The Control Room

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Ezra followed Delta threw the door. The last thing he did before the door close is give Sabine a two finger salute then the door closed. "So how far is the control room?" Ezra asked. "A 10 miles down." Delta answered. "Okay ready Mira?" Ezra asked his AI. "Yep." She said and Ezra followed Delta down the tunnel.

They were walking for awhile and so far it was quiet and a little dark. They went threw door by door, and down elevator going down. "So do you really think we got a shot a doing?" Mira asked. "Losing faith in your plan already?" Ezra asked back. "You know what I mean. What if we can't make it off the ring before it blows or what if Maul escapes before it." Mira said. "Mira you're over thinking, this plan will work. I know we will get this done without any problems in the plan." Ezra said and Mira smiled.

Ezra started to get a headache. "Ezra! You will die here this place will be your grave!" He heard Mauls voice. "Shut up!" Ezra yelled. "You cannot deny your fate! Your comrades are going to die and this battle will be over!" Maul said. "I said SHUT UP!!" Ezra yelled louder and was on his knees clutching his head. "Ezra?" Mira called out worried. Ezra started breathing heavy and looked around. "He knows we're here we gotta hurry." Ezra said. "How close is the Flood?" Mira asked. "Considering the massive headache I got, close enough." Ezra said and got up. "Well lets go." Mira said and Ezra started walking.

After another few minutes of walking Ezra felt another headache. "The Flood is closer now." Ezra said. Then out of nowhere he was tackled by a reanimated body. Ezra was put to the ground and was fighting the dead thing off of him. Then small little Flood insects started swarming Ezra. "Ezra get up you gotta move!" Mira said. "I'm a little preoccupied at the moment!" Ezra said back. Ezra reached for his pistol and shot the reanimated body multiple times in the head and it fell on top of Ezra. Ezra got up and shot at the Flood insects. "Ezra run, there's too many." Mira said. Ezra ran but still shot behind him. More reanimated bodies were in front of him and he tackled some and shot at the rest.

Ezra then ran into another room and closed the door behind him. "Man those thing are a shit show to handle." Ezra said. "You okay Ez?" Mira asked. "Yeah no injuries on me." Ezra told her.

Suddenly a blob appeared. "What the hell is that?" Ezra said getting out his gun. The blob was coming closer and Ezra started shooting. The bullets pierced it but it was still coming. Ezra was about to get out of the way but the blob shot out acid on each side of him. Before Ezra could react, we was swallowed by the blob. "*grunts* let me go you shit ball!!" Ezra shouted. The blob started shaking and Ezra felt pain go threw his body. "Ezra? Ezra can you here me? Ezra!?" Mira called out. "Mira, I can't break free. It's absorbing me, taking my energy. I'm dead." Ezra struggled to say. "No don't say that! You can make you have to try." Mira told him. "I-I can't!" Ezra said. "Ezra listen to me. Everytime when it really matter, no matter how impossible it seemed, you've always managed to bounce back and it's never matter more than this. Everyone is counting on you, they believe in you, I believe in you. So dig deep and keep fighting!" Mira said. Ezra listened to her words and thought of everyone that he met. He thought of the fleet, his aunt Ahsoka and then the crew.

Then with a loud shout, he launched a shield bomb and as it grew it destroyed the blob. Ezra landed on his feet and said "Alright Mira, time to end this." "That's the Ezra I know." Mira said and Ezra ran out the room and to the control room.

After another few minutes they finally made it to the control room.

"Whoa. This place is huge." Mira said. "So Delta what how do we work this thing?" Ezra asked. "All you have to do is input the Index in the console and the rings systems will be at your disposal." Delta explained. Ezra walked over the bridge to the console. "Yank me, Ezra." Mira said. Ezra pulled Miras chip out and plugged her in the console. Mira appeared and put her hand out revealing the Index. She then kneeled down and touched the console and got up. "Done. I set the time for an hour. Lets hurry and get outta here." Mira said. Ezra unplugged Mira from the console and him and Delta went out of the room.

They eventually made it to the door and Ezra turned on his com. "Hello does anyone copy?" He said. "Ezra? Thank god! We've been trying to contact you for some time now." Sabine answered. "Good to here your voice. Our mission is accomplished." Ezra said. "That's great but we have a big problem." Sabine said. "What is it?" Ezra asked and the door opened. "We took down the base but Maul he's...." "Gone I know." Ezra said. "What how?" Sabine asked. "Because he's here with a lot of his men." Ezra told her. Maul and a lot of Night Brother soldiers along with hunters and wraiths surrounded Ezra. "Hello again Ezra."

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