The Forerunner Yoda

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"I am the wisest Forerunner. But you can call me Yoda."

The Forerunner who's name was Yoda sat on a tree branch. Ezra and Sabine walked forward and the room was now covered in stars all over. Ezra and Sabine stood before an actual Forerunner. The first Forerunner they have ever seen before. They had a look of amazement under their helmets and had no idea what to say. Yoda chuckled and said "surprise to see me you are?" And they nodded.

"How are you here right now. I thought all the Forerunners died off?" Ezra asked. "Forerunners have the ability to live on threw many life times. Are bodies may die out but our souls will always live on." Yoda explained. "Tell me. You seek knowledge about how to defeat the enemy?" He asked. "Yes we do. We want to know how to defeat the returning Flood that is now under control of an elite known as Maul." Sabine said. "Yes I am aware of this elite. Maul: former head leader of the Covenant army. Now outcasts with his army." Yoda said.

"Yes. Is there anyway to defeat him?" Ezra asked. Yoda shook his head no "Unfortunately while he has his connection to the Flood there is no way to defeat. But this isn't the first time this has happened." "What do you mean?" Sabine asked. The room then shifted into several images.

"Over the years of the Flood. Mortals have used the Graveminds to control the Flood after the body of the Gravemind died. Mortals from different species caused destruction on many planets and got corrupted and eventually their bodies die out from having the Gravemind in their minds. They loose their minds and their willpower to control the Flood. But this character: Maul. His connection has grown stronger and mighty."

"There must be a way to defeat him." Sabine said. "There might be a way." Yoda said. "Tell us. Whatever it is we can handle it." Ezra said.

"In order to defeat him, you will have to break his connection to the Flood. In order to do that, you must destroy the ring." Yoda said. "How do we destroy the ring?" Ezra asked.

"There is another tomb on this ring. It holds a key to the ring called The Index. If you take it to the center of the ring there will be a control center for the ring. You put the Index in the console, you will have complete control of the ring and it's systems. You can time the reactor and destroy the ring." Yoda explained.

"Alright that's our plan at least." Sabine said. "Yes but be warned. I can sense that Maul is preparing for his forces to leave this ring and bring terror on the galaxy." Yoda added. "What how long?" Ezra asked. "You only have five days until he is ready. If you fail, the Flood will invade every planet in the galaxy." Yoda answered. "Well we gotta get going now." Sabine said. "Wait how do we find the Index?" Ezra asked.

"Delta will help you. You have to hurry. If you wait too long you will run out of time quickly." Yoda said and the room started to glow really bright.

Ezra and Sabine were now outside the tomb with Delta. "Oh good you guys made out and past the test." Delta said. "Yeah no thanks to you. I thought only one can enter." Mira said. "Yes but that was part of the test." "What kind of test?" Sabine asked. "The test of trust and friendship. Master Yoda created the test to see if a persons trust and friendship was strong."

Ezra and Sabine took off their helmets and smiled at one another. "Thanks for stopping me know." Ezra said. "Don't mention it Ezra. I'm glad I went after you." Sabine said. "So was the kiss good?" Mira said appearing on Ezra shoulder. They both started to blush a bit at the question. "So it was good." Mira said laughing. "Mira!" They both said. "But was it?" Ezra asked smirking. Sabine lightly punched his arm and said "eh it was alright." And smirked.

Then their coms were beeping. "Ezra Sabine, do you copy." Hera voice said. "Yes we're here Hera. We may have something." Sabine said. Then the Ghost appeared and landed. The rest of the crew were on the ramp as Ezra and Sabine walked up to them. "So what's next?" Kanan asked. "We destroy the ring."

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