Final Battle

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Ezra was surrounded by Maul and his Night Brother soldiers. There was 50 elites, 15 hunters and 4 tanks. Ezra looked around and he saw no way out of this situation. "You're too late Maul. In one hour tops this entire ring will blow with us on it." Ezra told him. Maul just laughed. "What is he laughing at?" Mira asked. "You think any of us care about that. My men are willing to fight and die to ensure victory." Maul said. "What victory is there? Your base is gone and it's only a matter of time before your fleet is gone." Ezra stated. "I'm well aware of that. But right now before this ring meets its own demise, we are here to kill you." Maul said. "Ezra I don't see no way out of this what do we do?" Mira asked. "It's your choice: surrender now and your death will be quick and painless or you will suffer a long and painful demise." Maul said. "Ezra?" Mira called out concerned for his well being. Ezra gave out a long sigh. "Well, looks like the only way to end this, is to kill you Maul or die trying!" Ezra said and cock back his rifle. "As you wish." Maul said. With a raise of his hand a small squad of elites charged at Ezra.

'Wave 1' Ezra thought. As the elites rushed him Ezra started shoot. He shot a few down but as more came closer Ezra holstered his gun. He reached for his knife and stabbed the first one. The next came in with an energy sword and Ezra blocked his attack wrapped his arms around his neck and slit his throat. The next one swung a few times at Ezra but he dodged all of his attacks. Ezra then pushed the elites arm to the side and stabbed him in the eye with his knife, it was so deep that it came out of the other eye.  Another one tried to tackle Ezra but Ezra stabbed him multiple times in the back of the neck and slammed the elites head into his knee. Two more rushed Ezra at the same time, but Ezra rushed towards them and grabbed them both by the neck lifting them in the air and slamming their heads to the ground hard killing them. Another also rushed Ezra but got stabbed in the chest, but before Ezra could take the knife out, another elite grabbed Ezra from behind and tried to strangle him. Ezra did a backflip behind the elite and wrapped his arms around his neck and snapped it all the way around. Ezra them grabbed his knife out of the other elites gut and stabbed it multiple times in the same place killing it.

Maul nodded to another set of troops and they rushed at Ezra. 'Wave 2' Ezra thought. Ezra threw his knife at the first one and it landed right in between the eyes killing it. He then rushed the remaining ones. Ezra tackled two to the ground and got up quickly. As one elite was about to kick Ezra, he grabbed its leg and twisted it. He then used the elites body as a weapon and slammed it on another elite coming from his side and another one his other. Ezra then tore the elites leg off and slammed it one the elites head killing it. He then went behind another lifted it in the air and slammed its back on his knee and tossed it at two more. Another elite tried to punch Ezra but his punch was caught. Ezra broke off its arm and shoved it in his mouth killing it. Ezra saw one coming up behind him and he with a sweep of the leg, the elite was flat on his back. Ezra jumped in the air and did a backflip while in air, he then planted his knee right in the throat of the elite and it was dead. Ezra grabbed his knife out the the dead elites head and walked towards the last one. The last elite was scared out of his mind and he tripped backwards and tried to crawl away, but Ezra launched himself on top of the elite and stabbed him in the temple of his brain killing him.

"Ezra watch out!" Mira warned but it was too late. Ezra got blasted by a energy shot and he was put to the ground. "Guess that's wave 3." Ezra said out loud as he got up and saw 10 hunter slowly running towards him. Ezra couldn't tell but he knew Maul was smiling. "You got this Ezra." Mira told him. Ezra got up and pulled out his gun.  He ran towards the hunters and they started shooting at him. Ezra lifted his hand and a shield appeared blocking all the shots and he was still running towards them. Ezra lowered his hand and the shield disappeared. A hunter was about to take a swing at him but Ezra used its arm shield to jump behind it on its back. Ezra started shooting it's back and neck and the hunter fell to the ground. Ezra rushed another one and used his strength enhancement to tackle it to the ground and Ezra used his energy sword to decapitate its head of. He then rush another one hand as it was about to shoot, Ezra leaped in the air and cut off its arm cannon. Ezra pick up the cannon and started blasting the rest of them down. Once the hunters were killed, Ezra dropped the cannon and was breathing heavy.

"Ezra can you hold out some more?" Mira asked concerned. "What you getting sleepy." Ezra said in a sarcastic tone. "That's good to know because here comes the boss fight." Mira told him.

Maul approached the young Spartan examining him in every way. "My, my, my. You are a stubborn one aren't you, boy." Maul said. "So you've finally decided to fight after all this time." Ezra said back. "I like to test my prey before getting my hands dirty to finish the final blow." Maul told him. "Not gonna happen. We end this here!" Ezra said and activated his energy sword. "Yes we do." Maul said back and activated his energy sword.

