Chapter 5: Hi, it's Frank

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Franks POV

At about 8:00 in the morning I 'was woken up by the sound of Hazel walking around the room we shared with Annabeth and Percy. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Hazel, who stood there in her Camp Jupiter t shirt, and jeans. 

"Oh! Sorry for waking you up." she said smiling at me. 

"Its okay. I needed to get up anyway." I said. 

I stood up and grabbed my clothes for the day. A camp Jupiter shirt, camo jacket, and jeans. I quickly got dressed in the bathroom, woke Percy up, and went downstairs. Annabeth, Will, Hazel,and Apollo sat at the table. 

"Hi Frank." Annabeth said. "

Is Percy awake yet?" she asked me.

 "Uh, I just woke him up." I said. 

"I should probably go wake up Nico." Will said. 

Apollo frowned. "Isn't he already awake? I heard him talking." Apollo asked. 

"Um, no. He was cursing at me in Italian for moving when I got out of bed." Will said. 

"We talking about Nico?" Piper asked, coming down the stairs. 

"Something like that. I'm going to go wake him up." Will said. 

"Good luck with that. You'll need it." she said laughing. 

Will smirked. "I have a strategy."

 Ten minutes later, he came down with a fully dressed, but sleeping Nico in his arms. 

"Was that part of your strategy?" Annabeth asked raising her eyebrows.

"" Will admitted. 

"But I can wake him up." he set Nico in a chair, and began flicking water in his face. Nico groaned, and opened his eyes. 

"Ughn, I'm awake!" he said pushing Will away from him

. "I want coffee!" he said rubbing his eyes. 

Will passed him a cup, and for the rest of breakfast, he just sat there drinking it, and hissing at anyone who tried to talk to him, including Will. I ate pancakes Mrs. Weasly made, and soon, Harry, Hermione, Ron, and everyone else joined us. Mrs. Weasly looked at her clock, and said, 

"Oh no! We're running late! Go go go! Go pack everyone and meet me downstairs in five minutes!" Hazel and I rushed upstairs, and made sure our trunks were packed, and lugged them downstairs. 2 minutes later, everyone was assembled. 

"Okay, lets go." Mrs. Weasly said.

*time skip brought to you by my unknowledge* 

We stood in by the pillars in the train station that stated platform nine and platform 10. There was also a blank pillar in between the two. 

"Okay everyone, you know what to do, correct?" Mrs. Weasly asked. 

The wizards nodded, but us demigods just looked confused. 

"I'll show you." Fred said grinning at us.

 He took off running with his bags, and ran through the pillar. Harry looked at us strangely when we didn't react. As demigods, we'd seen weirder things than running through a pillar. In fact, that was normal. We all took a turn, and soon we were all standing in front of a magnificent train. Leo was practically drooling. 

"You like trains?" George asked him. 

The three of them, Leo, Fred, and George, had been hanging out since they got here. Percy W. was standing by the doors, and helping kids in to the train. He seemed like he enjoyed being the man in charge. Jason would've liked him. At the thought of Jason, sadness panged in my chest. We were never that close, but he had given up his spot as praetor for me, and was always very kind to Hazel. Hazel and I walked to the back area of the train, and pulled back the curtain of the seating area we had seen Nico and Will go in to. They were making out. Again. 

"Ugh, you guys!" Hazel huffed. 

 Hazel ignored him, and sat down across from them, pulling me with her. A couple minutes later, Piper, Leo, Percy J., and Annabeth came in.

 Percy closed the curtain, and in a hushed voice said, "Okay, we need to make a plan about the whole Harry protecting thing."

 Annabeth sat up even higher. 

"I think that 2 people should be with him at all times." Annabeth said. 

"That sounds like a good idea." Piper agreed. 

"But what about at night? What if he like, sneaks out of something?" Nico asked.

 "We need to just sleep light I guess. If we hear him making plans, tell the others. If you hear him leaving, wake 2 more people up." Annabeth said. 

"Sounds like a plan." Hazel said grinning. 

"Okay, bye know. The twins are going to show me some magical pranks." Leo grinned and left. 

Percy and Annabeth left too, so it was just Nico, WIll Hazel, Piper, and me. Harry, Ron and Hermione came in. 

"hello! Mind if we sit here?" Ron asked smiling widely at us. 

I heard Nico mutter "yes", but they sat down. Hermione looked at us. 

"Are you guys excited?" she asked. 

"Who would be excited for school Hermione?" Ron scoffed. 

Hermione glared at him. 

"Are you two dating?" I asked them. 

"W-what?" Ron sputtered, the tips of his ears turned red. 

Hermione gave me a weird look.

 "That would be a horrible pairing. We argue too much." Hermione stated. 

"Not really. N-" Hazel began, but was cut off by Nico elbow. 

He glared at her and shook his head, and her eyes widened in understandment. 

"I just mean, these two people I know argue a lot, and they have a perfect relationship. It;'s so cute!" Hazel said grinning.

 "Is it Nico and his girlfriend or something?" Harry asked. 

"No. I don't have a girlfriend." Nico said flatley. 

He glared at the three, daring them to question him further. They didn't. Soon we arrived at the school, and even though I'm not a huge building nut like Annabeth, but even I thought the school looked awesome. A huge man sat on the steering part of a chariot, with the dark, pointy toothed horses. They whinied and Percy gave them a weird look. 

"Those are some sassy horses." he commented. 

Annabeth nudged him, and he gave her a look like, 'what? They are!' We climbed in, and since Hazel and Nico our close, Will and Nico stick with us. Most, Hazel will sit next to him, but somehow I ended up squished next to him. He didn't look very happy about it, so he scooched as much as he possibly could next to Will, so he was practically sitting on his lap. Will looked very happy about that, and put an arm around him. Hermione raised her eyebrows at that, but when Nico gave her his trademarked death glare, she quickly looked away. 

"Really? I thought you were trying to keep solangelo a secret." Percy said. 

"I'm cold." Nico insisted. 

"And as his doctor, I can't let him get hypothermia." Will added. 

Percy rolled his eyes. I looked up, and saw that we were almost to the school.


Okay seriously, I was writing in Frank's point of view for so long, and I don't even like it! I keep forgetting to draw art for each chapter, but I will Do it for 1-5, and just leave reminders everywhere. I'm so excited for August 1st, because not only is my top tier number 1 sister friend Hazy coming to visit, but my library is doing a fan fiction club, where we will talk about, read, wite fan fiction, and talk about our fave ships (SOLANGELO) and it'll be awesome. I hope there are other people who are in the fandom. At times like these, I miss my friends back where I used to live (*cough* MayLowes *cough) more than I already do. I love you guys! Okay, back to the story!

~Lilly di Angelo

Not doing that fan art

but ya

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