Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Harry burst into the public toilet in the hospital and rushed to the sink to wash his face. Everything was all too much. It was all too confusing for him. Harry felt his heart going haywire and his breathing was laboured. Everything he saw reminded him of what he did to Arthur. Each night he saw Cedric fall to the ground in a flash of green light and this black door kept plaguing his thoughts, leaving him confused as to why it was so important.

As Harry lifted his head to stare at his reflection, he stumbled back.

His reflection was not his own.

Voldemort was staring back at him with his snake-like scarlet eyes, while showing his pointed teeth in a sinister smile...


Harry jolted awake. As he gasped for breath all he could tell himself over and over was that it was another nightmare. Nothing more. Slowly, his heart rate began to decrease.

He was lying on a bench still in the hospital. As he became aware of his surroundings, he noticed his jacket draped around him like a blanket.

He looked up and realised his head was resting in Robyn's lap. Harry felt himself blush.

Robyn stirred from her sleep after detecting movement. As her eyes slowly opened, she saw Harry looking up at her and she smiled brightly.

Then she noticed the look in his emerald eyes. "Another nightmare?"

Harry didn't have to answer for Robyn to know the truth and she sighed, smiling sadly at her boyfriend.

"Get up." Robyn said in a whisper as she didn't want to disturb Hermione and Ron who were asleep on the opposite bench. Robyn smiled when she saw Ron's head was rested on Hermione's shoulder and Hermione was leaning her head on to Ron's.

"What, why?"

Robyn looked down at Harry again. "Because I want to talk to you and I don't want to disturb the others..."


Robyn and Harry found themselves wondering down to the canteen where the early morning sun was just peaking through the windows.

The canteen was empty as they would not open it for another hour which allowed Harry and Robyn to talk without getting intrupted.

Robyn stared at Harry.

"What?" The words tumbled from Harry's lips in a amused tone. "You're doing an awful lot of staring."

Robyn simply smiled at Harry's teasing tone. "Well considering you're my boyfriend now, Potter, I gathered I was allowed to appreciate you from time to time."

Harry's face turned a dark tone of scarlet.

"Anyway, tell me about this nightmare. Well, the one that told you Arthur was in trouble."

The atmosphere between the two had completely flipped around and now Harry stood, suddenly feeling very tense.

He breathed in deep, trying to ignore the guilt rolling over him as he told Robyn the nightmare of how he was a snake and began attacking Mr. Weasley.

After Harry was done talking, Robyn immediately pulled him in for a hug, after seeing the tears glistening in his emerald eyes.

"Oh Harry," Robyn muttered into his neck. "You've probably heard this a million times in your life time but it wasn't your fault. You have absolutely no control over your dreams...well nightmares, so how can you possibly be blaming yourself? It, again, all falls into the hands of Voldemort. Harry, you should be praising yourself. Without this horrible trait of yours to get into Voldemorts head, Mr. Weasley would be dead now."

Harry opened his mouth to answer. "Yeah, but-"

Robyn rolled her eyes. "Oh, shut up and accept that it isn't your fault." And with that, she kissed him.

The kiss was slow, like always, both of them savouring the fire that had ignited in their veins and the pure bliss feeling of euphoria rolling over them.

And then it got more heated. Robyn's hands moved to get entangled in Harry's brilliantly messy hair, and Harry's hand rested on her waist, pulling her even closer, if that were even possible.

Their lips moved in perfect sync and their hearts hammered in their chests. They never would get used to the feeling of kissing each other.

Harry pulled away first, his lungs needing oxygen as he rested his forehead against Robyn's.

Robyn smirked a little. "Come to terms that it isn't your fault yet?"

Harry grinned but then returned his face to become neutral. "Well, I don't know. Would you kiss me everytime I tried to blame myself?"

Robyn bit her lip, fighting back a grin that was threatening to grow on her face. "Maybe..."

Harry's stomach lept as he stared at Robyn, his tone half teasing, half serious. "Well then, you're going to have to kiss me a lot more..."


Everyone had returned back to 12 Grimmauld Place, once they had all awoken and knowing that Mr. Weasley was going to be just fine.

