The Tomb of The Forerunners

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The sun was starting to rise in the sky and bring light in the cave. Sabine was waking up from her sleep at the site of the sun. She sat up and stretched. She noticed Ezra loading his gun and having a conversation with Mira. When Ezra saw Sabine was up he smiled. "Sleep well?" He asked. "Yeah...wait did I sleep though the night?" Sabine said. "Yeah. Didn't want to go to sleep and didn't want to wake you up. Looked too peaceful." He said and Sabine smiled. "Delta said we should get moving at sun rise. You ready?" Ezra said grabbing his helmet and putting it on. Sabine got up and grabbed her weapons and helmet and answered "Yeah." Then Delta showed up. "Excellent. Let us get moving." He said and they walked out of the cave and started to travel through the forest.

They traveled through the forest for another hour. Ezra, Sabine and Mira were telling stories about their time in the Spartan academy with each other and laughing at the funny parts. "No way really!" Sabine said laughing. "Yep me and Ezras parents saw the whole thing happening." Mira said. "Yeah. So after the hand to hand combat scenario, Jai and Zare challenged me to a paint gun battle." He explained. "The paint that turns your armor hard as a rock?" Sabine asked and Ezra nod. "So it was two against one. The room is constantly changing. Zare tried to distract me while Jai snuck up on me but I knew what they were playing. Once Jai came around the corner, I hit him in the face and shot him four times in both shoulders and kicked him across the room. Zare followed up behind me and tried to shoot my gun out of my hand, but I was too quick. I shot him in the head, he still was trying to shoot but he missed multiple times and kicked his gun out of his hand and threw him into Jai." He explained and Sabine was laughing. "And this one time I pranked them by leading them to a room and they were hit multiple times by paint turrets." Ezra added and Sabine was laughing harder. "I can't believe you were this much trouble at the Academy." Sabine said. Ezra smiled and lightly punched her shoulder earning a playfully punch by Sabine.

They soon found themselves infront of a mountain side. It had markings on it and a door. "Hey Delta is this the place?" Ezra asked. "Yes this is the Tomb of The Forerunners." He answered. "Who built it?" Sabine asked. "A wise Forerunner. The Wisest of all of them. He believed that all life mattered and did not believe in using the rings to destroy it. He created me to look after this tomb because he had a vision that one day a great evil will use the Flood for his own meanings and courageous heros will stand up against him and destroy his connection to the Flood." Delta explained. "Meaning us?" Mira said. "Correct."

"So how do we get in?" Ezra asked. "Allow me." Delta said and a beam shot from his eye at the door and the door began to glow and slowly open. When the door opened all the way it revealed a portal way inside. They were about to walk in but Delta floated infront of them. "I am sorry but only one can enter." He said. "What no way! We're not splitting up." Mira protested. "Sorry but it is part of the rule of the Tomb." Delta said. "Fine. I'll go." Ezra said. "What?!" Sabine and Mira said together. "If it's the only way I guess I'll do it." He said. "Be warned once you enter you will be tested before moving any further. Are you prepared?" Delta said. "Yes I am." Ezra said. He then took Miras chip out of his helmet and gave her to Sabine. "Keep her same for me?" He asked. Sabine nodded and took Mira and put her in her helmet. "Be careful." They both said and Ezra nodded and entered the portal.

Once Ezra walked in he was met with a dark void. He could barley see anything and his head lights wasn't working inside the Tomb. Then torches lit up into a hallway. Then a small orb appeared infront of Ezra. The orb flew around him as if it was examining him. The orb flew closer to his helmet. Ezra backed up a bit and tried to touch it but it flew back. It went down the hall and blinked a few times. "So you want me to follow you?" Ezra asked and the orb lit up some more as if agreeing with him. Ezra sighed and followed it.

Ezra followed the orb into a room it was dark until a light appeared behind him. He turned around and saw a lamp. When he turned back around the orb was gone and he was in a room that looked familiar to him. He saw something on the bad and grabbed it. It was a stuff animal. He recognized the stuff animal, it was his. He was in his room. He was in his house back on Lothal. Then heard laughter from outside the room. Ezra walked threw the hall of his house and down some steps. He peeked his head behind a corner and saw him as a kid sitting next to his parents. They were laughing and talking to each other. Ezra then realized this was a memory. He remember this day. It was his birthday. "Mom, dad?" Ezra said walking up to them but then they disappeared. The room went dark again.

