Interview | 6

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Interviewer : _Enchanteress_

Interviewee : Cadoxton

Type : Winner


What did you expect when you entered the contest?

-->I just hoped that I wouldn't flop miserably. At times I'd open wattpad to check the reads on my story to see if it had been judged yet or not haha.

Alright, so did you think you would win?

-->I will be realistic. I could win yes.
Only if the people read the story from cover to cover. Or it wont make meaning too much.

Okay, what you made you enter the contest?

-->I wanted people to read my book. And i want to have some pride. Like ive done something that people like. People dont read my books in real life so it will be a very good thing and i want to see how i look with other writers.

Great, how did you handle writer's block?

-->Sometimes i take a break. Like a day or a few days. And b4 i continue writing, i read from the start to where i have reached. When i write i myself want to see how it will end And that curiousity will make me write so i get to see the end.
So a break, and reading over after somerime helps

That's good, what will you do now that you've won?

-->I might enter other contests, but I also plan on going back to thoroughly edit the story and make it close to perfect.

Who inspired you to write this?

-->I dont have an icon. But the hope that someone will see my book and say "hey that was nice". Was good for me.
Also, I want to like give a little message
that people see things differently in the word. It could be bad or good. It depends on their perspective.

What inspired you to write this?

It was my first story i ever made so i wanted re write it. And i wanted to show others what my mind could create.
Also i wanted to speak about myself. How my life it. What i have went through.
The main character is me. And even tho not all the experiences relate to me. Some do. And with the characters a little part of what they go thru is what i experience. So i was trying to talk about that.
For example.
Ava in the story feels she is a slave in her own house bcs of her chores (Thats my situation) Alentinio, another character, was abandoned by his best friend. (Happened to me) And Cadoxton the main character has a responsibility that isnt his to perform. There are other more personal experiences i went thru that i made other characters go thru.

How does it feels to win?

-->One word: Awesome. I was so so elated when I opened the results.

Great! Anything to say to those who didn't win?

-->They should keep trying and shouldn't let it discourage them

Alright! In three words, tell us how you feel:

-->I am glad.

Great! When did you first realized you wanted to be a writer?

-->I realized i want to be a write when.i was like in grade 5. I used to write a lot of stories. I would fold pages in two, staple them into many books then make a cover with the title and i would write in class or in school And showed it to people (who had no interest). The stories were short tho And they were novels. But then i stopped. Then grade 7, i had this brilliant idea for a drama and not a novel. Then this story came up. So ive been developing it for like 4 years.

That's good! On a typical day, how much time do you spend writing?

-->For now i dont write. I have a story bjt i havent started. But when i write i take say 3 hrs. Depending on the xhapter. Sometimes 1 hour. With all the editing and thinking about alternative wordings.
But it varries.

Alright! Thanks for your time, the interview is officially over ^_^ and congratulations too!


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