Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Harry walked into the kitchen and sure enough, Snape was sitting at the table with a sneer on his face.

Sirius was leaning against the wall, not looking at all pleased but sent a grin Harry's way when he saw Harry coming.

"Sit down, Potter." Snape drawled.

Harry sat across from the foul Professor and said nothing, fighting back the urge to hurl questions at him as to what the Professor wanted.

"The headmaster has sent me to tell you that it is his wish for you to study Occlumency." Snape continued as his face turned into one of digust as if it were a crime to start teaching Harry the ways of Occlumency.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he send his Godfather a quick glance. "What?"

Snape bit the inside of his cheek to stop the line of frustrated cries that were threatening to spill. The bat-like man sighed. "Occlumency, Potter. It is the magical defense of the mind against intrusion. The headmaster feels in light of certain events it is necessary that you are better prepared. You will receive private lessons once a week. No one is to know of this, least of all Dolores Umbridge. I expect you at six o'clock Monday evening."

Sirius stepped forward. "Wait a second, you're teaching him?" The man asked is detest.

"Trust me, Black, I didn't beg for the job." Snape countered back curtly.

Harry went to get a word in; to ask more questions when Sirius beat him to it.

"Fine. But if I hear you're using these lesson to give him a hard time -"

"Oh very touching, Black. I'm sure you're aware how very much like his father he is. You'd know then that he's so arrogant that criticism bounces off him." Snape hissed in his monotonous voice.

Harry went to cut in; to say he wasn't arrogant and to say his father was a good man but Sirius beat him too it again.

"Watch it, Snivellus!" Sirius snapped, glaring at the Potions professor.

"You talk bravely for a man who's spent the last six months hiding in his mother's house, Black."

"That's it! I don't care who says you're reformed, I know better! You know, how is old Lucius Malfoy? I expect he is happy that his lapdog is back at Hogwarts -"

"Speaking of Malfoy and dogs, did you know that he recognized you when you said goodbye to your precious godson? Just another excuse not to leave and risk your own neck -" Snape interjected with a sly smirk, showing off a line of yellow teeth.

Sirius was seething now. "You snot nosed worm!"

And with that, Sirius pulled out his wand just as Snape did.

It was a stand off; the two older men waiting to see who would attack first while glaring dangerously at each other.

Harry's eyes flickered between the two before he made his decision.

He climbed on to the table to stand between the two, holding his arms out. "No, stop! Both of you!"

Both men looked passed Harry and at each other.

It wasn't until a few minutes of excruciating silence was it when Snape finally pocketed his wand.

"Six o'clock, Potter!" Snape hissed and walked out briskly, his black robes billowing behind him.

Everything was silent again for a moment as Harry climbed off the dining table.

"Ah, just like being back at the old school yard..."


Everyone was back at Hogwarts and that meant the re-joining of the D.A.

They all were crowded in the Room of Requirements once again and everyone was off in pairs, dueling one another.

Harry was dueling with Hermione and Robyn was paired with Ron. The four stood close to each other, talking while dueling.

"Snape is going to teach you Occlumency?" Hermione questioned. Everyone was too pre-ocupied to hear what the four were talking about.

"Yeah, I get to see his shining face twice as much as before now." Harry said, then readied his wand. "Protego!"

A blue jet shot at Hermione but she flicked her wand and deflected it easily.

"Harry, Occlumency is very advance magic. It's not even on the N.E.W.T.s." Robyn pointed out as she deflected a spell Ron sent hurling her way. She sent him an encouraging smile, before yelling; "Flipendo!"

"Impedimenta!" Hermione exclaimed.

Harry swung his wand upward as the spell was about to hit, deflecting the spell to the ceiling. It hit, peices of ceiling crumbling down.

"Nice one." Harry praised Hermione with a grin.

"Thanks. So when do you start?"

"Today at six. Accio wand!"

Suddenly, Hermione's wand flew out of her hand and toward Harry. It landed in Harry's free hand and he held it up.

But then every single wand in the room went zooming towards Harry, all leaving their holders hands.

Harry covered his head as all the wands flew through the air and bounced off him, falling to the floor.

The room went silent as they stared at Harry.

"Guess I should of been more specific." Harry said while grinning sheepishly.

Robyn giggled while shaking her head, going to collect her wand along with the rest of the class...

(Hey, so I wrote this late last night while on holiday. It's short, I know. But the next chapter will be Harry's first lesson with Snape. Anyway, hope you all enjoy. Until next time...)

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