to mind and wouldn't leave her alone.

Her first kiss with Harry and how she felt her heart was floating.

"Expecto Patronum." Robyn exclaimed and soon the whole class fell silent and looked at Robyn as a vibrant, glowing lioness escaped her wand and began roaring, circling Robyn.

Robyn's eyes widened as she giggled joyously. "Oh, wow!"

Everyone applauded and cheered when Robyn's Patronus soon turned into blue dust and evaporated into nothing.

After Robyn had successfully cast her Patronus, it was as if a trigger went off and soon the majority of the D.A. were watching their creations prance around the room.

It wasn't until Dobby decided to show his face was it when the fun stopped.

The House-Elf looked beyond frightened and his big doe green eyes were glistening and full of tears as he sobbed loudly.

Harry looked very surprised to see Dobby but stepped towards him warmly nonetheless, his worry showing on his face. "Dobby, what are you doing here?"

"Harry Potter must forgive Dobby, good sir. Bad Dobby! Bad!" Dobby wailed as he began to hit himself on his large head.

Harry sped forward and knelt down, grabbing Dobby's arms lightly stopping the House-Elf from inflicting anymore damage on to itself. "Why . . . what happened?" Harry asked, suddenly very worried as to what happened.

The whole room waited with bated breaths, all knowing something was definitely wrong.

Dobby winced and closed his eyes and Harry could see he was fighting against himself to tell Harry the information. "She knows, sir." Dobby eventually answered in a hushed hiss.

Harry felt his heart drop to his stomach and his lungs loose all their oxygen. "Who, Dobby? Who knows?" Harry questioned frantically, already fearing the answer that would come as he glanced at his two best friends and girlfriend.

Dobby groaned. "Dobby is not allowed to tell Harry Potter. She told Dobby not to tell."

Harry looked Dobby dead on in the face and he felt saddened by how much the poor Elf was quivering. "Dobby, listen to me, is it Umbridge?"

Dobby looked up slightly, to meet Harry's worried and frantic emerald eyes and with tears spilling down his face, Dobby nodded.

Harry sucked in a breath and panicked.

He jumped up and turned to everyone. "UMBRIDGE ALERT!"

Everyone stood in a stunned silence, all too shocked to move.

"Run. Separate outside, don't stay together. Make for your houses!" Harry yelled to the crowd and suddenly everyone sprang into action and ran for the exit.

Ron, Hermione and Robyn fought against the crowd and made their way towards a stressed looking Harry.

"But how, Harry, I jinxed -" Hermione said, scared and feeling defeated.

"I don't know! Take the invisibility cloak. Make for Hagrid's, it's closer!" Harry told the three of them and then turned to Dobby. "Dobby, this is an order, go back to the kitchen. And I forbid you to hurt yourself."

"What about you? You gotta come with us!" Ron exclaimed as the crowd continued to scramble through the door.

"No, we can barely move under the cloak with all four of us. I'll head for the Dungeon. She'll be looking for me. C'mon, go! Now!"

Harry forced the three through the door and threw the invisibility cloak over them. Robyn only got one last look at her boyfriend before Hermione began to pull them to safety.

All she could hope for was that Harry was safe and that he wouldn't get caught by Umbridge...


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