Chapter Twenty-Six

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Professor McGonagall looked over her shoulder briefly, checking to see if Potter was still behind her. When her worried eyes landed on him, she turned back to the corridor she was currently rushing down, her slippers shuffling along the stone floor quickly, grey wisps of hair flying behind her.

Harry was stumbling behind her, trying to keep up but he felt so disorientated and dizzy as the vision replayed over and over again in his head. He felt his stomach churn when he saw the blood in his mind that spurted from Arthur's body.

The green eyed boy swallowed the bile that was rising in his throat. Now was not the time to throw up, he was wasting precious time that he could be using to save Mr. Weasley's life.

Harry jogged to catch Professor McGonagall up, his feet tripping over themselves and he had to put his hands out to regain his balance.

Soon they reached the stone spiral staircase that lead to Dumbledore's office.

The two walked up them solemnly.

McGonagall entered the office first followed by Harry. The whole office was illuminated by candle light and Albus was sitting behind his desk. When Dumbledore's electric blue eyes landed on the pair standing in his office, he smiled. "Professor . . . ah!"

McGonagall seemed to consider her words. "Potter has had . . . a nightmare."

Harry stared at Dumbledore, quick to come to his own defense. "It was real, Professor! I swear. I saw a snake attacking Mr. Weasley! A giant snake!"

Panic seemed to flash across Dumbledore's face but it soon turned passive as he stared at Harry seriously. "How did you see it, Harry?"

Harry hesitated. But upon deciding Mr. Weasley's life relied on him, he looked down ashamed and said; "I . . . I was the snake. I bit Ron's dad..."

"Was Arthur seriously injured?"

Harry shook his head vigorously. "Yes!"

Dumbledore paused for a moment, Harry finding it impossible to read his face.

Albus thought about it all for a moment. He looked at Harry; at the boys pale and sallow complexion; at his shaking and clammy hands; at his dull, panicked but most importantly scared eyes.

Dumbledore nodded to himself and turned to the portrait closest to him. "Everard! The man has red hair. Make sure he's found by the right people." Albus declared, his voice serious and emotionless, no sound of kindness or lightness like it normally held.

The portrait nodded and walked out of his frame. "Right away."

Dumbledore turned back to Professor McGonagall. "Professor, please alert the other Weasley children. I'm sure they'll want to know what's happened to their father."

"Of course, Albus." McGonagall turned and left, leaving Harry and Dumbledore alone.

Harry noticed that all the portraits were gone except for one.

"Don't worry, Harry. They'll find him." Dumbledore smiled kindly at the dark haired boy.

Everard returned to his portrait and the remaining colour drained from Harry's face after seeing the look on the portraits face. "Dumbledore! He doesn't look good. They're taking him to St. Mungo's."

"Thank you, Everard." Dumbledore nodded solemnly.

Albus stood up and opened a large wooden cupboard behind him. He pulled out a blackened kettle and raised his wand to it and whispered incoherent words. Harry stared at his head teacher incredulously as he turned to a painting of a darkly dressed man who was asleep. The only other portrait with a person still inside of it apart from Everard. "Phineas. Phineas!"

The portrait, Phineas, grumbled as he awoke. "You called, Headmaster?"

"I need you to visit your portrait at the Black house. You need to alert Sirius what has been happening and to expect Potter and the Weasleys. Their father has been hurt. Understand?"

Phineas yawned, looking less than interested. "Father injured, kids and Potter coming to stay, got it." He mumbled offhandedly.

Phineas walked out of his portrait, off to alert Sirius and Dumbledore turned back to Harry wearing that same serious expression that Harry found rather unsettling.

"Sirius' great-great grandfather. He was headmaster here during his time. Rather unpopular, actually." Dumbledore spoke conversationally about Phineas.

Before Harry could remark or get restless from not being able to do anything, Professor McGonagall entered followed by Ginny, Ron, Fred and George. They all looked terrified making Harry's heart sink.

"Harry . . ."

Dumbledore interjected Ginny. "Listen: Your father has been injured in the course of his work for the Order of the Phoenix. He's being moved to St. Mungo's Hospital." Dumbledore paused, sensing something, then turned to McGonagall. "Umbridge is aware you're out of bed. Minerva, head her off - tell her anything but the truth."

McGonagall nodded curtly and was gone in a flash.

Dumbledore held up the blackened kettle. "This is a port-key that will take you all to the house. Everyone gather 'round and grab a hold." Everyone did as they were told and Harry was struck with the thought of Hermione and Robyn being left in the dark.

Before Harry could ponder the thought much longer, Dumbledore interrupted his train of thoughts. "Ready, one, two, three-"

Before Harry could blink, he found himself on the floor in 12 Grimmauld Place...


Sirius helped the still very disorientated Harry off the ground. He would've been over the moon to have all the company and see his Godson if it weren't for the bad circumstances.

"Is mum here!?!" Ginny asked wildly after helping herself off the ground quickly.

"No, she doesn't know yet. Dumbledore will take care of that. The important thing is you're all here, away from Umbridge." Sirius said, helping the remaining children off the floor.

"So are we going to St. Mungo?" Ron asked anxiously, wanting so badly to see if his father was okay. This only made Harry feel ten times worse.

Sirius sighed and shook his head slowly. "No, we wait."

Fred wheeled around to look a Sirius. "Wait? That's our father!" He exclaimed but there wasn't anger in his voice only pure and heartfelt desperation.

"Listen to me, all of you. Your dad has been seriously injured no more than five minutes ago in service of the Order. No one should know."

"Who cares!" George said as he went over to comfort Ginny who was in tears.

"Listen! We can't draw attention to the fact that Harry's having visions of Voldemort's action. You're dad is in the best care possible. There's nothing you can do, for now. What you need to do is stay calm. You need to relax. And wait." Sirius looked at the children sternly, making no room for objections.

Although the tone of voice was harsh, his eyes held kindness and reassurance that made everyone settle down a little, even though the anticipation and worry was eating them all alive.

All they could hope for was that Arthur Weasley was still alive and that Harry wasn't too late...

(Managed to update because I'm on half term. Anyway, the next two weeks i definitely won't be able to update because it's when my exams hit full force, so please understand that you won't be hearing off me for the next two weeks or more. Thank you for all the kind wishes and continuous support. It means the world...until next time)

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