A day of questions

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I was  a little bit uncomfortable with the attention I was drawing to myself but Maria offered for me to stay in her house for the night, and against my better judgment, I decided to accept her offer as I thought I should loosen up abit, Maria even cooked me some roasted chicken and it was delicious.

After the meal, Maria decided to ask me a few questions about myself, but I told her "you already know my story, I cant say anything else to you as that information is classified, even from me because ONI didn't want me to know, why don't you tell me about you ?, I really want to know you better" I say.

Maria seemed slightly surprised by this, and nervous. "Well, you see, there is nothing interesting about my life, my dad died when I was little because of a raid on the village, my mother died a few years after, I was taught to make food like a cook and any jobs that were available but I'm not good at anything, except for being a leader and I'm half handy in a fight." Maria said, I nodded, and Maria continued with her story and about certain events, up to the point when I came along and killed the raiders.

"Hey, why don't we got to bed... I mean go to sleep together in my bed-I mean... Huh" Maria said, going into a bright shade of red, "haha, it's ok, I understand what your saying, but I don't really need to sleep" I say, "what ?, why don't you sleep ?, your armour can wait till the morning" Maria argued, "it's like you don't want to sleep as you don't want to dream" she added.
"Well yeah, I don't want to dream as I can't really dream, just have memorises that fade, day by day, and when they disappear completely, I wouldn't have anything left, not that it matters or I care." I say, as emotionless as I could, but my voice and my attempt to hide my true feelings on the matter said that I am hiding something on that matter. And to my surprise, not, Maria picked that up as soon as I said it.

"The bedrooms are through that door, it's getting late so I suggest that we get some sleep before I pass out on these chairs" Maria said, I guess that she didn't want to continue the conversation, and I did feel somewhat tired.

"Night" I say, "night" replied Maria, then the house fell silent and the lights went out, so only darkness and shadows remained in my sight, I closed my eyes and fell to a light sleep, but woke up to a foot steps moving on some creaky planks on the floor, I open my eyes to see Maria standing in the door way, in her white night gown. "I can't sleep, I had a nightmare, would you mind if I slept next to you, I promise that nothing will happen" she asked, in a slightly tired and cracked voice, like she had been crying."Yeah, this is your house, if you want, than I would keep you company tonight, as you fall back to sleep" I say, then shuffle to the edge of my bed, with my back to the wall, she moves the covers and lays next to me, facing away from me and pulls the cover over her, the bed was slightly wider then a normal single bed, but was still only made for one person, so as a result, her back was touching my bare chest, luck for me, I was wearing my boxers that I was given so I wasn't sleeping completely naked.

I was stuck, I couldn't turn or I would send Maria flying out of the bed and for there to be enough room in the bed, Maria and I had to lay on our sides. I had nowhere to place my right arm, seeing this, Maria placed her hand on my arm, "don't be shy, you can put your arm here" she says, and places my arm over the front of her chest. It was like an embrace, "okey, but no funny ideas" I say, jokingly, "don't worry, I don't have many funny ideas about you, yet" she says, jokingly, but says the last word quietly but I could still make out what she said.

The heat from her body was a strangest feeling, it was soft and loving, this caused me to fall asleep very quickly. The next thing I know, I wake to see Alice, Amber, Julie and Veronica standing in the door way, blushing or softly giggling. "That is so cute, I thought she wasn't going to do anything, I wonder what he was like last nig..." Alice stopped the second she noticed me awake, "THIS IS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE" I say in a loud voice, not shouting, but it was loud enough for Maria to wake up, she saw her friends, then noticed the position we were in, as my arm was still wrapped around her in an embrace.

She blushed, "get out of here" she say quickly, I was beard able to to understand her, but her friends did and they closed the door, "do your friends really walk into your house in a morning and do that ?" I asked, "not like that, but I guess they wanted to see what we did, oh, I'm never going to live that down" Maria said as she headed to her room.

I got changed and headed to the main room, to see everyone there, and Maria in the kitchen with some bacon cooking, "well, well, so what did you do last night ?, I doubt that your story would match with hers, that was some freaky business back there" Amber says, "one, she had a nightmare and wanted me to keep her company, but the small bed lead to us being in that position, and two, I find it freaky that you lot were watching me and Maria sleep, and talking about me, or about my sexual stamina" I say, the girls blushed and Maria asked, "so aren't you going to show us how to use the guns ?". I said yes, but ate breakfast first.

After the delicious meal, I took the girls to the crates and gave them a full demonstration on the Battle Rifle, after a couple of hours, I dismissed the girls and headed to the abandoned house, and got to fixing my armour, I have made repairs before, I knew what I was doing and in about 3 hours, my armour was fixed.

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