They stared each other down wondering who was gonna strike first. With a loud roar, Maul rushed Ezra and began to attack him. Ezra blocked all his attacks but there was a lot of strength behind them. Ezra now went from defense to offense and attacked Maul. Maul block all his attacks with some ease but there was also power behind Ezras attacks as well. They were both attacking and defending each others attacks, it was hard to tell who might win. Maul was knocked off his feet and on his butt with Ezra standing over him. "You've lost!" Ezra said ready to strike him down. "No No No! You've lost!" Maul yelled and a swarm of tentacles came out of his arms and grabbed Ezra. He began squeezing Ezra to try and break his rips. Ezra grunted in pain trying to hold back his screams but when they squeezed harder the gates broke and Ezra started to scream in agonizing pain. "Ezra!!" Mira called out scared out mind. Maul them used his tentacles to throw Ezra all over the place. He slammed him on the mountain wall a couple times, bang him against trees and slamming him on the ground. When Ezra got slammed to the ground again his helmet fell off. Maul them used his tentacles to drag Ezra over to him. "Ah so this is the face of the human who blew up my ship and killed a lot of my men! No matter, you will die just like any other human! But though you die, know that you have my respect as a warrior young one! Consider this a mark of a true warrior of your kind!" Maul said and sliced Ezra left cheek with his energy sword giving him twin scars. Then Maul threw Ezra and he slammed right at the metal door making a dent in it.

"Ezra are you okay?" Mira asked in a terrified voice. "I don't know. This may be the end. We only got 30 minutes before the ring blows and I'm fighting for my life against him." Ezra said. "Well no matter what happens next I know it was a honor Ezra." Mira told him. Then they got a transmission from the Ghost. "Ezra do you copy? The plan worked Mauls forces are destroyed. We're coming to get you." Hera said. "No."

"What do you mean no? We're not leaving you here!" Sabine protested. "Guys Maul is here and I've been fighting his men and him this whole time. We only got 30 minutes left, get outta here with the fleet now." Ezra told them. "No we can't!" Sabine said. "Listen! I know it's hard but you all don't have a choice. You guys don't owe me anything, just save yourselves. The fleet still needs you guys and you guys are the best people I've ever met. See you on the other side." "Wait no Ezra-" Sabine tried to say but Ezra ended the transmission. "Sorry Mira, but it was for the best." Ezra said. "I know lets end this." She said. Ezra got back up.

"Yes that's what I like about you Ezra! You always get back up and never staying down!" Maul said. "Are you gonna just keep talking or are we gonna end this!" Ezra said and grabbed his helmet and put it on. "Time to die!" Maul said. Ezra grabbed his energy sword and his knife and got in a fighting stance. Maul reached out his hands and tentacles shot out towards Ezra. Ezra used his energy sword to cut down all the tentacles and used his knife to stab any that grabbed him. As Ezra did this he ran forward right at Maul cutting down all his tentacles. When he was close enough, Ezra slid underneath a tentacle and stabbed Maul in the chest with his energy sword. When Maul moved his arm to grab Ezra, Ezra used his knife and stabbed Maul in the neck. Ezra put his weapons deeper in Mauls flesh and Maul coughed out blood. Maul gave out a loud roar and fell lifeless on then ground. "You did it Ez." Mira said. "Yeah. Guess I did."

Suddenly a plasma rounds fired at Ezra. "He killed our leader we will have our revenge!" One Night Brother soldier said and they all started shoot at Ezra. "Mira how much time left?" Ezra asked. "15 minutes left." She answered. "Well it was a good run while it lasted. So lets end this with a bang." Ezra said and grabbed his rifle.

Then rockets came out of nowhere and killed a few Night Brother soldiers. Ezra looked behind him and saw the Ghost. The ramp was lowered and he saw Sabine standing there with a rocket launcher. Then more ships came from behind them and dropped bombs on the last of the soldiers. The Ghost landed and Sabine and Zeb ran out and straight towards Ezra. "Don't worry we got you." Sabine said while she and Zeb helped him up and in the Ghost. "Hera he's on board. Lets go." Kanan said. The Ghost lifted off and flew at max speed off the ring. They were now in a safe distance of the ring and it blew up.

"All hands this is Hera Syndulla. Mission accomplished!" Hera said threw the coms and they heard cheers from all over the coms. "It's over we did it." Mira said. "Yeah." Ezra simply said. "Ezra you okay?" Sabine asked. "A little bruised but I'll be alright." Ezra told her. "I thought I told you guys to leave." He added. "Ezra we would never leave you here. You are apart of this team now and that will never change." Sabine told him. Ezra smiled at that. "Well then thanks." He said.

Then Ghost landed in the hangar bay of the Skywalker. The crew walked out the ship and was met by Ahsoka. She ran up to Ezra and got a good look at him. "Ezra your face." She siad. She then trailed two fingers over Ezras twin scars. "It's okay. From what I hear this is what people call a 'mark of a true warrior'." Ezra said grabbing her hand. Ahsoka smiled and hugged her nephew tightly and Ezra hugged back. They walked inside the bridge of the ship. Then a holo transmission appeared showing Mothma, Ackbar and Leia. "Excellent job all of you. People around the galaxy may not know what you all did here today, but everyone here in this fleet will know. You have our gratitude." Mothma said. "That's right. Thanks to all of you the galaxy gets another chance at living." Leia added. "Thank you." They all said. "So Lieutenant Commander, what will you do now?" Ackbar asked. "Well this fleets gonna need someone like me to help it in the future. And I would like to stay on the Ghost crew for now on." Ezra said. "If Ezra's staying then so am I." Mira added appearing on Ezras shoulder. "That's good to here. I trust that the crew is happy to here that." Mothma said. "We all are." Sabine said and they all stood next to Ezra. "So this is the ending of one adventure for us Ez." Mira said. "You're right but there will another adventure for us. And we'll be ready for it. Together." Ezra said.

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