Chapter Twenty-Four

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Harry and George stood in front of a raging McGonagall. They had been wisked away after the fight and now they had to deal with the punishment. Harry knew he deserved it. He still didn't regret what he did but he did know that what he did was wrong.

"I have never been more ashamed of two Gryffindors in all my years of teaching. Resorting to Muggle fighting!" McGonagall fumed, her stern gaze piercing into theirs. She looked so disappointed, the two Gryffindors couldn't help but feel guilty.

"Professor he insulted my family, and Harry's dead mother." George defended, his face still red with anger.

"I don't care if he insulted every person in your lineage. Do you two have any idea what you've done? Fifty points will be taken each. And you will both serve detention for a month."

Harry winced but didn't say anything. To him, it was fair.

"I'm sorry, Professor."

"Sorry doesn't cut it this time, Potter." McGonagall said, though her face softened.

"Hem, hem!" The sound caused all three of them to freeze. Throughout their chat, Umbridge had managed to sneak in. "May I help, Minerva?"

Impossible as it seemed, Professor McGonagall looked even more furious that Umbridge was in her class room and that she addressed her by her first name in front of students.

"Help? No, I'm quite capable of handling those in my own house, thank you!" McGonagall's face was stoic and stern like usual and her lips were drawn in a tight line.

"Well, I'm afraid I'm of the opinion that a simple detention isn't enough for these two." Umbridge interjected, looking far too happy and cheerful. It made Harry furious with anger but also made a chill run through his body at what she had in mind. If it wasn't for the fear, Harry was sure he would be back to seeing red again.

"Well, I'm afraid your opinion doesn't count to my students." McGonagall countered curtly, her hands held together.

"Well, I'm afraid it does. Educational Decree Twenty-Five says it does!" Umbridge, again, was having too much fun with this. Harry and George could tell by the ever growing smile on her face.

"Not another one." McGonagall muttered to herself with exasperation and annoyance.

"'High Inquisitor has the power to strip pupils of privileges.' And I think I'm going to have to ban these two from playing Quidditch. Ever again." Umbridge continued in sadistic pleasure.

"What?" Harry exclaimed in shock and anger.

"Oh, and the boy's twin brother too."

"Fred didn't even do anything!" George exploded, glaring at the pink women.

"Well, if his fellow teammates hadn't restrained him, I feel he would of. The rest of the team may keep playing. I'll be taking their brooms. Good day."

Umbridge turned and left, leaving Professor McGonagall looking almost as enraged as Harry.


Harry sat in the centre of the Common Room near the fire. Robyn was sitting on one of the armchairs, not far from the green eyed boy.

Hermione and Ron sat by the window and Fred and George were sat on the sofa.

Harry was staring aimlessly into space and Robyn was watching him lovingly, wondering what he was thinking about.

"I have never hated someone as much as I hate her. I wish Voldemort would just walk into Hogwarts and we could finish her off together. Then he could go back to being my mortal enemy." Harry spoke up randomly with a fierce voice.

Robyn snorted loudly and the room was filled with her loud laughs.

"Harry!" Hermione scolded.

"Come on, Hermione. Umbitch deserves it. I will gladly team up with Voldemort if it will get rid of that pink monster." Robyn defended her boyfriend after she got over her laughs.

Ron shrugged and smirked. "I'm with Harry and Robyn on this one. She took away our Seeker and our two Beaters. It's my fault, if I was just a better Keeper I cou-"

Harry looked hard at Ron. "Ron, you didn't make me hit Malfoy. It's not your fault."

"At least we saw the little punk go down bleeding and crying." Fred pitched in, his voice fierce but an undertone of amusement still laced it.

"Yeah, it was almost worth it to see that. This is the worse day of my life." Harry sighed, his shoulders slouching.

Robyn went to comfort him when Hermione spoke up; "Well, I wouldn't say that. Hagrid's back!"


Four sets of footprints crunched into the freshly fallen snow but no bodies appeared or were even seen.

