Chapter Twenty-Two

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It didn't take Harry very long to find Robyn as the castle was silent so he quite obviously heard the voices of two people and followed it. He wasn't sure if they would be teachers or prefects or other students that might be able to point him in the right direction as to where Robyn was but he was wearing his Invisibility cloak as it was way past curfew now, so he was safe from getting caught.

When he rounded the corner to the courtyard, he found Robyn but she was with Neville too. They both had teary eyes. It confused Harry as to why they were both in a state but he knew he would be pushing the boundaries if he questioned Neville about it, so he stayed quiet as he approached them, taking off the Invisibility cloak as he did so.

Neville was the first one to see Harry coming and surprise flashed across his face. "Harry!" Neville said rather loudly and although Harry was confused about the loud welcoming, Neville had done it deliberately to warn Robyn as her back was turned to Harry.

"Hey, Neville." Harry greeted quietly and with an awkward smile. Now he saw Robyn, he was having second thoughts about coming to talk to her. His heart was going haywire, his stomach was doing back flips and he was struggling to breath properly. As cliché as that sounded, Harry knew it was true. It had always been there, he just ignored it.

When Robyn heard Neville's loud greeting to Harry that made her jump out of her skin, she was quick to wipe away the remainder of her tears and tried to get her breathing back to normal, though it was hard as she was getting more and more nervous with Harry being there.

"Can...can I talk to Robyn please?" Harry muttered out and Harry thought if this wasn't being brave, he didn't know what was. Talking to your best friend/the person you like was hard, especially as you were about to admit your feelings.

Neville looked at Robyn, at loss for words but when Robyn gave a subtle nod of her head, knowing it had to be done, Neville smiled at Harry. "Sure."

"Sorry to intrude on anything..." Harry was quick to say.

Robyn turned her body. "Oh no, it's fine. We were just about to head back to the Common Room."

Harry nodded. "Oh, and Neville, take this so you don't get caught." Harry handed over the Invisibility cloak.

Neville took it gently. "Are you sure? How are you going to get back?"

"I have the Marauders map, so we should be fine." Harry said as Neville nodded and wrapped the cloak around him and began his way back to the Common Room.

A moment of silence past to which Harry and Robyn were shuffling around awkwardly. Harry had earlier sat down next to Robyn.

"So..." Robyn trailed, hating the silence and trying to ignore the way hers and Harry's knees were touching.

Harry gave an awkward laugh. "So..."

Harry took a deep breath and Robyn sighed. "Harry..." Robyn started just as Harry said; "Robyn..."

The two looked at eachother and cracked a weak smile. "I'm so sorry." Harry said.

Robyn looked at him in confusion.

"Hermione and Ron, they told me what happened..."

Robyn's face flushed red but she looked down at her lap. "So this is the part where you say we are better off as friends while you go and be happy with Cho and I'm sitting here crying over how much I like you which I have since third year..."

Robyn gasped and looked up in shock, instant regret flashing across her features. "I didn't mean to say that..."

"What?" Harry asked, his eyes boring into Robyn's. All he could think about was what she had just said; and I'm sitting here crying over how much I like you which I have since third year...

Harry felt a kind of strange euphoria feeling overcome him. He couldn't explain it. He had never felt anything like it.

"Well actually they told me what Noah did to you but that works too." Harry couldn't help but let the grin overtake his face.

"I just admitted that didn't I?...I'm so stupid, it's even worse than when I practically confessed I thought you were hot in fourth year..." Robyn's face went even more red. "Apparently I don't know when to stop talking today. I'm sorry. This must be incredibly awkward for you."

Robyn stood up, wanting the floor to swallow her whole. She didn't know what had come over her. She just spent the last hour or so crying over Harry and now she was babbling on and confessing everything to Harry she had spent years hiding. She just couldn't find her off button.

Harry shot up. He was still grinning but he felt his heart drop. He hadn't been able to say what he wanted to. He was running out of time to tell her what he wanted...but he could show her.

Harry grabbed Robyn's wrist and spun her around so their faces were nose to nose. Harry felt his heart beat speed up and a strong desire came over him as his eyes involuntarily trailed down to Robyn's lips that looked so kissable.

Robyn felt her breath hitch and her mind go haywire.

Harry leaned in ever so slightly, hesitating for a moment. He had never kissed anyone. He didn't know if he would be any good. But Harry pushed his doubts behind him and gently pressed his lips against Robyn's.

Robyn stood frozen for a moment as the electricity ran through her body but she soon felt her eyes flutter close and she responded to the kiss.

It was slow at first. Both nervous. But soon Harry's hands found Robyn's waist and Robyn's hands soon got tangled in Harry's hair. It just came natural to them.

Both of them smiled against the kiss, a feeling of pure bliss and elation taking over them but then Harry pulled away.

"For one, I came here to tell you that I like you a lot Robyn. It took me a while to see it, I'll admit it but I've liked you for longer than you can imagine. I'm not with Cho," Harry shot her an amused look. "I don't like Cho and you should never cry over me. You should've been angry at me for being a jerk and completely oblivious. I'm surprised you haven't hit me yet."

Robyn let out a giggle and placed a light kiss on Harry's lips. "I don't think I could ever get mad at you, Potter, you're too good."

"And Noah, yeah next time we see him, you better be prepared to hold me back otherwise I'm going to get expelled." Harry admitted.

Robyn's eyes trailed down to Harry's lips again and couldn't help but grin. She grabbed his collar and pulled him in for another kiss, Harry happily accepting. You know they could kiss now, that was a thing that they could do and Robyn couldn't be happier about it.

Harry pulled away again. "One last thing..."

Robyn rolled her eyes but smiled. "What is it?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Do you even have to ask?" Robyn laughed, preparing to kiss him again when he pulled away further.

"I was just being a gentleman."

Robyn raised an eyebrow but the grin on her face gave her away. "Oh, really? You a gentleman?"

Harry's face went flat. "Oh shut up," He rolled his eyes then grinned again. "We should probably get back now. It's late."

"Ooh, following the rules now I see..."

Harry mocked being offended. "You expect less of me..."

The two went to bed that night feeling happier than ever before. They both drifted off the sleep easily.

(Hey. I kinda got stuck writing this. I know it's bad and cheesy. If any of you have any suggestions to make it better or anything then let me know it in the comments. Well hope you enjoy. Until next time )

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