Chapter Twenty-Five

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Hagrid lead the quartet through the Hogwarts grounds, the four students only option to follow aimlessly.

". . . yeh see, when I found out what happened to me mother, them giants pointed something else out to me . . ." Hagrid was explaining as he took them into the Forbidden Forest, raising the lantern he had in his giant hand higher so the golden light spilled from it and illuminated the surroundings in a heavenly and inviting glow.

Ron felt a shiver crawl down his spine as he remembered the spiders. He would never forget the spiders...

Robyn felt herself moving closer towards Harry as they reached a clearing. Hagrid came to a halt, a loud and echoing noise meeting their ears that sounded oddly like heavy breathing.

Robyn felt the hairs on her neck and arms stand rigid, her breathing becoming uneven as her eyes darted around the darkness, suddenly feeling very vulnerable to attacks and very aware of every little noise around her. She wasn't very partial to the dark.

Something warm and comforting slid into her hand. At first Robyn jumped, on edge, but relaxed when she realised it was Harry's hand. She gave it a gentle squeeze and smiled at him, her body filling with warmth when he smiled back at her.

"Ah, there he is. Sleepin." Hagrid continued on into the darkness.

Promptly, Hermione's gasp echoed around them. "Oh no, Hagrid. Tell me you didn't . . ."

Hagrid shifted. "I had too." He responded defensively.

Robyn felt the air in her lungs leave her as a sudden realisation came to her. She just hoped she was wrong...

A good twenty feet in front of them was a giant shadow that was slowly rising up and down. As the golden light from the lantern hit it, the shadow slowly became more defined and the quartet could make out what it was.

"Had me a time pullin' him along. Him bein' bigger than me. But we got along fine." Hagrid went on nervously, looking at the four waiting for their reactions anxiously.

"Oh no, Hagrid, why didn't you leave him where he was?" Hermione said gently, shock evident on her face.

Ron and Harry were staring at it fearfully but also amazed.

Robyn couldn't believe her eyes. Her realisation was right. Hagrid had brought home a bloody giant.

"I couldn't, he's me brother."

Harry swallowed, finding his voice again. "When you say brother, do you mean-"

"Half-brother, yeh see. Mum went and had him a few years ago. Oh look, he's wakin' up."

The giant slowly began to rise, the ground shaking and rumbling as it did so.

Harry pushed Robyn behind him. Hermione shuddered behind Robyn and Ron hid behind Hermione.

Slowly the giant stood, all sixteen feet of it.

"Grawp, wakey, wakey!" Hagrid called up to the giant cheerfully.

"Grawp?" Robyn questioned, her voice quivering. She felt Harry's hold on her hand grow stronger.

"Hagrid, don't wake him up. I'm sure he's fine asleep."

Grawp turned and a small smile made its way on to the giants face when it saw Hagrid. That was until Grawp spotted the other four tiny people with Hagrid.

"Harry, he's looking at us." Hermione whispered to Harry as the four craned their necks to watch the giant fearfully.

"Grawp! This is 'Arry Potter!" Hagrid turned to Harry, grinning. "I've been teachin' im a spot of English, gettin' thumpin' good too, if I say so myself."

The half-giant turned back to Grawp. "This is Hermione!" He gestured to Hermione while looking back at her and adding; "Mind if he calls you Hermy? Bit of a long name for him."

"Sure." Hermione agreed shakily.

"Hermy and Ron!" Hagrid grinned up a Grawp, clearly not seeing how terrified Harry, Hermione, Ron and Robyn were.

"And lastly, this 'ere is Robyn."

Robyn gave a small wave to Grawp. "Nice to make your acquaintance."

"Nice meeting him, Hagrid, can we go now?" Harry said, as all four students took a small step back.

Hagrid nodded. "Yea, sure, if yeh want. I just wanted yeh to know, tha's all. And maybe, yeh know, if you could check in on 'im every now and then?"

"Hagrid, I don't think we could-" Harry began to protest.

"Oh, it wouldn't be much, just once a week or somethin'. Only if somethin' happens to me. Heard 'bout that Umbridge. Can't imagine she'd like me too much, eh? Knows how close me an' Dumbledore are." Hagrid continued, still not catching on to how scared the others were.

Harry stayed silent for a moment, unsure on what to say. He was scared but he didn't want to let Hagrid down. ". . . Okay . . ."

Hagrid grinned behind his beard. "Knew I could count on yeh, 'Arry!"

