Chapter two

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After a whole day of listening to her teacher's lectures and the occasional dozing off about later tonight. Samantha was relieved to finally be on the bus ride home, like always she was seated behind the bus driver. To keep herself busy she turned on her playlist from Spotify and read the ebook version of The Hunger Games. She overheard a few students behind her whisper about what a nerd she was. But she paid no attention to them and never took her eyes off her phone.

"Why are you sitting by yourself?" A voice asked, making Samantha jump. She was not used to people talking to her directly unless it was a classmate or one of her friends. She recognized the voice as Clarisse and Samantha mentally told herself to stop being jumpy around her.
"Because people don't really like me, " she answered.
"Why?" Clarisse questioned. Samantha laughed to herself before answering. For someone who was older than her, Clarisse had the innocence of a little girl.

"Well I am kinda off a loner, I like to spend my time reading, " Samantha explained.
"I don't understand, you seem very nice, which means you should have lots of friends, " Clarisse said. She was giving Samantha a look that the thirteen year old couldn't place.
"I have a few and I am grateful for them, but reality is often disappointing, that's why I enjoy reading, " Samantha explained. "They take me to places where anything is possible, and the heroes even though they're often young, do what's right, " she continued.

Clarisse looked a bit amazed at Samantha's words. There was a hidden flame inside of Samantha, a young passionate spirit that craved adventure. Clarisse could sense it, and she wanted to help her new friend find it.
"Well I think those people are dumb, you seem special, " Clarisse said to her. " let's be friends, I promise you won't regret it, " Clarisse continued. Samantha smiled as Clarisse extended her hand towards her.
"You know there's something about you Clarisse, I can't put my finger on it but I think we're going to be great friends, " Samantha answered.

Later when Samantha walked through the door of her house, the conversation she had earlier was still on her mind. She was so lost in thought that she almost didn't notice when her younger brother Damien hugged her torso.
"Sissy you came back, I missed you so much!" He exclaimed. She smiled and eagerly hugged him back.
"How are you doing little man?" She asked. "Are you feeling better?" He woke up with a cold so their father refused to send him to school.

"A bit, I took some yucky medicine and slept a lot, " he explained. She listened to him without a second thought, as he had been her number one priority since his birth. Her parents had been divorced since she was seven. It bothered her sometimes still, but her mother was a drug addict and hardly ever contacted them. Her father worked two jobs to make sure that they could keep a roof over their heads, so Samantha didn't see him much. But at least she knew that he loved her, and Damien knew that as well.

So Samantha had been her brother's mother for most of his life. Not that he minded, he thought Samantha was the coolest person in the whole world. She was his hero, and he made sure to tell her everyday. "Can I still go trick or treating? I don't want to miss Halloween, " The eight year old said to her.
"Well let's see how you feel after you eat, now I've got a bit of homework to do," she said. Once I'm done I'll make us both some dinner, okay?" She asked. The young boy nodded and went to the living room to play with his Spiderman action figure.

Samantha sat at the table and pulled out the algebra homework she had to do. As she stared at the worksheet trying to figure out the equation, her Dad came out of his office.
"Hi Dad, " Samantha said once she noticed him.
"Hey honey, how was your day?" He asked.
"Oh you know the usual, classes, homework and annoying students," she answered with a smile. "I made a new friend today though, " she added in.
"That's my girl, " Her Dad said, ruffling her hair affectionately. "What's her name?" He asked.

"How did you know it was a girl?" Samantha asked, generally curious.
"Because I know that you don't like talking with boys, " he teased.
"That's because they stick, " she answered while playing along.
"I don't stick!" Damien yelled having heard what his sister had said.
"You're the only exception Damien, in Fact I have decided that you will skip your angsty teen years.
and go right to where we will be best friends again, " Samantha answered.
"But I am never not going to like you, " he promised, not entirely sure what she meant. 

"Don't do that you will grow up too fast for my liking buddy, " their father said to Damien. All three of them laughed after he said that. "Alright I will let you get back to work sweetheart, I have to get going, my shift starts in less than an hour, " he explained.
"Be careful out there Dad, " Samantha said, giving him a quick hug.
"Bye Daddy I love you!" Damien exclaimed.
"Love you both, don't stay out too late tonight you two, " he said before he walked out the door. After Samantha begrudgingly finished her work, she immediately began making dinner.

Almost an hour later, she had managed to make tomato rice soup, two halves of thick grilled cheese sandwiches, a small fruit salad and two glasses of chocolate milk. Damien happily ate his meal and Samantha was tempted to lecture him about his lack of table manners. Because he was eating very fast, but she was no better so she didn't say anything. After finishing up, Samantha helped her brother get into his vampire costume. It was simple, just a small black tux with a red and black cape. He had insisted on having fangs as well so he could look scary.

Samantha then got into her own costume which was Batgirl. She had made the costume herself, since she knew her dad couldn't afford an expensive one. It had taken her days of sleepless nights, and pricked thumbs but she had finally finished it.
"Damn I look good, " she said as she looked at her reflection in the mirror.
"Damn, " Damien said in mimicry.
"Hey don't say that!" Samantha said in a firm tone as she grabbed their candy bags.

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