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"Sometimes we hear voices that kill us slowly and we keep being alive."


⇶Hallucinations Kill;

"Your hair looks so gorgeous." I heard that silky tone again, I felt someone was caressing my long black hair with his fingertips. He made my blood run cold, although he wasn't there when I opened my hazel eyes.

The owner of this voice vanished again...

I didn't know why that voice was stuck in my head, but every time I heard it, I felt petrified, sickened, and shaky. Who the hell was he? Why did I have hallucinations about him? His face had been blurry, I couldn't recognize him even if I wanted to.

I was nauseated by my hair, I got out of my small bed and searched for scissors in that bright girly room that was dominated by rose pink. It really was the total opposite of me, they all tried changing me to become brighter. Howbeit, they couldn't; the dark shades took place all over my body like the dark tattoos that were painted on most of my skin.

I wondered when they would finally validate that they live with a monster. A monster like her mother, we both shared the same blood, we both weren't normals humans, we are murderers, psychos, ghosts, numb, and we shouldn't be living in this world.

Or maybe if she wasn't my mom, I wouldn't think like that...

My room was a total mess, but luckily I had found them, the stainless steel scissors that found their way into my white closet. I aggressively raised them to the base of my neck, one side of the scissors on either side of the lock hair in my hand, and clipped the scissors; my long black hair was falling on the ground. With every clump of messily cut hair that fell, my heart ached more and another pearl-shaped tear rolled down my cheeks. Suddenly, the sound of knocking on my door pulls my attention from my hair.

"Daisy, may I come in, please? I know you're awake honey." I heard Mrs. Blake's soft voice, I could know her voice from miles away and distinguish it easily. She was a special woman to me, she was like my mom, a better version of that murder, of course. She took me in, raised me as her own after my mom stabbed my dad.

"Come in."

I wipe away the water drops that were on my cheeks immediately. The door was opened and she took a step inside, I saw her blue marvelous eyes become round as she was staring at me. She gasped while standing in her place, standing as still as stone.

"Mrs. Blake, are you okay?" I questioned although I already knew the answer, I knew I went too far this time, but she wouldn't have understood me anyway, no one did. I had been in so much pain, I heard things, I felt things, I had terrifying hallucinations, and they just thought that I wasn't mentally stable, your average depressed seventeen-year-old girl.

"Your hair!" she pointed at my hair, I forced a smile "I was bored of it, so I thought of doing a new haircut." I lied as it wasn't new, my whole life was a lie. She minced ahead closer to me, her soft palm was on my fair cheeks as she cupped it.

Her brows bumped together in a scowl while her eyes glimmered with watery tears. "You look beautiful, it suits you well." she sniffed before wrapping her arms around me and squeezing me gently, slowly I hugged her back while nuzzling my head on her neck. My face was screwed up before a slow desolate tear that ran down from my closed eyes into her robe. I felt her hand patting my back, I was glad to have her at that moment, she dulcified me, but she never had dulcified my pain.

I guess it was too strong for anyone to cure it, and leaden for me to hide it from the earth. I broke our hug as I gazed at her beautiful face that was relaxing to look at.

"You look gorgeous, sweetie like your--" I cut her sentence short before she could continue.

"Please, if you love me, don't mention her," I begged her.

She nodded without saying a word, I was delighted that she didn't argue with me each time, but I was also distraught that she mentioned that woman again.

I didn't know why the hell she still loved that woman, I knew she was her best friend, but that woman was the main reason for my depression, why I had been bullied at school and my hemophobia. That woman murdered my dad and had been in jail for seven years. She left me with lost memories only to live with her friend for seven fucking years.

Without her friend Everly, I would have forgotten her face like I forgot my father's. I wish I had a picture of him instead of the one I have for my mother, I was so curious about his looks more than I was curious why she murdered him. Actually, there was part of me that was terrified to know the truth, hating her was easier for me than to gain my memory or let anyone shove me with the reason.

"Daisy, let's clean this out, your room is a total mess." She commanded while looking around my miserable pink and white bright room.