Hagrid turned to Grawp once again. "These are yeh new friends, Grawp!"

Grawp stared down at them. Then, playfully, the giant knocked Hagrid down to the ground with a tap of his giant finger...

What had Harry got them into...


Harry turned restlessly in bed. He had had trouble drifting off to sleep that night. And he knew exactly what that meant; a night plagued with nightmares.

Every time he struggled to sleep it was followed by many nightmares. It was as if his body was trying to warn him what was coming; like it was trying to fight against the horrible pictures that would await him. Sometimes Harry tried to fight against it too and would try to stay awake, but like always exhaustion soon crept up on him and when he could no longer fight it, he would fall into a relentless slumber that would only wake him hours later.

Today was another one of those nights. Harry twisted and turned in bed, his hands clutching the bed sheets as sweat dripped down his forehead, his black hair sticking to it as his breaths came out laboured and uneven.

Harry's eyes squeezed tighter together, his forehead creasing in pain as a long snake slithered in his dream.

This night terror had taken him to a long black corridor and was watching as the snake skillfully and silently, and almost elegantly, slithered along the black tiles in an almost enticing way.

Harry let out a grunt as he turned once again in bed after seeing a man appear in his dream. But this man only made Harry become paralysed in fear as his heart began to palpitate. He shook his head. "No...N-No....Leave him...alone!"

The snake moved faster towards the man, almost excitedly as it's tongue licked the air, already tasting the man's scent. Harry could tell the snake was hungry. Very, very hungry. It was like he felt the hunger too and was just as excited to get to the man.

A part of him wanted to wake up, as he was scared but that was like a voice in the back of his head. The other part of him. The bigger part of him...was the snake...

The man turned just as the snake or Harry (he couldn't tell the difference anymore) lashed out and leaped forward skillfully and sunk it's teeth into the man's flesh...

Harry eyes snapped open and he gasped for breath. The last thing he remembered was the man on the floor, the snake hungrily and continuously attacking.

Harry's blood ran cold and a horrible feeling took over him...he knew that man.

"Harry! Harry!" A voice shook Harry out of his daze and it was then when Harry noticed Ron standing over him.

Harry stared at him a minute, trying to get his eyes to focus. His eyes were wild, and he was drenched in sweat, his breathing was still incredibly uneven and his chest was heaving up and down.

Harry scrambled up quickly, making him a bit dizzy. He needed to tell Ron what he saw...

But he couldn't do that as Ron placed his hands on Harry shoulders reassuringly. "It's okay, it was a dream."

Any other time, Harry would've smiled gratefully but this only made him more angry and caused him to break down.

Ron looked at his best friend in concern as he watched a tear slide down Harry's face. He hated seeing Harry like this.

Harry tried to breath in to calm himself but it only made his sobbing worse. "No, no, your dad. Ron!"

"What?" Ron looked confused and panicked as he turned to Dean. "Go for help."

"No, Ron! Your dad's in trouble! He's hurt! Bad!"

"Harry, it was just a dream. You were dreaming." Ron reassured, trying to calm his hysterical best friend down.

Harry stared at Ron intently, his green eyes begging Ron to believe him. "It's not me, Ron! We have to find him! He's in trouble! He's dying!"

Ron went to tell Harry that everything was okay; that it was just a dream but fear was creeping up on him fast and he was starting to get scared of the urgency in Harry's voice. The boy actually thought his dream was real and the look on Harry's face told Ron that perhaps something had happened to his father...

Thankfully, Dean soon came back accompanied by Professor McGonagall.

"Potter? What's wrong? Where does it hurt?" McGonagall asked, concern on her face.

Harry shook his head in frustration. He was sick of people treating him like he was fragile or like he was a child; like he was crazy.

Harry breathed in deep, the mental image of Arthur being attacked by himself made him shiver. His anger and panic was rising and Harry knew all too well that they were not a good mix together.

"Mr. Weasley's in trouble. He's been attacked by a giant snake! I saw it! It wasn't a dream, I swear! I'm not mad!"

The concern was wiped off of McGonagall's face instantly when she heard Potter's words. Her face turned serious and her eyes turned sad but Harry could of sworn he saw a hint of fear in her eyes too.

McGonagall rushed Harry out of bed. "I believe you, Potter. Come on, we're going to see the Headmaster..."

(Hey. Managed to write this. Hope you like. I can't say when the next chapter will be up but thank you all for the continuous support. Until next time.)

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