Scandal pt. 2

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Ok first of all I know that none of this is accurate but whatever.
After a long wait. A REALLY long wait. Like three solid days, Alexander finally wakes up. When he does, you approach him slowly and talk to him. "Are you alright now?" He looks at you tiredly, half awake. "I... Yes, but I don't remember... Anything..." Now worried, you sit down in a chair across the room. "What's the last thing you remember?" He pauses for a minute. "The last completely clear memory I have is my wife and sister in law going away for the summer." You are really concerned, seeing as it is early August and if they left for the summer that would have been almost two months ago. Blacking out for that long is more like a coma than sleep deprivation.

You decide to pry a little more. "The last CLEAR memory? What's the last memory?" He thinks about it. "I have a lot of just sitting and writing memories but I don't know what I wrote? I was writing... About the constitution but I don't know what I said." You ask if he has any memory of coming here. He says that he remembered thinking of you but not actually coming over.

You are trying to help him remember. "You said to me that you had to 'get this plan through congress' what did that mean?" He shakes his head. "I have a new financial plan to get through congress. But I don't remember saying that." You are really worried that he had literally no recollection of coming over. It could  be a very bad sign. He falls asleep.

You do research on sleep deprivation. Luckily, you live near a library. You learn that it can cause death and that usually, when a person dies from it they will die in their sleep. You tear up. You have to save Alexander. You can die going 11 days without sleep. He went 30 days. Which is possible to survive but barely.

--One week later--

Alexander is so close to death. He hasn't woken up since he fell asleep the second time. You check his pulse and breath every couple hours to make sure he's alive. You have him under only one sheet so that he doesn't sweat, to conserve water. He can't drink when he's asleep, beyond the occasional drop you can spill in his mouth. You are really worried about him and are glad you get August off of your job.

You are curious why he even came over. You knew Alexander for a couple months to go to his wedding. You were never anything other than a romantic prospect. And now he's married. So why would he come to you?

--Two weeks later--

He's never waking up. You have come to terms with that. He's in a coma. He hasn't been conscious for three weeks. You miss him but there's nothing you can do. He's gone. You are still checking his pulse and giving him water but... You are waiting for the time you won't feel his pulse at all. When he'll be dead. And when the day comes, what will you say to Eliza?

He stirs. You snap to attention. Slowly, he wakes up. You almost cry at the sight of his conscious face. He looks at you, confused. "What's wrong?" You stare at him. "What's wrong? You just... Practically died!?" He's more confused now. "What?!!? What happened?" You take a deep breath and explain. "You didn't sleep for a month, smart idea, by the way, and then passed out for three days. And then fell asleep for another three weeks...!" He is staring at you. "And you saved me." You look up. "I suppose. I gave you water." He keeps staring at you. His eyes melt your heart. He asks you, "And gave me a place to sleep? While my wife is away?" You freeze. That could be taken many different ways. "Yes, I suppose." He beckons you over.

You come over slowly and when you are within arms reach he grabs your forearm and pulls you down until your face is an inch from his. He's married, you think, he's a respectable guy, and he's married. He won't... Your thoughts and reasoning is interrupted by his lips on yours. You pull back in surprise. "You're married!" He gets up and walks over to you, backing into a corner. "You aren't." You try to pull away put he doesn't let you. "And me? I didn't marry for love. You are the one I loved, all this time." You try to speak, but this guy, this guy, that you've loved for a decade, speaks in paragraphs. "I love you, (y/n)! I always have. I've taken a lot of pit stops, Eliza, my fellow soldier, John Laurens," Wait, what? Laurens and Hamilton? He continues. "But I'm here now, I'm ready for you, I'm ready for what my life has lead up to.

"You are, you always have been, the one for me. Since the moment I met you. Since you approached me so boldly and spoke so shyly." You want him, but he is taken. He belongs to Eliza. Term 'belong' used loosely. You want to cry. You two want each other. But you can't be together. He's married, and his family is Christian and the Bible forbids divorce. You feel backed into a corner. Perhaps because, you literally are. His voice slides into a section of your heart that's never been accessed by anyone before. You look up at him. His slim frame is still taller than you. You speak. "I have always loved you too. I want you. So badly." He grabs you at the shoulder. "Then what's stopping us?" You respond incredulously. "You're married..?" He waves in the air, as though waving away all problems. But it can't work that way. You have to ask him to leave.

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