Kikowani Station

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Night had befallen New Mombasa as the squad approaches the entrance to Kikowani Station. Buck and Y/n help Romeo to walk, while Mickey jumps the rail to scout ahead.

Buck: We're almost there.

Romeo starts to have difficulty breathing and protests.

Romeo: (wheezing) Put... Put me down, put me down for a sec.

The two put Romeo against a wall.

Y/n: Dutch, medkit. Now.

Dutch kneels down, as Y/n looks through Dutch's pack for a medkit.

Dutch: What's wrong with him?

Y/n: He's got a punctured lung, can't breathe.

Romeo begins coughing and choking as Y/n finds a Biofoam Canister and tosses it to Buck who fills the wound with biofoam. Romeo takes in several deep breaths.

Buck: Better?

Romeo: what?

Buck: Trains ran underground up to the old city, we're gonna find one of the tunnels, walk on outta here.

Romeo pulls out the canister.

Romeo: gonna carry me all the way, sweethearts?

Y/n: Well that WAS the plan, until you decided to be a smartass...

A Phantom suddenly flies overhead, carrying some Engineers underneath it.

Buck: Get the door!

Dutch reaches inside a ticket booth and hits the button to close the security shutter. The Phantom flies away as the shutter stops just before being fully closed.

Buck offers Romeo a hand up and Romeo places the empty canister in Buck's hand. Romeo gets up, and Buck casually tosses the canister away, where it rolls under the door.

Mickey: (COM) Gunny, guys are gonna wanna see this.

Buck, Y/n, Dutch and Romeo head down the stairs into the tunnel, regrouping with Mickey who looks at something with his arms crossed.

Mickey: This means we're screwed, right?

They see two trains, one being damaged, but they see that the tunnel has been flooded.

Buck: Not yet.

They watch a Phantom pass by and Y/n hits Buck's arm.

Y/n: Hey, Buck? You thinking what I'm thinking?

Buck: Mmm-hmm. We're gonna steal that ride. It's landing, now's our chance! Mickey! You're with us!

Mickey looks and shrugs, Buck nods.

Mickey: Gunny, I can fly a Pelican, but a Phantom? It's been years since I even ran a simulation!

Buck: Well, let's see what you remember trooper, move!

Buck, Y/n, and Mickey advance, engaging the Covenant troops dropped off by that Phantom and another that lands soon after, also dropping off some Engineers. The second Phantom leaves after it drops off it's troops, but the first stays.

Mickey: More of those floating squids. Should we smoke 'em?

Buck: They're between us and that Phantom, what do you think?

Once the area is clear, the three of them advance towards the first Phantom.

Y/n: All right, Mickey. Up the lift and kill the pilots.

Mickey: Here goes nothing!

Mickey goes up the Phantom's lift, soon SMG shots are heard as Mickey takes out the pilots.

Mickey: (COM) Ugh, cabin secure. Flight controls read green across the board...well, purple, but she's good to go...I think.

Buck: Okay, me and Lieu will grab a couple Banshees, you go get Dutch and Romeo.

Mickey: (COM) On my way.

Buck and Y/n find two Banshees while Mickey goes and picks up Dutch and Romeo.

Mickey: (COM) All set back there?

Dutch: (COM) Affirmative. Romeo, let's man these turrets.

Buck flies upward and sees several Covenant Cruisers near the slipspace crater.

Y/n: (COM) Buck, you see anything?

Buck: A whole lot of Covenant, gathering around that Slipspace crater. I wonder what they're looking for.

Mickey: (COM) I bet the Captain would have known.

Buck: Yeah... I bet you're right.

The squad moves forward, being engaged by Covenant from nearby platforms and balconies. After they clear the area the door opens and a pair of Banshees fly out.

Romeo: (COM) Ah! Banshees, comin' through the tunnel.

Buck: That's the way we're headed, take 'em out!

The squad quickly defeats them and heads into the tunnel, engaging more Covenant forces including a tower, and a Wraith.

Mickey: (COM) Everyone watch their elbows, it's gonna be a tight squeeze.

The squad makes it out into the next area where a Phantom is dropping off Engineers at a recharge station.

Dutch: (COM) Well, look at that. I think we found us a squid house.

Romeo: (COM) Give me an angle, I'm gonna burn it to the ground.

