Scandal pt. 3

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Ok everyone so this might become a bit of a lemon. Or like... Lemon flavored fluff? Just be warned. I guess I should have known this would happen. Whatever. Be warned.
Alex stands over you, waiting for your response. When he doesn't get one, he starts talking again. You get him to stop by kissing him slowly. With this approval, he smiles, and lifts you up and into the guest bed. You pull away. "Yeah. THATS not happening." He sighs. "Fine." You take him downstairs and give him some food. Afterward, he searches your kitchen and pulls out a six pack of beer. You laugh and tell him about the mini bar you have downstairs.

The last thing you remember is Alex laughing and popping the cap off a beer. Now you wake up not in your own bed. How is that possible? We were in my house the whole time... You think. You turn. There's Alex, quiet from sleep again. Wait. You panic. If... You look under the covers and have a breakdown. Almost. You slide out of the bed. Grabbing you clothes from where they lay and putting them on quick and totally hung over. Alexander wakes up slowly and turns to me. "So... Wait. Did we..?" You look up. "Yep. I think so." You climb out of his window without saying goodbye.

--3 weeks later--

You haven't seen Alex since the incident. One day, you get a letter. It reads like this:

Dear (y/n),

You have torn our marriage in two. I didn't trust you since I met you all those years ago and my fears have been confirmed. How could you do this? I thought that you were gone. The only consolation I have, and your only defense is that it is near impossible to resist his eyes when they look at you. But we have children. I am writing you not to be angry but to ask you to stay away from my husband... Please.


Elizabeth Schuyler

You read the letter slowly, over and over. It was a terrible thing. And she was so nice about it. Then a wave of nausea overcomes you.

--1 month later--

You need to do the ethical thing. You visit Alex. Eliza answers the door. You take a breath, but she speaks first. "You can't see Alex." You pause. "Is he here?" She says yes. You beg. "Please. I need to take to him and you can even watch just please let me talk to him alone." She sighs and brings him downstairs and leaves the room. Alex looks like a mess. Not as bad as when he first arrived, though. You speak. "Alex. I need to tell you something..." He stays silent, for once. You continue. "I'm pregnant! And it's yours!" He stares wide eyed, mouth open.

To be continued....


I'm sorry!!!! I know it's so cruel to end it now but... I don't really care. Lol! Also, I didn't really think that what happens next falls under scandal!

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