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I escaped, escaped from my past, from myself, and from everyone surrounding me. I lost my memory when I was ten-years-old. Imagine waking up without knowledge of your identity or the people you are with, and you find yourself deserted as if you are an orphan.

Miserable right? I bet it was, but looking back, it wasn't that cruel, it helped me escape from the cruel reality I was in.

My name is Daisy Emerson, or you can say it was. Now, my full name is changed. My story began at the age of ten, on the ninth of September in Los Angeles when I woke up without a single memory. I found myself lying down on a bed in a hospital room, with unfamiliar faces around me.

"She is awake!" A gorgeous woman in her forties grinned softly as she watched my eyes open. Her blonde hair was poker-straight and pulled back into a high pony-tail. Her face was bare from makeup, and her blue eyes were puffy.

"Who are you?" I questioned in a low tone as my eyes drifted around the room. "Where am I? Is this a hospital? I'm sorry, but what is my name?" I kept questioning; I was lost like the newborn baby. The blonde woman covered her mouth with her hand and her eyes started to fill with watery tears. Her reaction made me wonder if she was my mother, I didn't even know myself to tell if she was or not, but the way she reacted didn't seem like anything except a downhearted mother.

Moreover, she was not alone nor the only one crestfallen. There was a man next to her, his hair was the color of sun-bleached wood, his bloodshot eyes were like the green forest. He bit his thin lips and curved his hand around the woman's waist. I caught sight of the wedding ring on his hand.

A married couple were holding themselves from crying in front of a ten-year-old girl, I had to believe that they were my parents. Although I didn't look similar to them, I felt that I was their daughter because of their reaction.

"Mom? Dad?" I murmured in a question, there was still a possibility they may not be. Her lips were trembling, her eyes went round when I called her mom. She gave a glance at her husband so he could figure out how to tell me that they weren't my real parents. Despite the conflict in their eyes, I still desired them to be the parents that weren't here.

The man frowned. "We wish, unfortunately you aren't, but we will still treat you like our daughter, Daisy." That moment, I knew my name. 'Daisy', a luminous winsome name. I foresaw myself as an engaging and bright individual as my name suggested, but the reality was treacherous for me and for all living creatures. For instance my real parents, they weren't there for their daughter, I kept wondering about them and why others were here for me instead of them.

They made me question if I was an orphan and they adopted me. Well, that wasn't authentic but the validity was not far from that.

"Where are my real parents then?" I asked and their faces went blank as if I asked an erratic question. They took a minute staring at each other before they replied. "Your father passed away in an accident, and your mother..." She paused when she mentioned my mother.

"My mother?" My eyes narrowed at them and a brow arched.

The man swallowed before he opened his mouth, "Your mother isn't in California at the moment," He licked his lips. For his fluke, I was young enough to be duped by his lies.

"Where is she then?" I asked. I didn't care or pay attention to my dead father, I didn't even have the thought of asking about him or how he died. All I was concerned about was my mom, I needed a mother more than a father.

"In New York for work, so we will be taking care of you until she comes back." The woman gave me a bright smile.

"And who are you?"

"I'm Everly Blake and this is my husband Weston, we've been your mother's friends since high school." She introduced them both to me, they seemed to admire my mom a lot to take on the task of caring for me until she returned.

"Nice to meet you," my lips curved in a toothy smile. They both give a small laugh, but their eyes were dilated with sadness, although I was still only ten, I could notice the signs as if I knew how melancholy meant more than exhilaration. The doctors reached out to us and when they told him about my memory, he informed us it was from trauma and I will gain my memory soon.


A few days passed expeditiously and these days where my only pulchritudinous days except for the fact that I was hearing voices that didn't exist except in my ears as the nightmares kept following me. However, it was manageable, and it was all because of Everly and Wetson's son that was the same age as me.

However, their younger daughter, Hannah, was a sorceress. She was the one who shoved the truth in my face, you can also say she vouchsafed Weston and Everly's lie.

I am still fascinated by how a nine-year-old girl thought to break me as if I was a plastic doll.

Hannah took me to a room when she learned where my mom was. My mom wasn't in New York, no, she was closer than that. She was in Los Angeles like us. However, she couldn't see me anymore due to the fact that she was in prison, paying for her crimes.

My mother was a murderer and my dad didn't die in a normal accident, he was murdered by my mom. In my childhood, I knew the durable gospel. The hallucinations and nightmares increased for seven years. Seven years in my life were devastated by reality.

[A/N]: A little introduction to 'Hamilton High Blood' story, I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts on this introduction. Chapter one will begin with teenage Daisy, stay tuned for it!

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