Ezras face fell as he was in a dark room again. "Stop right there!" A voice echoed. Ezra looked around but saw nothing. "Ezra" "mom? Mom!" Ezra called out.  Then he found himself in a forest. He heard gun fire in the distance and ran towards it. He then saw his old team and his parents being attacked by Maul. He watched as his team was gunned down. He then saw his parents killed by Maul. "NO!!!" Ezra yelled. Then everything went dark.

Back outside

Sabine was pacing back and forward thinking about what was going on in there. The portal was still open but Delta said only one could go inside. "Are you worried about your friend?" Delta asked. "How can I not be. Ezra is in there and we don't know what he is doing because we can't go in." Sabine said. "Do not worry I am sure he can handle himself. Assuming he survive the test." Delta said. "What do you mean by survive the test??" Mira said appearing on Sabine shoulder. "Well theses test are designed to put mortals in threw a series of events. Memories that is. And this test their strengths and weaknesses. And they are attacked by several of their biggest fears." He explained. "And what happens if they fail?" Sabine asked. "They are either lost in their minds or purged from life." Delta simply stated. Sabine gasped and stared at the portal. "Ezra..." She said. Sabine then started walking towards the portal. "What are you going to do?" Delta asked. "I'm gonna go help my friend. Mira are you with me?" Sabine said. "Lets go get him." Mira said and Sabine walked threw.

As she walked threw she was met by a dark hallway. Then the bright orb appeared infront of her. "Take me to Ezra. Please." Sabine said. The orb lit up and flew down the hall and Sabine followed it.

Ezra was in another room that was dule lit. He looked around and saw nothing as he thought. He signed and looked down. He then felt a sharp pain in his head and a high pitch ringing. He took off his helmet and clutched his head. "You didn't help us! Why didn't you help us!?" The voice of his mother said. "I-I couldn't!" He said. "You was weak!" His farther said. "No!!" Ezra said. Then he was surrounded by a wind current blowing around him. Then his mother appeared, then his farther. "It's your fault that we are dead!" "You ran away! Didn't even fight back!" "No!!!" Ezra yelled. Then Maul appeared. "You let me kill them Ezra! It's all your fault!" "It's-it's all my fault." Ezra said sobbing as tears went down his face. Then a version of Ezra appeared infront of him and kneeled down at him. "You know what you have to do, kid." He said and handed Ezra a pistol. Ezra whipped tears from his eyes and slowly grabbed the pistol. He examined it for a moment then the other version of Ezra said "do it." "Do it!" The others said. Ezra then put the gun to his head and grasped the trigger ready to shoot.

"Ezra, no!!" A voice from behind him yelled. Then the pistol was knocked out of his hand and Sabine was infront of him. "Sabine?" Ezra asked wanting to know if this was real. Sabine took her helmet off wrapped and her arms around him in a hug with embrace. "It's all my fault. They died because of me. I deserve to die!" Ezra yelled. "Ezra it's not your fault. What happened was never your fault. You can't hold on to your guilt forever. Fight your demons." Sabine said. "I can't. Not by myself." Ezra said. Sabine broke the hug and looked into his eyes. "Maybe this will help." Sabine said. She grabbed his collar and pulled him into a kiss. Ezra was starting to relax and he closed his eyes. Then the wind current disappeared and everything went dark expect the space around Ezra and Sabine. They broke the kiss and rested their foreheads on each other.

"Thank you, Sabine." Ezra said. "Anytime Ezra." Sabine said and they both got up. "Just don't ever think about killing yourself again Ez." Mira said. "I won't. Promise." He said. Sabine gave him Mira chip and he put her in his helmet. "If you tell anyone about the kiss, I'll kill ya." Sabine said. "Don't worry I won't." He said.

Then light appeared infront of them and they entered. "Impressive. You are the first mortals to past the test. Congratulations are in order." A voice said. "Who are you?" Ezra asked. Then a small green person appeared sitting on a tree stump. "I am the wisest Forerunner. But you can call me Yoda."

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