"Just go to sleep queen, I will clean it out, although I like it more this way" I lead her outside the room and closed the door afterward. I expelled my breath before cleaning and returning my room to its previous brightness, however, it was only the room that was tidy and clean. I was a total mess and I stopped seeking for a better version of myself, I knew I wouldn't reach it even if I tried.

The voices in my head were way stronger than me as if they don't want me to be happy or maybe happiness wasn't written for me. I even thought of committing suicide, but every time I tried, I was given another useless chance to live.

I laid down on my bed and I closed my eyes, ready to sleep. "Please let me sleep peacefully for once," I begged not to have another nightmare for one night. The past seven years were filled with nightmares and still, I wasn't used to them.

The moment I fell asleep, I saw myself in another small house with old furniture. Standing there with my hair still long as if I didn't cut it. I ambled away looking for the front door to existing.

"Where are you going, princess?" I heard his voice again, my whole body was shaking while holding my breath, frightened to look behind me. I strived to escape from him while I heard his steps getting close to me.

Out of nowhere, I found that the house had changed to a small black room without any furniture.

"You can't escape from me, princess." He moved closer to me, his hands finding my hips and his lips pressed against my neck. My lungs constricted, my breathing uneven as I sobbed.

I tried to push him away as I screamed for help, but no one heard, no one was there. I turned around and pushed him hard, making him fall just as he brought out his knife. Luckily, I had woken up before it could get any worse, but I saw Henry gazing at me with his green eyes. I got scared for a second, especially because I didn't see the man's face in my nightmare, so I screamed at him.

"What?!" He yelled at me.

"Are you yelling at me, now?" I shouted at him after I had calmed.

"You didn't see yourself just then. You scared the shit out of me," He whined while sitting on my bed.

"Why are you in my room?" I questioned him.

"I got worried about you, I thought you were having another nightmare." He rubbed his nape while looking down, his cheeks got brighter, turning a slight shade of red.

Henry was different from all the boys I had seen, he was seventeen, like me, which made us close. Since we were close, he became the only friend that I had. I was relieved to have him, he protected me at school, never leaving my side. A lot of girls were jealous of me because of the way he treated me, some people thought that he had feelings for me, but I never believed it.

"I'm used to it," I stated a lie while I looked around the room.

"I know you are lying, you can lie to anyone but me, Daisy."

He knew me way too much; my arms curled around his neck while my eyes were closed "Can we stay like this for a moment?" I asked. Without saying anything, he curled his arms around my waist, his arms were my safe zone and the reason why I was still breathing.

After five minutes, there was a step backward taken from me, but our faces were still inches away and the connection of our eyes for the first time melted me slowly.

His eyes were blue-green, I never realized how beautiful his eyes were until today. His pupils dilated straight away which made him glance away while stroking his nape. Moreover, I turned away to avert my gaze but I felt the heat in my cheeks was increasing for the first time.

"Isn't it kinda hot suddenly?" I quavered.

"It is, that is weird we are in October," he shrugged while barging ahead from bed immediately. He turned his back to me before getting out of the room and he tilted his head to one side.

"I like your new haircut, it suits you well. Anything suits you anyway, you are the prettiest girl I have seen." He said with a soothing tone and stepped out of the room.

I caressed my hair and my lips stretched into a smile; nevertheless, it didn't reach the darkness in my eyes. I remembered the dream once again and there were questions running through my head.

"Who is he? What does he want from me? Why can't I see his face?" I inhaled a deep breath and let it out slowly before getting up. I dawdled along on my way to the restroom. Unfortunately, I noticed that Hannah, Henry's younger sister, was leaving the restroom as I got closer.

She had long straight hair with warm chestnut hues of blonde right into the brown, her eyes were like the ocean that nobody could stop staring at especially when she had the most gorgeous face and body. She was like a model even her height, she was soaring for sixteen years old and made me seem tiny beside her.

"Oh, the depressed princess is awake," she arched a sly brow harmonized with her lips in the shape of a smirk.

"Don't worry, she's dead." I mutely replied to her while glancing at the door.

"Eww, did you cut your hair?" She curled her lips.

"Can you let me pass?" I questioned.

"Yes, go ahead, you already smell." She walked away with her nose in the air.

