Data Hive

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After Buck and Y/n got dropped off, they fought their way through several sub-levels of Drones, getting covered in insect blood and bits of bug wings.

Y/n: Cannot believe I'm saying this, but I'm starting to think we should've listened to Romeo.

Buck: Next remind me to pack a huge amount of bug-spray.

Y/n: Or a flamethrower would do it, too.

As they exit the next room and see the Data Center ahead of them. Suddenly a voice comes on the COM.

Dare: (COM) Buck!

Buck: Veronica? Where the hell are you?

Dare: (COM) Data Center, but we're coming out.

Y/n: Hold up, "we"?

Dare: (COM) No time to explain but do not, I repeat, do not shoot anything pink!

Buck: Whatever you say, just come on!

Outside, Jet Pack Brutes jump out while a Phantom drops off more. Buck and Y/n see Dare and the Rookie coming to them with an Engineer on their tail.

Dare: (to the Rookie) Go, trooper! I'll cover the Engineer.

Y/n sees Rookie clears out most of the Covenant and nods, impressed.

Buck: Veronica! Over here! Hurry!

Y/n: Rook! Come on!

They all regroup and a door opens to the right.

Buck: This is our exit, Rookie. Head through the door.

Behind the door is a short hallway leading to a hole, where Y/n, the Rookie and the others drop inside a dark room filled with sleeping Drones.

Buck: About this uh, asset. Feel free to fill us in whenever.

Dare: Not now, Buck!

Y/n: (quietly) Will you two zip it?!

An opening in the left part of the room leads to the hallway, and the five head right.

Buck: Door's locked. Damn!

Dare: Don't worry. We have a key.

The Engineer heads to the door and starts unlocking it.

Y/n: Dare, we've seen tons of these flying octopuses all over the city. What makes this one so different?

Dare: This Engineer knows what the Covenant is after. If I could safely capture more of them I would. What they know can win the war!

Buck: Oh.

Y/n hisses in realization and scratches his neck.

Dare: You guys haven't killed any of them, have you?

Buck: No! Well, maybe one or... two.

Y/n: Or three-hundred.

Dare: (sarcastically) Nice work.

Buck: How the hell were we supposed to know?

The Engineer successfully opens the door. Up ahead, more sleeping Drones are spotted. They sneak past and head to a door at the end of the hall. It leads to a small room with an elevator.

Buck: Elevator. Come on.

Buck backs into elevator last and removes his helmet.

Buck: Whew! Lord, that thing stinks. Kinda reminds me of my-

Dare punches Buck in the face.

Buck: What was that for!?

Dare: Abandoning the mission.

Buck: What mission? You dropped off the grid! My squad was scattered-

Dare walks up to Buck and kisses him. Buck relaxes and puts his arms around Dare.

Buck: A-And that?

Dare: For coming back.

Y/n: (clears throat)

Buck and Dare turn to Y/n, Rookie, and the Engineer.

Y/n: Yeah, don't mind us. We're just standing here.

Dare: Thank you.

Buck: You did good Rookie, no doubt. But we're not out of this yet.

As Buck walks off the elevator, Dare teasingly looks back at Y/n and the Rookie, before following Buck. Rookie looks at Y/n, who nudges his shoulder.

Y/n: We're almost home-free, Rook. Let's move.


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