Chapter Twenty-Three

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Robyn was sat at the Gryffindor table eating breakfast with a grin on her face. She got up early so she didn't have to deal with Hermione's questions. She would let Harry deal with that.

Suddenly, an unknown owl swooped down and dropped two letters on her lap. She knew instantly one was off her family. They had been sending her letters much more frequently since finding out what happened to her. But lately they couldn't ask her what they wanted. They had to be careful with their choice of words as now all the letters were being monitored so they just usually stuck to how she was doing and if the schooling year was going okay so far.

Robyn tucked the letter from her family safe in her robes once she read it. She would reply to it later. Next, she picked up the unknown letter. She opened it to find it was Dumbledore to whom the letter was from; he was asking her to go to his office as there was a matter they needed to discuss.

Robyn swallowed. She loved Dumbledore, he was a great Headmaster, and he was so kind but she hated the topic of conversation she knew they would be having as it always made a chill run right to her very bones and heart.

As Robyn finished her toast, she stood up and collected her bag. Halfway from exiting the Hall, she met Harry, Ron and Hermione.

She smiled upon seeing them. "Can't talk now. Got something to do." Was all she said and with a brisk kiss on Harry's cheek, she was out the Great Hall and off to Dumbledore's office.

Upon getting to the statue, Robyn sighed. She didn't know the password. Looking back down at her letter, a sentence caught her attention; I like lemon Drops...

Robyn grinned. "Lemon Drops," She said to the statue, amused. "Thank you." The statue began to take her up.

The wooden door greeted her and she didn't even have to knock before it opened, allowing her access in.

Robyn stood there confused until she saw Dumbledore sitting at his desk and peering at her with his blue eyes. "Ah, Robyn. Glad you could make it. Please come in."

Robyn smiled. "Thank you, sir."

Stepping in, Robyn walked straight over to his desk and sat down. Only then did she allow her eyes to wander around the office. She had been in Dumbledore's office many a times but it never ceased to amaze her. Her favourite possession of his was his Phoenix called Fawkes.

Dumbledore's light chuckle brought Robyn back to earth and a light blush warmed her cheeks.

"He is quite spectacular. My favourite magical creature by far." Dumbledore mused, smiling as if he was reliving a distant but fond memory.

"What about your favourite Muggle creature, sir?" Robyn found herself asking in interest.

Dumbledore looked down at her through his half-moon spectacles. "Well, I'm quite fond of cats, Miss. Thompson."

Robyn nodded, a giggle escaping her lips when her mind trailed over to Professor McGonagall.

She then mentally gagged and shook her head, bringing herself back to the real world. "You wanted something, Professor?"

Dumbledore nodded, his face turning sullen. "Yes, I believe I did. An update perhaps?"

Robyn shrugged. "But there's nothing really to tell."

Dumbledore gave her a knowing look. "I would watch Noah from now on Miss. Thompson."

Robyn stared at her Headmaster and the look in his eyes told Robyn that he knew. He knew everything. "I will sir, don't worry."

Dumbledore clapped his hands together, making Robyn jump. "Well if that is all and you have nothing to say, I think we are done here. You may go back down to breakfast."

"Well there is one thing..."

Albus smiled, his smile hiding the extreme worry he felt for the student before him. "Go on."

"I was wondering if you have found any clues or information about what happened last year." Robyn said.

Dumbledore sighed. "I am trying Miss. Thompson, believe me but there is not a single trace of evidence that links back to you being put under the Imperius Curse. If I find anything, you will be the first to know."

"Well then, was I really under the Imperius Curse?"

Dumbledore's face turned grave. "I know the effects of the Imperius Curse, Robyn."

Robyn nodded sadly and got up from her seat. "Well thank you anyway, sir. I'll come to you if anything is to happen."

Dumbledore nodded. "If you're quick down to breakfast, you can still grab some pancakes...or maybe even some waffles if you're feeling adventurous..."


A few days passed and soon it was time for another Quidditch game. The entire school was out to see this; Gryffindor versus Slytherin.

The game was already taking place and Robyn was in the stands cheering on her boyfriend and Ron. News had got around that they were a couple quite fast and all but the Slytherins and Noah seemed to support the idea.

Ron hovered in front of the three goal rings, looking rather nervous although he had all of Gryffindor cheering him on.

What didn't help poor Ron was the fact that the Slytherins were singing Weasley is our King rather annoyingly.

Two Slytherin Chasers passed the Quaffle back and forth to each other advancing on Ron.

Ron's eyes followed their every move. Suddenly, Ron dived to the right as the Chaser shot for the left hoop and scored.

Ron grumbled to himself as the Slytherins song got louder and louder.

Harry was high above the game, looking for the Snitch. He turned to Ron.

Harry flew closer to the red head. "Come on, Ron. Just Relax."

Suddenly, Harry's eyes widened. At the far side of the Quidditch pitch, the Golden Snitch fluttered a few inches above the ground. Harry didn't wait a second as he launched himself to the ground and towards the Snitch.