It was later in the evening now and Hermione was helping Ginny decorate the Christmas tree that stood in the living room.

It still shocked everyone how fast the holiday was creeping up on them.

All the Order members were there, scattered about the house, just doing what they could.

Robyn made her way into the living room, where Ron and Harry also resided.

Ginny turned to her with a smile. "Hey, Robyn, you wouldn't mind helping, would you?"

Robyn shook her head with as small smile. "'Course not, Gin."

Ron furrowed his eyebrows together as Robyn made her way over to the tree and began to help decorate. "So, when did you two get all buddy-buddy?"

Ginny rolled her eyes at Ron and flipped her long ginger hair over her shoulder. "This happened ages ago, keep up Ronald!"

Robyn's approach to the question was a lot more gentle. "We just found out we had more in common than we originally thought."

Robyn met Ginny's eye and the two burst into a fit of giggles while Hermione rolled her eyes next to them with a smile.

Hermione placed another bauble on to the tree and then walked over to Harry. "McGonagall woke me and told me what happened. I took the Knight Bus." Hermione said as she explained why she was there.

Robyn raised her hand. "Me too!"

"Well, you two surprised me." Harry said as Robyn sent him a wink, causing him to smile.

"Oh cheer up, it's Christmas. Mr. Weasley's going to be fine and -"

"And 12 Death Eaters escaped from Azkaban." Ron interjected, causing Hermione to send him a sharp look. Ron merely shrugged it off.

"You heard?" Hermione sighed, turning back to Harry.

Harry nodded, looking grave. "It was kind of hard to miss. Voldemort's making his moves."

Ron groaned. "Would you stop saying his name!"

Robyn giggled and turned to the red head. "Come on, it's just a name."

Mrs. Weasley came walking in, wearing her usual kind smile and an apron wrapped around her waist. "Harry, dear, could you come to the kitchen? Professor Snape would like a word."

Harry smiled. "Yeah, sure . . ."

Then, as if just registering what Molly just said, Harry did a double take. "WHAT? Snape?"

Robyn shared a look with Hermione and Ron. The two just shrugged, looking worried.

"Professor Snape, dear. In the kitchen." Mrs. Weasley nodded, confirming it.

"What's he doing here?" Ron questioned to Harry.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Ron, he's part of the Order, remember?"

"Yeah, but what's he want with you, Harry?"

Harry merely shrugged and followed Mrs. Weasley into the kitchen.

As Hermione and Ron left to go upstairs to discuss what Snape could possibly want with Harry, Robyn spotted Alex beckoning her over.

Robyn looked behind her to see Ginny had returned to decorating the tree.

"I'll be back in a second, Ginny."

After hearing a faint 'okay,' Robyn walked over to Alex with a smile.

"Have you told them?" Alex asked, looking genuinely curious.

Robyn smirked teasingly. "You're going to have to be a bit more specific."

Alex rolled his eyes. "About you being put under the Imper-"

Before Alex could say anymore, Robyn shoved him into the nearest empty room and shut the door.

"Would you keep your voice down!" Robyn hissed and then sighed. "No. No, I haven't told them."

"Robyn, you need to tell them. They deserve to know."

"And tell them what, Alex? That I've been put under the Imperius Curse and not even Dumbledore can figure it out. Seems a bit far-fetched, don't you think? Not to mention, they have enough on their plate and they'll only worry too much. It's only been one incident and will probably never happen again anyway." Robyn rambled as she began to pace in front of her brother with a stoic look on her face.

"Robyn, please. You need to tell t-"

"No Alex. I'm not telling them and that's final!"

With that, Robyn left the room in hopes to find out what Snape wanted with her boyfriend...

(Another chapter done. Yay. Hope you all enjoy it. It had another Harry/Robyn moment. I won't be able to update next week because I have my prom tomorrow and then on Saturday I go straight off on holiday. So you won't be hearing off me for over a week or two. Sorry about that but I'll try to get some writing done while I'm on holiday. Anyway, hope you enjoy. Until next time...)

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