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I cant believe it!
Im Handcuffed to the Idiot Again!
We were getting out of the bar and heading to the car.
Kai opened the door.

"Ladies first." He said as I glared and went in, he sat beside me. Like if we had a choice.

"You know im not going to forgive you guys for this." I say as Cole and Nya just laugh

"Its not like this is knew for us" says Kai. "I could maybe write a book about this, It would be called; Handcuffed To My Girlfriend"

"Ex. Girlfriend. That you cheated on." I reply looking outside the window trying to cross my arms, but obviously couldn't with him pulling.

"Your bringing that up again seriously?" He says

"Yes I am. And If you have a problem than stop talking to me."
I waited for Kai's response but he just looked in front of him. Is he actually stopping to talk to me??
I heard Nya sigh. I look outside again not saying a word.


We arrived Home and Kai literally pulled me out of the car. I glared at Him but he doenst even look at me. Ugh..
We all walk into the house, It was like 11pm.., and I havent sleep in more than 24 hours.

"Hey where were you guy- woah" says Jay coming in with Lloyd and Zane.

"Again!?!?" Yelled Greenie

"NYA! You promised!"

"Im sorry! But I dont want my brother and my best friend to fight all the time... and... I find it really fun to watch!"

"Same!" Replied Cole

"Okay but you cant just do whatever you want for your own pleasure!" Said Zane

"For once I agree with him!" I say

"Says the guy who sleeps in the fridge for fun." Replies Cole

"Wait you still do that?" Asks Jay laughing.

"Anyway, I didnt sleep in almost 2days so Im going to bed." Said Cole going upstairs

"Oh yea Y/n before you go uhm, Im sorry for earlier.... I shouldnt have done that." Jay scratches the back of his head.

"Its fine, I wasnt your fault... It was mine. Anyway, night." I respond

"Night." He said as all the others went to their room. And Kai dragged me to his.

"Whats up between you and Jay?" He asks me.

"Oh so now your talking to me?"

"Whatever." He turned around getting his cloths.

"Theres nothing, he just saw me half naked by accident."

"What the heck Jay?" I laugh a bit.

"My cloths are in Jay and Nya's room..." he looks at me and gives me a shirt.
I tried taking off my dress but I forgot how with the handcuffs...
Kai looks at me smirking, he helps me taking off my dress leaving me in bra and underwear. I mean he saw me a 1000 times naked so what the point of turning around...?
I saw him starring at me and checking me out.
I put on the shirt.
I have an Idea!

I get closer to Kai, he just looks at me. I put my handcuffed hand on his chest and the other one plays with his hair.

"Do you miss me?" I ask in a flirty tone.

"Yes I do y/n." He responds putting a hand around my waist. I get my face closer to his face.

"Too bad you cheated than." I whisper than pull away, getting on the bed.

"Are you fucking serious?" I heard him complain than sigh than laid on the bed.
Im so proud of what I just did, I laugh silently.

His room hasn't changed. His bed is still so comfy. But I miss my pillows... Cole wanted to give them back but Im not so sure what he did with them so...


God. What will it take for her to forgive me???
Shes so fucking hot in my shirt.
The problem with these handcuffs is that even if I want to sleep on the other side of the bed, I cant.
She had her back facing me, and I couldnt find a comfortable position.
I heard snoring.. probably cause she didnt sleep in like almost 2days like Cole.
I know how to get comfortable!

I get myself slightly closer to her and put my Handcuffed arm around her waist. I missed these moments.. If only she knew why I was distant with her lately... It would probably have changed everything..

Next Morning~

I slowly open my eyes realizing that all this wasn't a dream. I look down and see Kai's arm around me.. God I miss him.
But he cheated... and again these last months its like if he lost interest...

I turn my body around and face him, our noses were almost touching. I feel like if were going through our story again..
Like the fact that we hated each other... and somehow fell in love...
He starts waking up. I quickly close my eyes pretending Im sleeping.
I feel him stare at me for a minute or two.. I open my eyes slowly seeing his face again.

"Hey.." he says

"Hey." We just stay there not saying a word starring at each other until he spoke.

"Wanna go get breakfast..?" I nod and we get up. "Oh And Ill need to take a shower sometime today."

"You really do, I smelled you all night." I reply.

"Oh shut up, You know youll like my manly smell." He jokes

"Yea no." I respond dragging him out of the room yawning.

"So guys how are you?" Asks Jay

"He smells, Im tired. Usual." I respond as Kai just laughs.

"At least you guys laugh and make jokes right?" Ask Lloyd

"Yea thats to forget the fact that he cheated on me."

"Here we go again." Cole rolled his eyes eating cereals.

"Stop it Cole, I heard her complaining about that all night."
Kai laughed as I glared at him.

"Whatever" I say sitting down. Kai took an apple that was on the table and I just took some cereals.

"Guys who wants to go swimming today?" Asked Lloyd

"Sure" we all said

"Uhhh without me." Said Kai.

"Why?" I asked

"Just dont feel like it." He looks away

"He's scared of water." Whispers loudly, Nya

"Seriously??? We've dated 2 years an I never knew?!?!?" I ask Laughing

"Oh shut it! Im not going thats all."

"You dont have a choice." I say with a playful glare lifting our handcuffed hands.

He sighs and looks away as we all start laughing.
I like the fact that Ill have the advantage on him.

Dm me if ya want.
Im bored.

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