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I buried my voice for you.

Jimin waited impatiently as he sat on his sofa. He couldn't stop glancing at the door.

Hana was going to walk in any second now.

His nerves were eating him alive. His fingers fidgeted. Why was he so nervous? 

It's only Hana. You don't even love her anymore.


He tried to calm himself by remembering that Maya would be waiting at home for him. She would be all his once this was over.

The day after he had sent the text, Hana had called him and told him she would be taking a flight back home. They needed to talk about things.

Jimin slightly jumped when the door creaked open. Jimin's breath got caught in his throat. He was on the verge of panicking.

Hana's eyes fell on his dull appearance. She was hanging on the line. Her worst nightmare was coming to life. She felt numb.

Jimin finally gained the courage to look up at her. Her wavy hair was tied up in a pony, her woolen sweater clung idly to her form, her eyes were bloodshot.

He had to restrain himself from pulling her into his arms. Just like how he used to comfort her back when everything was alright.

"Hey Hana," Jimin said slowly. 

Hana was never one to beat around the bush.

"What was that text, Jimin?"

Jimin gulped. His head hung low. He didn't dare say a word.

"Did you mean what you said?" Her voice cracked.


The silence was deadly. Her heart was at standstill.


"There's someone else."

Hana couldn't believe her ears. "You cheated on me?"

Jimin's eyes shot up immediately and shook his head vigorously.

"No. I just fell for someone."

The only sound heard in the room was the ticking of the second hand of the clock.

"So, I'm gone for three months and you've found someone else already," her voice was tiny.

Jimin scoffed.

"What did you expect, Hana? I couldn't wait forever. You were too busy to even pick up your phone," he spat with irritation.

"Of course I was busy! I went there to work, Jimin. I went there to pick up my career. And I did work. When I finally had some time to myself, I tried to talk to you and answer your calls. And weren't you the one who told me we would work this out? Didn't you tell me that we'll get through this?"

Jimin kept quiet.

"Were three months really our breaking point? After everything we've been through, you want to throw this away?" her tears had soaked her face by now.

Jimin's eyes glistened on their own and a lump formed in his throat.

"I can't help what I feel, Hana."

Tik tok. Tik tok. Tik tok.

"I guess you can't," Hana's voice was reduced to whispers. Her body almost breaking down at his words.

Jimin couldn't stand in the room any longer. He needed to breathe. He couldn't watch her cry. It killed him whenever she cried.

"I'm sorry."

With that, he quickly made his way out the door and slammed it shut.

It didn't take long for Hana to drop to the floor and bawl her eyes out.

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