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"I love you."
The water caved in.
All 10 assassins came at us.
But I trust her.
I..... Have faith in her.
She Buries her face into my chest and I hold her close to me.
Shielding her from the assassins.
As the water just touches my head and the assassins weapon is only an inch from her head I hear a scream.
"Nnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooo!!!" The voice was a screech that became many voices. I saw sparks come from the kid her suit and hair rapidly changing color. Then I hear a boom and all I could see was white.

Moments later: Spirits POV
I screamed no.
I was scared.
I was mad.
I was confused.
I felt safe.
In the last few days I haven't felt that. I only felt hate, anger, sadness.
But not love, not happy and not safe.
He is the enemy. Isn't he?
Then why call me his own... Child.
As if we were family.

I haven't opened my eyes. I don't want to open them and see the horror of this war. I don't want to see my friends hurt. I don't want to not understand.

I just want to be safe. I want this moment to last for as long as it can.
I feel the Chief stop hugging me his hands now on my shoulders.
I don't look up.
He removes one hand from my shoulder then places it on the side of my face.
I don't fight him. I let him have his way. I haven't felt this in a long time.
My head is lifted. I look into his eyes that are identical to my own. Then I start to cry. Only a bit and Chief simply wipes it away with his thumb.
"I'm sorry." I finally say. "I don't know what happened. I.... I.... Just I..."
He gave me a caring fatherly smile. I was at a loss for words.
"It's ok kid. It's ok." He assured me. He saw how confused and scared I was." Calm down. If your heart beats to fast you'll hurt yourself." He says placing his hand on my chest feeling my very high heartbeat.
I take a deep breath and do as he says. Chief looks around to see where I sent us." Where are we?" He asks me.
"Somewhere safe." I answer him.
"Kid we have to go back." He tells me.
I don't say anything. I only look down and see his shattered golden visor.
I pick it up and with a wave of my hand the helmet is restored.
"May I?" I ask.
He bends down and I place the helmet on his head. Then I make a portal that leads to the lake his allies are at.
As he walks towards the portal I turn around not wanting him to leave but knowing I can't stop him.
I hear his armored shoes walk away then stop. I assume he is gone.

"Are you coming?" He asks. I turn around.
Why is he still here?!
"No... I can't." I lie.
"Why not? You know the truth. So why go back to them!" He demands.
"I don't have a choice! She can shut me down whenever she likes! She can shut us all down!" I yell.
Chief stays quiet.
"It's like a big chessboard Chief. And right now she has me in a Check. So I need to make my next move a smart one before all my opinions are gone." I finish then I turn around again not wanting him to see me cry.
I feel a strong hand on my shoulder." I won't let that happen. We can fix this.... Please." He begs.
My next move has to be a smart move. Going with him is not a smart move. But he entrusted his life to me.
Now it's my turn to have some faith.
"Ok... I'll go." I say. We walk to the portal together.
I hesitate to go through. To afraid of what will happen when I reach the other side. But he takes my hand and I feel it again.
But this time I'm not confused or angry.
I feel happy.
I feel love.
I feel safe.
And for once my head is clear.
I'm no longer caught in the grey.
I know my enemies.
I know my friends.
I know my target.
I am not afraid.

During this time with the others
Kelly's POV
He's been down for too long. What happened to him?
Just then a portal appears!
"Watch it!" I hear Locke call out.
We all draw our weapons and wait a few seconds until a figure begins to take form. "Steady!" Locke commands.
Unit and Whisp had there guns trained on the portal. Fred was hesitating. It could be the chief. Or it could be something else. The figure fell through the portal.
"Chief! " I called out running to his side. He looked beaten. But why? What could have happened down there.
"Kid!!!" He yells pushing me aside as he shoot up. Once on his feet he ran towards the portal. Only for another figure to be thrown into him knocking them both to the ground.
"Uuuuhhhh...." We hear two voices in sink as they groan.
"Spirit!!!" Unit yells lowering his gun.
The girl lays on top of Chief as she slowly looks up to see her fellow comrades.
"Unit don't even start right now." She grumbles in pain.
"Get... Off... Me..." We hear another groan and she realizes that she was on Chief.
"Sorry." She wines. Getting off him. Then a flash grenade is thrown out of the portal and goes off.
I can't see anything... Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my leg." Aaaaahh." I scream as my body acknowledges the pain.
"Uh!!!" I hear Fred fall.
"Hey?!" Lina.