The squad destroys the recharge station.

Romeo: (COM) That's right, you damn aliens. Doesn't feel so good does it?

Dutch: (COM) Well, like the good book says, payback's a bitch.

Mickey: (COM) I don't think it actually says that, Dutch.

Dutch: (COM) I'm paraphrasin', ya heathen!

Y/n: (COM) Hahaha! Who wants seafood? I'm buying! Calamari for everybody!

The squad approaches the door, but it doesn't open.

Mickey: (COM) Damn! Covenant must've locked the door to the next area. I see an override switch, Gunny. Hang on, I'll set a beacon.

Buck: Door's open, I'll go first.

Mickey: (COM) Roger that, following your lead.

Inside the next section, a large squad of Grunts are waiting, but, are easily destroyed by the Banshees.

Farther in, another Phantom is dropping more Engineers into another recharge station, but Buck and Y/n fire on the station blowing it up, causing the Engineers still on the Phantom to explode, damaging the dropship. The Phantom then tries to take off but gets destroyed.

In the next area there are several more recharge stations, and a Phantom drops off an AA Wraith. Heavily armed Grunts and Brutes also fire on them from a balcony.

The squad soon defeats the Covenant defenders. The door to the next area, like before, is locked.

Mickey: (COM) Another locked door, hit the override.

Y/n: (COM) I got it.

Y/n hits the override but only the smaller doors open, the larger section remains closed.

Mickey: (COM) Damn, door's jammed. Must've lost power.

Y/n: Buck and I will head through on foot, see if we can find a work around inside the tunnel.

Dutch: (COM) Go on in, we'll cover the door, make sure no one gets in behind you.

Y/n and Buck head into the tunnel, and are engaged by multiple enemy forces, including Brute Stalkers and a Chieftain. They see several explosive coils and take them all out with their grenades, blowing them up.

Mickey: (COM) Gunny, Lieu, check the far end of the tunnel, might be a back up generator.

They soon find another room, and another switch, which opens both doors.

Mickey: (COM) That did it! Door's open.

Buck and Y/n makes their way back to their Banshees, and head to the other end of the tunnel, spotting a Scarab near the next door.

Y/n: (COM) Hey, Juliet. Remember when you told the Covies to go get themselves a Scarab?

Romeo: (COM) Yeah?

Y/n: (COM) Guess what's blocking our exit.

Romeo: (COM) Ah! This is the best mission ever!

Dutch: Take out its legs, and it'll stop moving!

Y/n and Buck fire at the Scarab's legs, immobilizing it.

Romeo: (COM) Get behind it! Shoot it in the ass!

Y/n blows off the armor and Buck sends a plasma blast that blows the core, making the Scarab explode.

Dutch: (COM) Oorah fellas, let it burn!

Y/n: (COM) Disco Inferno, ya oversized beetle!

Mickey: (COM) Head into the tunnel, before another one shows up.

The squad heads into the last tunnel, which is covered with Recharge Stations.

Romeo: (COM) Ah, damn! We hit the squid jackpot!

Dutch: (COM) Take 'em out, fellas, so we can get through.

Buck: Stay clear, this is gonna be one hell of a chain reaction!

Buck and Y/n fire on the Recharge Stations, causing a large explosion.

The explosion from the Recharge Stations reaches outside, as Buck, Y/n, and the others burst through. Buck and Y/n fly up to the Phantom, and jump out of their Banshees into the grav-lift. The Banshees fall into the water as the Phantom continues flying.

Buck: Keep her steady Mickey. (to Romeo) You doin' okay?

Romeo: Just glad we didn't go with your first plan. Look at those tunnels. Ones that aren't flooded are probably...packed with Buggers. Hell, I wouldn't go down there even if you ordered me to.

This triggers something in Buck's memory.

Buck: (flashback) Come on, Veronica! What could be more important than that carrier?

Dare: (flashback) My orders. And Buck? Call me Captain.

Buck: Mickey, turn around! Find a safe place to set us down!

Mickey: What? Why?

Buck: I lost something! (whispering) Now I know where to find her.

Mickey turns the Phantom around and they head back into the city.

Y/n: It's Dare, isn't it?

Buck looks at Y/n.

Y/n: Thought so. Well, count me in then.

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