It was the quartet walking to Hagrid's Hut, unable to wait till morning to talk to him.

As they reached Hagrid's hut, Harry pulled the Invisibility cloak up so Hagrid would see their faces but if anyone was lurking behind them they wouldn't even notice the four.

Harry knocked. "Hagrid, it's us!"

"Should'a known. Only bin home three seconds." A gruff voice grumbled through the door, followed by a loud bark.

The quartet grinned, taking in the familiarity and saftey Hagrid and Fang gave them.

The door opened and the four instantly smiled, only to gasp and yell straight after upon seeing Hagrid's appearance.

Hagrid's left eye was nothing more than a black and blue puff. It was bruised and swollen silly. Scars scattered all along his face, clearly visible despite the amount of hair Hagrid had adorning his face.

Hagrid let them in.

Once everyone got in and settled, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Robyn stared at the half giant blankly.

"Oh Hagrid . . . What happ-"

Hagrid waved a giant hand offhandedly. "Oh, it's nuthin'. Just a 'lil stinkin, that's all."

"What happened?" Harry pressed, his concern clearly showing on his face. But it was also because he knew Hagrid's weakness. And he needed to get answers. And that was something Hagrid was maybe too good at providing.

"I told yeh, nuthin'. Well, look at yehs? You must of grew a few inches at least." Hagrid said, his eyes darting wildly, trying to change the topic.

"Did the giants do that to you?"

"GIANTS? WHO SAID ANYTHIN' BOUT GIANTS?" Hagrid tried to be intimidating but the four just gave him knowing looks.

Hagrid sighed. "Blimey, can't I keep nuthin' secret from yehs four?"

"Nope." Robyn chimed and she saw his beard twitch. He was smiling

"Giants beat you up, Hagrid?" Ron asked.

"Well, it's a bit of a long story, yeh see."

"So you found them?"

"Well, they're not that easy to miss."

Hagrid got up and pulled a dark steak from his table and slammed in on to his swollen eye. He gave an honest sigh of relief.

"Well, what happened?" Hermione inquired and sat straighter in her seat

"Me and Olympe went searching on Dumbledore's orders, top secret. Oh, it was a bad journey to start with. Month gettin' there and alls. But we found them alright. Not many of 'im left, giants. All bunched up together, not like they ough to be. Been killin' each other as much as anyone else . . ."

"You walked up to a bunch of giants?" Ron interjected, incredulously.

"Sure, we did. Well, down to them, really. About a good ninety of 'im, or so, I'd imagine."

"And they didn't try and kill you?" Hermione asked fretfully.

"Oh, def'nitely on some of their minds, I bet. But we brought them presents. Giants love presents. Who doesn't."

"What did you bring them? Food?"

"Naw, they got enough of that. We brought magic. Giants love magic, just not when it's used on 'im. Problem was, we's weren't the only ones bringin' 'im presents. Dumbledore told us it might happen, just wasn't expectin' it to be so quick." Hagrid trailed, his beady but friendly black eyes turning darker.

"Death Eaters?" Robyn questioned with a gasp.

Hagrid nodded grimly. "Oh, yeah! Problem is they liked killin's 'bout as much as 'im giants do. Had more in common. By then it was pointless. Them Death Eaters are smooth talkers too."

"But that had to be six months ago Hagrid? Why did it take you so long to get back?" Harry asked.

Hagrid grumbled. "Oh I had trouble gettin' back. Had a heavy load, I'm 'fraid.

"Hagrid, did you find your mother?"

Hagrid took a deep breath and sighed. "Dead. Few years ago."

"Hagrid, I'm sorry." Hermione empathised, tears springing to her eyes. Ron and Harry looked grave and Robyn  stared a Hagrid in shock and sadness.

Hagrid shrugged it off. "Naw, wasn't much of a mother. But . . . there sumthin' else I think you should see?"

And so Hagrid got up and began to lead the four to God knows where...

(Hope you enjoy)

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