Right then, Malfoy smashed into the left side of Harry. The two neck and neck. Harry glared at Malfoy, Draco doing the same.

They were a blur of green and red to the people in the stands.

In one quick movement, Harry spun on his Broomstick clockwise. The movement broke the two apart and flipped Malfoy with a spin. Draco flipped upside down and smashed into the ground, skidding to a rough stop.

A gasp emitted from the crowd as Harry jetted off.

The Snitch was right out of his reach. Harry reached out for it. Harry frowned and flew upwards, the Snitch being scooped up in his outstretched hand.

Harry touched down along with the rest of the Gryffindor team. Ron seemed to be able to breathe again.

Then without warning, an Bludger slammed into Harry's back. Harry fell face flat into the snow. Angelina and the rest of the team rushed up to him.

Robyn gasped from within the stands as did Hermione.

Madame Hooch screamed angrily at Crabbe as he dropped down from the sky.

"That brute, Crabbe. But we won, Harry, we won!" Angelina said, not really feeling sympathetic for Harry as the excitement of winning overcame her.

"Yeah." Harry grumbled, coughing.

Fred and George grabbed Harry from behind and lifted him up, both smiling. "It takes more than that to take out Harry Potter!" Fred cheered.

"Saved Weasley's neck this time, Potter." Harry and the rest of the team looked and saw Malfoy with a bloody nose, sneering at them all.

Angelina gave Harry a pointed look but a small smile. "Just ignore him. They've never won yet with that little foot fungus as their Seeker."

Harry grinned and turned around ready to walk away. But Draco never truly knew when to stop.

Robyn stood up from her seat. She could practically smell trouble and it seemed Hermione could aswell as they both shared a look.

"He's a loser like his father." Malfoy cackled to the other Slytherin's who laughed along.

Both, Fred and George turned to Malfoy just as Harry did. Harry's face was emotionless. His eyes cold and his stare deadly. Draco laughed again.

Draco sent Harry a challenging look. "But, oh wait, you like the Weasley's don't you, Potter? Spend holidays at that shack house of their's. How can you stand the smell? I guess being raised by Muggles, even the Weasley's mustn't smell that bad." Malfoy smirked.

Draco laughed, turning towards his other teammates to see if he was getting a rise out of them.

Harry could see Fred and George balling their fists and he took in a deep breath trying to calm his rising anger.

"Oh, that's right. You can't remember what your filthy Mudblood mother smelled like, can you, Pott-"

Instantly, Malfoy's laughter was brought to a halt as Harry's fist slammed into the side of his face.

Hermione and Robyn didn't wait another minute and ran on to the pitch.

All Harry could see was red. Just bright red. All he could feel was burning, murderous rage. He didn't know if it was his or Tom's. He gathered it was both.

At that moment, he was glad he felt Voldemorts rage otherwise he knew he wouldn't be able to punch this hard without it.

George was close behind and was kicking Malfoy.

"Don't you ever talk about my mother you pi-"

Robyn came to a skidding stop when she reached the scene. She put her hand out as she saw Madame Hooch ready to fire a spell at Harry.

Robyn rushed up to Harry and grabbed his around the arm and began to pull him away. "Harry. Come on. This needs to stop."

Hermione was in the process of dealing with George and it seemed she was getting much further than Robyn.

Robyn gave another pull and Harry's punching came to a stop. "Come on, Harry. Please. As much as I want to see that idiot be put in his place, you could not of picked a worse time to do it. Please. For me...Just stop."

The red from Harry's vision faded and he turned to look at Robyn, finally coming to his senses. He nodded slowly and got up, seeing all the shocked and horrified looks him and George were receiving.

Although, Robyn was slightly shocked at Harry's actions, she knew he was acting on someone else's rage and she couldn't help but feel a sense of worry and helplessness while looking at his beautiful face. She leaped on to her tiptoes and kissed Harry's cheek. "Thank you."

Harry smiled at Robyn but Robyn could see that there was no remorse or regret in his green eyes. He returned his gaze back to Malfoy who was lying in the snow surrounded by his own blood.

Harry bent down and picked up his glasses, to which he lost in the fight, the world around him turning clear again.

He looked like the Harry Potter everyone knew and loved. At least nearly everyone. But for that moment, when he was fighting, he looked like something different entirely...

(New chapter. Yay. I'm proud of myself for updating so much. Anyway, I have exciting news, I finally brought my prom dress yesterday and now all I've got to do is get it altered. Yay. Anyway, I hope you like this chapter. Until next time.)

P.S. can we just talk about Harry Styles' new music. It is legit amazing. Don't get me wrong, I bloody miss One Direction but the boys (Niall, Louis and Harry) are killing the game. Now all we need is for Liam to release something which apparently isn't far away so I'm looking forward to that. Also, I never was before, but I think I'm falling down the dark hole that is the Larry Stylinson ship and I'm not sorry about it...

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