Super vision

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I wake up to the sound of Infinity's AI. Roland was it? He tells me the basic prosecutors.
Hands up on the wall.
Feet apart.
And don't power up.
Two marines come in guns trained on me.
One takes my hands and cuffs them behind my back.
"Move." He tells me.
I do as I'm told and we walk in a straight line. Me between the two soldiers.
I am escorted to the control deck. There I find Chief, Kelly, Locke, Palmer, Halsey and Captain Lasky.
I stop at the door and Chief notices my restraints.
"Is that really necessary?" He says gesturing to me.
"Safety Procautions." Lasky replied.
"For me or for you?" I ask sarcasticly.
I get looks from everyone in the room.
"So why am I here?" I ask.
Lasky gestures to Roland and he pulls up a holographic image of me and Assassin.
"We have taken scans of your brain waves and the others as well. They are all functioning the same way." Halsey explains.
"I believe that if we can transfer the AI generated part of you into only one vessel. Then Cortanas trigger on you all will be ineffective."

I couculated this in my head. It could work but then those without there AI genetics.... what will happen to them.
I wasn't liking the odds of survival in this.
Chief and Kelly both looked at each other.then Chief walked up to me. He moved to my back side then uncuffed me.
I let my hands slowly fall to my sides.
Everyone else tenced up. The marines, Palmer, Locke and Laskey all reached for there weapons.
I ball my hand into a fist. Then raise my other hand.
"I volenteer." I say plainly getting confused looks from them." I volenteer to be the vessel."
Chief gives me a nod and looks at the others.
They all looked at me with confusion. Halsey looked at her tablet running the simulation. "I suppose. Until we find something more suitable to hold it. But the consequences of the transfer are. . "
"I ran the simulation in my head. I know what they are." I cut her off. She goes quiet then nods.
"It won't be long before M-. . Cortana. Finds out what's going on. I sudgests we hurry this up." I say rushingly. I don't want to know what will happen if she finds out.

With Cortana
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. All of them! All of my children have been taken! Does ONI have any soul?
I slam my fist on the desk.
They are the perfect weapon. How is it that they all where captured...... and two dead.
"Alright mister Locke. I've played your game. Now..... now you play mine."
I regain my composure and walk out of the room.
This ends today.

Spirits P.O.V
I take a deep breath as Halsey straps me in. She hooks me up as others watch. I watch her and other scientists scurrying around the room making sure all the machines are in working order.
There was a different feeling in me. Had to describe it....
I look to my left where Chief was standing. Shifting his weight from one foot to another. Nervous? Worry? Hard to tell with the helmet on him. Unit and Whisp got ready. They volenteered as well.
"Subjects are in place. Commencing experimentation." Roland announced and the scientists walked out of the room behind 6 layers of tinted, bullet resistant glass.
I relax myself and closed my eyes hearing the machines power up.
On only seconds we where screaming bloody murder.
It felt like someone was pulling me apart!

Chiefs POV

What happened?! The three of them where screaming out. Thrashing around trying to escape. To get the restraints off." Shut it off." I order looking around then stormed over to the scientists.
They only saw it as a learning exercise. Wanting to see how far they can push before going over the edge.
They're just kids. Kids don't deserve this.

Streaks of AI coding glowed a bright white. Then started to turn black on two of them. "Shut it off!" I demand again slamming my fist down. This time they listened starting to power it down. Once they did I ran into the room. The kid was twitching. Her eyes a bright white she looked around frantically scared out of her mind. Her eyes land on me, that only compelled me to get closer.
"CHIEF!" She yells and I am thrown back by a blast of energy. All the computers and monitors go haywire. My head set malfunctions so I take it off. Looking back up and she was gone.....

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