Chapter three

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Even with a mild cold, Damien ran around the block like the little kid he was. His reasoning being that he did not want to miss a chance to get good candy.
“Damien, slow down!” Samantha called out as she chased after him.
“But sissy I need to get more mini peanut butter cups,” Damien replied. The two of them had been to ten houses already, however Damien refused to go home until his bag was full. Samantha sighed and panted when she finally caught up with him.
“You’ve got a lot of energy, have you been eating from your bag?” Samantha asked, sounding like a parent who had caught their child sneaking food.

“No,” Damien lied. He did not want to admit that he had eaten five kit kat bars already. Samantha would get upset with him. Unfortunately since Samantha lived with him, she was able to tell that he was lying.
“Damien,” She said, sounding a bit annoyed. “How much candy have you eaten?” She asked.
“Oh please don’t get mad at me sissy,” he begged, flashing his puppy dog eyes at her.
“Not the eyes, anything but the eyes,” Samantha said, trying to resist them. They were her brother’s secret weapon as no one could resist them, not even their Dad.
“Please sissy who I love very much,” Damien said, hugging his older sister.
“Okay I am not mad, but don’t eat anymore candy, you will be sick tomorrow,” Samantha told him. He nodded showing that he understood.

As the two were walking, Samantha felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She froze, not sure why that happened. She turned her head slowly and saw a large black gate, on the other side of it was an abandoned manor. No one had lived in that place in centuries, since it was rumored the place was cursed with dark magic.
“Sissy what are you looking at?” Damien asked, confused by his sister’s reaction. Before she could answer, a chill ran through the air. It wasn't the annoying kind of cold, it was the kind that felt like daggers against your skin.

Damien started to cry; he didn't understand why it was so cold. Samantha tried to keep him calm but it was hard when she had no idea what was happening either. "Sissy I'm scared and it's cold," Damien cried. Samantha held him close and was about to assure him that everything would be okay, when the gates to the manor opened. Hundreds of small strands of black smoke flew out of the manor and darkened the sky.

"Run!" Samantha yelled to her brother and he immediately listened, taking off in the opposite direction. Samantha ran close behind him completely unsure of what was happening. The sky became pitch black mixed with an ugly gray color. Kids everywhere ran about trying to find their parents. All of the trails of black smoke separated again and started making their way towards the frightened children. The second the smoke touched their skin the child vanished into a flash of red light.

All of the trails of black smoke joined together to form a figure. From far away he looked like an adult man, but he was no man. His skin was pale and skull-like, a black cloak covered his skeleton-like body.  A few strands of grayish hair fell from his face, and his eyes were blood red. The second an adult approached him demanding to know where their kids had gone. The figure touched the side of their heads, sucking the life out of them. Soon enough almost every single adult was dead or close to it.

Whatever this thing, it loved kids and hated adults.
"Sissy, it's following us!" Damien screamed in fear.
"Don't look at it, just keep running!" Samantha demanded even though she was equally as afraid. The figure heard them and followed after them. He didn't need to run because he had the ability to teleport whenever they got too far away. Eventually the figure cornered the two siblings at the end of the street. Samantha placed her brother behind her in a protective manner and gave the figure a glare.

"Hey ugly I don't know what you are, but if you are going to kill my brother, you'll have to kill me first!" Samantha yelled and in an attempt to protect her brother. Ran up to the figure and tried to punch him, but she couldn't even touch him. It was like he wasn't even there. "What?" She asked in complete shock.
"Foolish girl, you think you can hurt a ghost?!" The figure yelled and tossed Samantha aside. She hit her head on the sidewalk and instantly fell unconscious.

"Sissy!" Damien yelled rushing to his sister trying to wake her. But to no avail, she was knocked out cold.
"That won't do anything kid, no its time you come with me, " the figure said to him. Damien tried to be brave like his sister and asked the figure who he was.
"Who are you and what do you want?"
"I am the Ghost Master and I want what I always want, children!" He declared and turned back into black smoke taking Damien away with him.

Samantha felt the hard pavement under her as she woke up, her forehead was bleeding from the impact. She groaned in agony as she tried to stand up once the recent events came running back to her. But it was no use, she couldn't move at all. Her entire body ached and she was certain that two of her ribs were broken. She cried out in pain and despair wondering if this was how she was going to die. But a blurry figure stood above her and before she could identify who it was. She blacked out once again, the amount of pain being too much for her body to handle. The figure kneeled down and whispered into Samantha's ear.
"You'll be okay now, I promise, "

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