Spirits POV
Everyone is dropping. Not dead but not conscience. "Chief!!" I call out. I feel a familiar hand grip my shoulder.
"I'm right here." Chief says. My vision starts to come back. It's blurry but it's there.
"Can you see?" I ask.
"Not really." He replied.
I see a figure come at Chief.
"Duck!" I yell. He ducks and I jump over him and kick the attacker in the face. He takes a few steps back then throws a smoke bomb." Shoot!" I yell.
"Let him go we'll get him next time." Chief says. I reluctantly obey him.
Everyone comes to and the smoke clears. Chief walks over to Kelly and helps her up. But once on her feet she is shoot in the knee cap!!
"Kelly!!" I hear Chief call out as he catches her.
I can still see a streak of smoke from where the bullet came from. "Whisp! The cliff!" I yell pointing towards the cliff that Cadmen and I fell off of. Linda and Whisp both shoot there snipers in that direction ant I teleport myself there.
"You!!!" I yell and the Assassin from the lake stands there. As he turns around the two sniper bullets hit him in the shoulders.
Out of rage I kick him off the cliff and watch as he falls into the lake. Then I take out a grenade that I snagged from
Chief. I pull the pin and then dropped the grenade.
The water explodes.
A bit over kill but for some reason I felt that I had to protect Kelly from any further damage then I just became so mad that I wanted to get rid of that guy for good.
When I was done with my over kill I teleported back to the others. It took a while but I found them on a pelican heading to Infinity. Once past inspection, I found Chief patching up Kelly's leg. Everyone else was doing mission briefing.
I ignored them and kept walking towards Chief and Kelly.
"How is she?" I ask. Sitting next to him.
He kept working being careful not to mess up the stitching. But he is too shaky." Hear let me." I say raising a hand. With my abilities I make a needle and attach it to the string. Quick but steadily I sew her knee to the best I can.
Chief leaves for his mission brief and I keep working.
When I'm done Kelly examines my work." Not bad Spirit." She comments.
"Thank yo..... Spirit?" I question. No one calls me that unless they are my squad.
"That is your name, isn't it?" She asks.
"Yes but I didn't think you would know me as Spirit. I thought you knew me as Halo." I explain to her.
"Ha ha! I do know you as Halo. But Mist knew you as Spirit." She laughed.
We went silent as we remembered Mist. I regret turning into a jerk and not telling her how much she meant to me.
"Locke didn't kill her did he?" I ask.
"No. The last time I saw her is when she was going to try and convince you to not go to war with us." She confirmed what Assassin had told me.
"She left something for you."
I look up from my work." What?" I ask.
Kelly points to her helmet. I get up and let her put bio foam in her knee. While I removed an AI chip from her helmet.
I look back a Kelly. She gave me a smile." Mist had a feeling something would go wrong so she put a recording in the chip incase she couldn't reach you." She tells me. Chief comes back and walks over to Kelly.
As he takes her hand he asks," How is she?"
I didn't have good news." Her knee caps blown. She won't be walking for a while let alone run." I informed him.
Chief looked down. Kelly saw and gave him a smile.
"I'm not dying John. Don't look so glum." She joked. They laughed together. Not wanting to ruin the moment so I walked away.
Once alone I scanned the chip and turned it on.
A holographic image of Mist came up." Ok is this thing on? Yes, good, ok. This is a prerecorded message for Spartan clone 194: Mist." The hologram faded then came up again." Spirit. I know you are hurting. You can't hide it from me. You couldn't process the idea of your parents fighting. Cortana did bring us into the universe but she can not choose what role we play in the universe. You are the clone of Spartan 117, The Master Chief! The Spartan that saved the universe so many times! He saved it from the Flood, the Halo rings and the Didact!! You are him. So deep down you think like him and you know what Cortana is doing is wrong. This time you need to save the universe. You are him. So you can save it this time.

But Chief didn't do it alone. He had friends. But some died. You can't save us all Spirit. I hope you understand that. Sam, Captain Keys and his daughter, Sargent Johnson, Noble team, even CORTANA!!!!!
They all died. Fighting alongside him, fighting for his cause. You will lose people Spirit. That's what happens in war. But you can't let them die and be forgotten. I don't think I will be able to tell you this myself. If I don't that means I'm dead. If I am alive then I will delete this message.
Let someone in Spirit... Please." The message ended. I sat quietly for awhile.
Mist never could explain what she had to say but I got the point.
"You ok kid." Chief said to me as he walked in.
He sat next to me.
"Yeah.... I'm fine." I lay my head on his broad shoulder." Can I ask you something?"
"Shoot." He said.
" Why do you call kid? I'm 16 I'm not a child." I state.
"Because your not 16.
Your a little girl that was forced to grow up. A week ago I saw you and you were a child. Around...."
"6." I cut him off." I was 6.
Then I was rapidly grown to 16." I remembered that. I remember Cadmen... How he stopped me and volunteered to go first. I remember the pain he went threw.
I told Chief everything. Mist wanted me to let someone in. I guess that someone is my Chief.
"Wow that's a lot to handle for a kid." He states when I'm done." Haven't you ever been out of Genius?"
I shake my head no.
"Come with me." I follow Chief throw infinity to an empty room. He leaves me for a moment. Then the room changes into a garden. My suit fades and a yellow dress appears. An apple appears and I take it in my hand.
"I know it's fake but... It's so real." I say to myself.
"It's called virtual reality." I hear Chief call from behind me. I turn and see him in a green shirt and jeans.
The rest of the evening we stayed in that room. Once we were done he pulled me to the side.
"Look kid when this is all over I promise to take you to Earth... For real."
I gave him a smile." Don't make a girl a promise if you know you can't keep it." I tell him. He ruffles my hair then tells me goodnight. As he walks away I whisper," Night ... Dad." Then I entered my cell.

Hi everyone!!! I'm so sorry but I've been busy with the DC WattyAwards!!!!! I really want to win so I've been focusing on my DC story Spoilers Return. To make it up to you I made this chapter twice as long to keep you from leaving this.
I will try and update soon promise.

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