I sighed and went inside, I was used to that treatment from her; howbeit, that didn't mean I was tired. I was tired of her bullshit that I tried to commit suicide several times but they all had failed. I filled the bathtub with cold water before I take off my unmatched dark pajamas and slid under the iced water, yet I didn't feel how cold it was.

My eyes were shut while I was underwater, at that moment I felt that I was sinking although I was in the bathtub. I opened my eyes, the colors splashing into each other and I couldn't get myself out of the tube, I kept rubbing my eyes hoping this would end. Seconds later, I started to see blood all over the water as I saw it, I closed my eyes immediately terrified and hoping someone would save me although there was no one.

I attempted to calm myself and rise from the water, gladly I got out and took out a deep breath that I had held for a long period. When I opened my eyes, the water was clear, there wasn't any blood and it was my hallucinations again.

As much as I tried to hold it in, the pain came out like silent scream from my throat while biting my tongue to not scream loudly; I sobbed and tears flooded like water rushing from a waterfall. I wish I knew what I had done to deserve this damnation. I was about to lose my mind, I had no clue that was heaven and the worse was waiting for me. After ten minutes, I forced myself to calm since I had nothing else to do. I went back to my room with a towel around my body, I dried myself then wore my long-sleeved black crop shirt and black high waisted jeans.

I lumbered downstairs to the living room, glanced at Henry who was sitting on the couch and reading a book while Hannah was laying on the couch beside him, resting her head on his lap watching TV.

"Where is Mrs. and Mr. Blake?" I wondered loudly.

"They went to see your mom, the murderer. Where else would they go on a Saturday?" Hannah rolled her eyes.

"Hannah! Stop it already!" Henry shouted at Hannah.

They fought because of me, as they had been for the past seven years. Not wanting to listen to them, I quickly left the house in silence. I inhaled a sharp breath when I got out of the house before I caught sight of people moving into the house in front of ours.

I did care less that time and just walked away, I plodded down the road alone. Despite this, I had felt steps behind me. At first, I thought that I was hallucinating again, I paused and closed my eyes.

"They aren't real, Daisy. These voices aren't real, nothing is real," I bit my lip before I slowly opened my eyes again. "This is enough, Daisy, you should stop hallucinating," I mumbled before I stood across the street, waiting for the passing car to come and take me away from hell.

Again, my wish didn't come true like my old wish list. Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me to his chest. When I met his gaze, I saw the opposite mirror of me. He seemed so warm, his hair was a mop of blonde strands with eyes like the sea, crystal-clear blue.

"Are you okay?" He asked smiling, his smile was the purest smile that I have seen since a child's.

"Does it matter?" I replied with a question, eyes narrowed at him.

"Yes, of course, it does. You were about to die over there," he spoke quietly.

"True and you ruined it!" I yelled at him.

"Is that how you say thanks?" His smile was gone.

"Are you dumb or what? Can you let go of me?" I glanced at his arms that were holding mine.

"Oh, I'm sorry..." He left me immediately and sighed.

"Dumbass." I gritted my teeth before going back to my house, when I arrived at the house I found him following me.

"Dumbass, what are you doing here? Don't you have dimwit friends like you to hang out with or a house to be depressed in?" I bellowed out my anger at him.

"Are you always like this?" He took a few steps, getting closer and closer to me.

"What do you mean?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Mean, rude, and scary, but also cute and pretty. Actually, I think you are the girl I had been looking for, so nice to meet you. I'm Liam." He reached out his hand to shake while his lips were lifted up in a toothy smile.

"Fuck off." I glanced at his hand while the muscles in my face tightened.

"I will see you a lot, Ms. Fuck-Off, because I live in the house in front of you." He pointed at the house, I stared at it with wide eyes then glanced back at him with my lips primed.

[A/N]: The first chapter got deleted that's why I published it again so for my old readers if you got notified, I sincerely apologize as that makes me mad since I won't be able to see the old comments anymore.

Anyways, don't forget to vote and comments your thoughts of your chapter!

Q.A.C: What do you think of each character that appeared this chapter?

Lots of love <3

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