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The two of them met at last
Overcoming all the obstacles in the past

They met at night, under a moonlit sky
And greeted each other with a gentle "Hi"

She stared at him, and him at her
Hardly able to believe here they were

A soft smile graced her face
Hardly believing she had reached this place

A returning smile lit the boy's features
The soft moonlight making him seem like one of the mythical creatures

Together they sat upon the hilltop
Both of them wishing this moment would never stop

With a blush on her face and her eyes half shut
She felt a feeling so strong that it cut

Cut through the feelings of embarrassment and pain
Cut through her deep longing to gain

She was scared as can be, but knew it was time
She finally knew it was time to take the climb

While she was pondering the options she had
The boy turned to her, for she made him glad

He gave her the softest smile of all
Then learned in slowly and let his kiss fall

Fall on her lips, so soft and sweet
A warmth spread through the girl, a feeling of heat

Her momentary surprise was soon overcome
So she kissed him back, knowing this is why she had come

Together they sat upon the hilltop of grass
Neither of them wanting the moment to pass

The passion of the kiss filled the hills that night
Many a demon taking such fright

The love they both had for one another
The whole world knew it was like no other

And so the night continued, forever and ever
For both of them knew this bond they would never sever



Hey guys. As you can tell, it's been a while since I updated a poem 😅
Anyways, this is just a little something I made in my spare time, cuz, as some of you know, it's hard not to think about the one you love when you're separated.

Anyways, this is Cassia, signing off for a break.

Cya in a bit, readers.


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