Chapter 2

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As Mammal (me) and prime and rogue took a break from fighting against the covenant mammal heard captain keys say Spartan Mammal I have something for you said keys. You do? What is it? I said as he said here's cortana she's all yours now said captain keys as he have me the chip of cortana as I grabbed the chip and put her into my helmet as she said it's good to be with you again Spartan Mammal said cartana, you too cartana I said back to her. Well Spartan mammal you have a mission to do with your team said captain keys. What type of mission sir? I said, you and your team has to save the arbiter said keys, the arbiter? Said prime, yeah why him? Said rogue, he's on our side of the UNSC now he and his people are waiting for you said captain keys. Yes sir we well get it done I said, get ready team I said to prime and rogue.

Later on...

We finally got to the planet named Reach.
Prime landed the ship down as we walked out of the ship together as prime said I have a bad feeling about this mammal said prime. So what prime, captain keys said the arbiter is on our side now I said. Mammal is right said cortana, will I hope so said rogue as he pointed to where the arbiter was at as he walked up to us as he said are you Spartan Mammal 442? Said the arbiter, yes I am and you must be the arbiter? I said, yes my name as Kai-al and these are my people said the arbiter, well we are here to get you out of here said rogue, that's our mission said prime, let's go before the covenant finds us all on planet reach I said as we all walked into our ship with the arbiter and his people.

Later on...

We finally got too our biggest warship of the UNSC there is as we land down as I opened the blast door as we all walked out of the ship as captain keys said ah it's good to see you old friend said keys, you to captain said the arbiter. You know each other? I said, yes we saved each other's life's in battle against the covenant said keys. That's why you wanted us to brin him and his people here? Said prime, yes Spartan prime said captain keys, that's why said rogue, well let's just call it a day now I said but then our warship got hit by a covenant warship bigger then ours as covenant ships landed into the hangger as I saw brutes and jackles and grunts run out of their ships as I grabbed my rifle and opened fired on them as prime did too as rogue took captain keys to take cover. HOW DID THE HELL DID THEY FIND US?! I said. Will that's a question you should ask me said a brute said as I looked up to see him as he was going to hit prime with his weapon but I moved prime out of the away as I got hit as it sent me flying into the other side of the hangger as he walked up to me as I got back up and punch him a couple of times, he then punched me back hard as he grabbed me by my neck as he rises his weapon into the air as he hit me again with it as I hit the ground hard as cortana's chip fell out of my helmet as I tried to get up to pick up cortana's chip as I did as then I felt the brute grabbed me by my leg as he grag me onto the brige of the hangger of the ship as he then said my name is Atrlox and my face is the last thing you would see said Atrlox as he was going to kill me but prime stab him into his back as he dropped me as I fell down onto the ground as I looked at cortana's chip as I put her into my helmet as she said to me ARE YOU OKAY?! Said cortana, yeah I think I am I said as I saw my friend prime fighting against Atrlox as rogue joined into the fight as did the arbiter did to, I got back up as I ran right to Atrlox as I made him fell down onto the ground as I garb my hand gun and pointed it to his face and I was going to kill him but he once again hit me with his weapon as I fell down onto the ground hard as I tried to get back up but Atrlox ran right to me as he made us fell out of the warship down onto the planet reach as we hit the hard ground hard as I blacked out.
roboknightprime Rogue_Divsion

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