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Leo's POV

I bounced in my seat excitedly, as our carriage drew near the castle.. I mean school. My fingers tapped morse code on my leg, and I peered over my new friends Fred and George. We got along well because they were in to pranks, and I was into building stuff and being just an all around, funny charming guy. Fred gave me a small smile. 

"You ready for school, mate?" he asked me.

 Out of the two, Fred was less crazy than his twin (less). 

"If you mean ready to work, the answer is no. If you mean ready to burn my homework, and claim I never got it, the answer is yes." I said grinning. 

George high fived me. 

"Burning isn't necessary. Just get Annabeth to do it for you." Percy said. 

"True, I could do that, but watching it burn is more entertaining." I replied.  (a little bit of that Percy and Leo being just to Persassy for ya) 

"Um, who said I would help you?" Annabeth cut in. 

Before anyone could answer, the carriage stop. 

"We're here" Piper exclaimed. 

We hopped out, and the tall guy led us into the school. A woman greeted us at the door. She introduced herself as Professor Mcgonagall  

"She's the headteacher for Gryffindor." George whisper to Piper and me. 

"What house are you in?" I asked. 

Fred grinned "Gryffindor of course! All whole family's Gryfidor, and so is Harry and Hermione!" he said. 

" I hope I get Gryffindor." Piper said. 

"I think you will. You too Leo. Actually, the whole lot of you are Gryffindor material." George said. 

"Except for that Nico kid. He's a bit creepy. Maybe Slytherin." Fred said. 

"Actually, he's really sweet. He just tries to act scary, but he's not." Piper said. 

"Especially since he's met Will." I added.

"Are they like best friends?" Gearge asked.

"Their so close, people think they're dating." I said grinning. 

"You guys do realize I can hear you, right?" NIco said from behind us. 

"UM, ya totally."I lied. 

Hazel rolled her eyes.

*time skip brought to you by Jaqueek and Blue*

I sat tapping my feet on the floor, this time because of my ADHD. I was waiting for my name to be called, so an old hat could decide what house I should be in. 

"Chase, Annabeth" Mrs. Gonagald exclaimed. 

Annabeth walked and sat on the stool, and Professor Mcgonald put the hat on her head. It sat there for a moment before yelling "RAVENCLAW". 

Annabeth hopped off the stool, and walked over to the cheering Ravenclaw table. 

"Di Angelo, Nico!" Professor McGonagal yelled. 

Nico rolled his eyes and strutted up to the stool. He sat down at the hat was placed on hid head. T

here was no hesitation when the hat screamed, "SLYTHERIN!" Nico took the hat off, and walked over to the green table. A few people started clapping but Nicos glare shut them up. 

"Jackson, Perseus." 

 Percy bonded up to the stool and got into Gryffindor. Hazel got Hufflepuff, Meg got Slytherin, Piper got Slytherin, Lester Gryffindor, and Will got Hufflepuff. 

"Valdez, Leo" she cried. I nervously walked up to the stool. 

I sat down, and I felt the hat get placed on my head. 

"Hello" I heard a voice say to me "

Are you talking in my head?" I asked it. 

"Yup. And I'm just gonna take a look in your mind, if you don't mind..pun intended." 

I was able to tell it was sorting through my memories, and after about 10 seconds it yelled so everyone could hear, "RAVENCLAW!!"

 I took that hat of and went over to Annabeth. 

"Ravenclaw? How?" She exclaimed. 

I rolled my eyes, but inside I was filled with hurt. I'm not stupid! I forced a smile and shrugged at her. 

"I dunno. But Annie, you and I are gonna be greaaat friends." 

Annabeth groaned and buried her head into her hands. I decided from that moment, I would show everyone, just how smart this boy can be. 

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