Chapter Twenty-Seven

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(A/N Soo, it's been awhile. I'm sorry about that. There's a few things I've been meaning to say for a while now so I would appreciate it if you could read through this first without just skipping to the actual chapter.

I've now finished my GCSE'S so I have a while off to write a lot now. That's good because I've missed this.

Anyway what I want to say concerns my character Noah. I've recently been through and read through all three of my HP books and while I'm extremely happy and proud of them, there are a few things I want to go through.

I have noticed a few comments concerning how it's too quick for Noah to fall in love with Robyn. First I would like to say I never mentioned Noah being in love with Robyn. Liking someone and loving someone is completely different.

Some people have also commented how Noah has fast gained feelings for Robyn but I don't think of it like that at all.

Now, I'm all for people developing a relationship slowly but I'm sure many of you can relate and at some point in your life you have met someone briefly and immediately felt something for them. That is what happened to Noah.

I created this story in my head and the whole plot line is in my head and so I can picture Noah and Robyn's messed up relationship clear as day. To me it makes sense. To me it's not rushed. I apologise if I have not written it too well. Like I have said many times, I struggle immensely to write original characters and so it was a big risk to add him but I feel like I have done good so far.

I'm writing this not to be bitchy but to explain. Everything is in my head, it's just harder to write it all out.

The last thing I will say is i hope you enjoy this chapter. You all deserve to after this long wait I have put you through. I love you all and thank you so SO much for the constant support. None of you know how much it means to me. Until next time...)


The Weasley's were sat around the fireplace at 12 Grimmauld Place, each holding a cup of hot chocolate in their hands. No one spoke. Silence engulfing them, the only sound being the ticking of the clock, taunting them at how slowly and loudly it was moving. They were all lost in thought, seconds away from breaking down into tears.

Mindlessly, Harry stared off at a wall, his fingers drawing circles on the mug in his hands, ignoring the scorching pain shooting through his hand at how hot the liquid was.

He was the reason his friends were sat here now suffering and waiting in agony to find out if their father was going to make it. It was all his fault. It always was. He always dragged people into his own business when he should just face it all on his own. It was all his always was. Always...

Harry didn't notice Sirius' presence until the man spoke. "You alright?"

Harry turned his head towards Sirius, his green eyes full of emotion. "It was me . . . I bit him. And . . . I wanted to do it. I wanted nothing more than to bite him . . . Sirius, what's happening?" Harry admitted, his voice shaking and full of fear.

"No, listen to me: You didn't do this. If it wasn't for you it would have been hours before they found him, and then it'd be too late. This is not your fault."

Harry shook his head, not accepting his Godfathers reassurance. "But, how come I saw it? I'm going mad. I've been seeing things..."

Harry could feel himself begin to shake. He could feel his throat constricting. He could feel the tears that burned to leave his eyes. Harry had been like this for weeks now and it was only getting worse. He was having more panic attacks and break downs and his anger was always there. It was enough the make anyone scared but what concerned Harry the most was that he was afraid of himself. He was afraid of his thoughts. His mind. He was afraid of the person growing inside of him...

Harry took a deep breath and tried to calm the oncoming panic attack.

"I don't know how this is happening, Harry. I wish I did. But you have to trust yourself." Harry wanted to laugh at Sirius. How in the world was he possibly going to trust himself?

Suddenly, the front door opened and Mrs. Weasley stepped in. All eyes shot towards her. Her eyes were puffy, and she obviously had been crying.

Everyone held their breaths as they awaited the news. Harry's knee jumped up and down, and he chewed on his bottem lip, drawing blood.

"He's going to be alright."

George let out a breath, feeling as if he could breathe again. A tear of relief rolled down his cheek.

Ginny rushed forward in tears and embraced her mother. Slowly, Fred, George and Ron hugged Mrs. Weasley as well as they all shared a big group hug.

Sirius' hand fell on Harry's shoulder as the black haired boy let out a breath of relief, though the guilt was still twisting around in his stomach and invading his mind like an infection.

Once the Weasley's hold on each other ended, Molly turned to Harry. Molly opened her arms out and Harry stood up, guilt still clutching him, but smiled slightly when he felt Molly's arms wrap around him in a motherly hug. This was what he needed. Molly held on to Harry as if he was one of her own and tears freely rolled down her cheeks again.

Although Harry wasn't facing anyone, he buried his face in Molly's shoulder and breathed in deep to stop the tears that were threatening to fall.

"Thank God for you, Harry! I don't know what would of happened if it wasn't for you." Molly choked out through her sobs of happiness.

Harry could hardly stand her gratitude, still feeling entirely responsible.

Sirius broke the silence that engulfed them all once again. "Right, then. Who's hungry?"


Mrs. Weasley walked down the medical ward with Ginny in hand. Fred and George followed, anxious but excited to see their father.

Ron followed close after, the same twisting of anxiousness in his stomach. He was not in a talking mood and that lead Harry to trail slowly behind, his body numb with guilt.

