Chapter 1

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Mammal Spartan 442 (me and I look just like MasterChief in this book)

I grabbed my rifle and hand gun and I picked up my helmet and put it on me as I saw prime and rogue getting ready to fight against the covenant with me as prime grabbed a rifle gun as did rogue. Blue team on me! I said as prime and rogue walked up to me as prime said to me "what's our mission Mammal?" Said prime, "our mission is to save a A.I named cortana she's in a old UNST warship crash landed" I said as I opened the blast door as I jump out of our ship as prime and rogue did to as we landed down onto the ground together as I grabbed my rifle and pointed it around to see if there's any covenant troopers around us but there was none of them around us. "Mammal I see the warship" said rogue, I walked up to rogue and prime as I said "move in" I said as we walked into the warship as we walked into the command santer of the warship as I saw where cartana was at. I walked up to the A.I as she looked at me Spartan 442 Mammal are you? Said cortana, yes I am and with my team I said, it's good to see you said prime, you too Spartan prime said cortana. Mammal we have incoming! Said rogue. I looked outside of the UNST warship widow to see covenant troopers walking into the warship. It's time to go now I said as I pulled cortana's chip out as I put the chip into the back of my helmet as I grabbed my rifle as I said to prime and rogue, let's give them hell I said as we walked slowly down outside of the UNST warship as the covenant troopers saw us as they started to fire at me and prime and rogue as we took cover as I grabbed a hand grade as I though it at the troopers as it blow up killing a couple of them as I got out of cover and shot at the brutes and jackles and grents too as prime snipe a couple of them as rogue killed a couple of them with his shotgun as he pulled out his knife as he shot and stab a brute as we killed them all as I reloaded my rifle and put it behind my back and looked around to see all of the dead body's of the covenant troopers laying on the ground as I saw rogue pulled out his knife out of a jackle chest as he put his knife away. Then we all saw a UNST ship landed down onto the ground as ODSTs and troopers walked out with captain keys walked out too as he said too me do you have her? Said keys. Yes sir I said as I gave him cortana as he said great work blue team said captain keys. Thanks sir said prime, let's get back home I said as we all walked into the gunship as it took us to the biggest UNST warship there is as the blast boor opened as I walked out of the gunship as did prime and rogue did too as captain keys said Spartan 442 (me) you and your team take your armour off and take a break said captain keys. Thanks sir I said, so captain keys gave us a break Mammal? Said xprime, yeah he did said rogue, let's just in joy our break I said.

Starring roboknightprime and Rogue_Divsion

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