They all reached a door with Mad-Eye Moody and Tonks waiting in front of it. Tonks smiled upon seeing the family.

"Hey, kiddo. You okay?" Tonks said, turning to Ginny, her eyes full of concern.

Ginny didn't need to utter a word for Tonks to understand and the older women engulfed the youngest Weasley in a hug.

"We'll wait outside. I think it should just be family first." Tonks said, turning to Mrs. Weasley.

Harry instinctively stepped back to stand with Mad-Eye and Tonks upon hearing what Tonks said.

His stomach churned uncomfortably. He knew Mr. Weasley was safe but that didn't stop his mind from taunting him with guilt as a voice in his head ran over and over all the reasons why this was all his fault.

Mrs. Weasley saw Harry step back and grabbed his hand, taking him by surprise. "Don't be silly, Harry. You are family."

Harry was heart warmed by this but at that moment, Harry wished Mrs. Weasley wasn't so kind and welcoming for he didn't think he was ready to face Mr. Weasley just yet.

But Harry didn't have much choice in that matter as Mrs. Weasley pulled on his hand, dragging him into the ward, the Weasley children following after.


In bed sitting up, hidden behind a copy of the Daily Prophet was Arthur Weasley. The title of the paper read; Massive breakout from Azkaban!

Mr. Weasley lowered the paper upon seeing his guests. He looked bright as sunshine. No one would have guessed what had happened to him only a few hours previous.

"Hello!" The ginger man beamed.

Ginny rushed forward and hugged her father. George and Fred, followed by Ron went up too. Harry hung back with Mrs. Weasley.

"Please, please. I'm fine. I hope they didn't make too much of a fuss. I'd go home if only they'd figure a way to stop the bleeding." Mr. Weasley explained cheerfully and it was then when Harry noticed the bloodstained bandages wrapped around his torso.

Harry felt the blood drain from his face, and the guilt hit him full force making him unsteady on his feet. Images of his nightmare flashed before his eyes at a dizzying speed.

"Why can't they stop it, dad?" Fred questioned, looking a lot better now he had seen his dad was going to be okay.

"Oh, they think it was the snake's venom. It keeps the wound open, but they'll crack it. Speaking of which, they told me about a very interesting Muggle remedy called 'stitches.'"

Mrs. Weasley took in a harsh breath of air and glared at her husband. "Arthur, I will not have you being sewn together by some Muggle!"

"It was just a thought, Molly." Arthur muttered meekly.

Mr. Weasely's eyes found Harry and he beamed again. "Harry. I owed my life and my family's to you when you were just a baby."

"Are you in the paper, dad?"

"No, lucky enough." Arthur replied, looking at George. "But 12 Death Eaters escaped Azkaban last night. Even Fudge couldn't keep this secret."

"12? Has it got anything to do with what happened to you?"

"No, no, no, Fred." Mr. Weasley shook his head profusely.

"So what were you doing, Dad?" George asked.

"That is my business." Arthur said curtly, sending George a stern glare.

As all the Weasley children surrounded their father, Harry slowly began to back away heading for the exit.

Harry looked back and nodded to himself after seeing Mr. Weasley really was okay...


Harry walked down the hall by himself, deep in thought. He ran a hand along his face and sighed when he felt the large bags under his eyes.

The sick feeling of guilt had not subsided and continued to twist around him like some sort of parasite. Like some sort of snake. The sudden thought made Harry shiver as the guilt caused his gut to clench.

"Not running away, are you?" The sudden sound made Harry jump out of his skin and he turned only to see a portrait of Phineas.

"No." Harry uttered back in surprise.

Phineas tutted, staring at Harry accusingly. "I thought you Gryffindors were suppose to be brave. We Slytherins are brave, yes; but not stupid. We know when it's time to save our own necks."

Harry shook his head, feeling mildly offended as he turned back to the glass doors of the ward, immediately noticing the Weasley's fiery red hair. "I'm not saving my own neck."

"I see, then. So this is you being nobel. Thinking yourself dangerous, I bet? I must admit seeing the Dark Lord's actions in dreams is very odd. I suppose running away would be noble . . . Or mainly cowardly . . ."

"I'm not safe. I could hurt anyone of them next!" Harry exclaimed, his voice raising as he glared at Phineas.

Phineas merely raised an eyebrow, looking rather amused. "Young people, so infernally convinced that they are absolutely right about everything. You know, there is a reason why the headmaster is not confiding every little detail of his plan to you? But no, you alone knows what's best, and are clever enough to know what the Dark Lord is planning. You feel you know so much, yet you have no clue of how little you do. There are bigger things happening than you, Harry Potter. Stay where you are."

Harry was left dumbfounded as he stared at Phineas, a battle raging on in his mind whether or not he should trust all that Phineas said.

Dumbledore may be ignoring him at the moment but Harry still trusted the man with his life. After everything, surely Dumbledore wouldn't be hiding that much from him, right?

Harry didn't know what to do. He didn't want to put anyone in danger anymore and with his nightmares only growing worse, he had a feeling he was doing just that...

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