9- Love Him?

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Cole POV
"Jay wtf!!!" Screamed Nya.
We were all sitting in the kitchen except Kai and Y/n. Jay heard screaming so he went into the washroom to see what happened and apparently saw Y/n naked. And I think its not the first time. And right now Nya is super mad after him cause he apparently broke 'the' moment they were going to get back together... by Nyas point of view....

"IM SORRY!!!" Screamed Jay letting his arms fall back down.

"It was THE moment y/n would take him back! THE FREAKING MOMENT! And you freaking Popsicle Broke It!!" She yelled at him again, lloyd looked at me uncomfortably as I tried not to laugh.

"..how do you know it was 'the' moment?" Asked lloyd

"Im a girl, I know that stuff..." she simply respond than glares back at Jay.

"So Jay what do you have to say for your defence?" I smirk as he glares

"Y/n already broke 100000 of our moments and when I brake 1 its the end of the world!!" He took a pause. "Looks like you care more about your brothers relationship than ours." He crossed his arms

"I-I...." welp Nya is roasted

We here the bathroom door open and all turn around seeing Kai and Y/n all dressed, with wet hair, handcuffed to each other and glaring at Jay.

"I-Im sor-" Jay started but kai cuts him off

"Your lucky Im handcuffed to her cause or else you would already have no head by now."

"Dam.... thats harsh Kai." Said Lloyd out of nowhere,

"Whatever." Kai shrugged and dragged Y/n to his room.

"Welp, that was fun. Who wants Pizza?" I say as Lloyd and Zane smiles and Jay and Nya glares. "What? All this made me hungry! Can we get a pizza now or what?"

"Whatever." Said Nya

"You just talked like your brother!" I said annoying her.
Jay and her went to their room, as the guys and I went to get a pizza.


Kai made us sit on his bed, he was on his phone and I was sitting there in my thoughts. We didn't look at eachother and we didnt touch.
I thought Alexandra was bringing us even father apart.... but I just realized that I was.
I actually love Kai....
and I cant 'hate' him forever cause he did a mistake...

But how do I tell him?


"What?" He doenst even look away from his phone

"Can we talk?"

"Isnt that what were already doing?"

"Come on, you know what I mean." He doenst respond and still looks at his phone.

"I dont know, werent you the one who asked to not say anything?"

"Ugh Kai please listen to me."

"I gotta pee." He gets up. Is he really using that excuse again??

"Jay... Im sorry." I start, we were both in our room watching a movie not even talking or touching each other.

"What? I didnt hear you." He respond still looking the tv

"Blueberry look at me." I say softly touching his face making him face me. "Im really sorry, I may sometimes-"

"Bleh sometimes?!?" He cuts me off

"Ok, I may always be concentrated on Y/n and Kai and sometimes forget about us..."


"Ill leave Y/n and Kai fix their own problems for once and concentrate on us. I have too! I mean, were having a baby right??" I see him smile

"Yes we need to give our little baby boy some attention!" He says excitedly touching my belly.

"What tells you that its gonna be a boy? Maybe it will be a girl!!"

"Maybe. Have you thought of any names?? For a Guy I have super cool names! Like Jayson! Or Eddnear in honor of my dad!"

........ there is no way Im calling my child Eddnear...

"Or if its a girl... I like the name Sophie."

"Im telling you, its gonna be Eddnear." He smiles.
Yea no.

"Anyway! Im hungry can we go see if the guys are here with the pizza?" I ask he nods as we get up.

Lloyd POV

"Thanks Zane for paying by the way" said Cole as I walked happily with the pizza in my hands

"You actually took my wallet from me Cole." He replied

"Shhhh, small details are not to be remembered." Laughed Cole

"Are we almost there?" I whine still looking at the pizza

"In 2minutes, I know u love pizza but please calm down!" Replied Zane

"Kai! Listen to me please!" I stopped him from walking past the kitchen, no one else was there and I needed to get this clear.

"What?!?" He yelled

"Im sorry! Im sorry to make a big deal out of this okay! I-I-"

"Do you love me or not?" He asks cutting me off.
I heard the door open probably the rest of the team..
"Yes or no??"

"Kai I-"

"Yes or no Y/n! Do you still love me or not?!?" I want to scream yes but nothing gets out of my mouth..

Okay... so this is deja vu...
The guys are at the door, Jay and I waiting at the bottom of te stairs and Alexandra just got down with us as well as we all starred at Kai and Y/n in te middle of the kitchen.
Come on answer him Y/n

"Y/n answer me."
Still no response. She had her mouth half open like she was about to say something, but she didnt talk.
"Y/n!!! Yes or no!?!" I wave my hand in front of her. "Look if your done with me just say so I won-"
I felt her soft lips against mines slowly kissing me. She brings her hands to my neck holding our handcuffed hand together. I brought my hand to her hip and brought her body closer to mine kissing her passionately.
Our lips moved in sync together enjoying the moment. This kiss, I missed this, it was even better than the one in the shower. God I love you y/n.
She pulls away to breathe leaning her forehead on mine.

"Ill take that as a yes." I smile hugging her. She higs back laughing, my chin was on her neck and one of my arms still around her waist, as I smelled her washed hair.

"YES FINALLY!!!!!!" I heard my sister scream.

I laugh hearing Nya and pull away from Kai smiling looking into his happy eyes.
I saw everyone even Alexandra smiling. She saw me looking at her and approached me.

"Im sorry... for being a bitch to you lately.." i say

"You dont have to say sorry. Im the one who should.. Nya made me realize things.. and I know i was being real pain, sorry." She responds. I smile at her and hug her. She was kind of shocked but hugged back.

"Can we eat the Pizza now?" Asks Lloyd impatiently. We all stare at him. "What? Yea yea its all cool you teo are back together and all but that doenst mena my hunger went away!!"

"I agree!" Says Cole, they both sat at the table as Zane went to get plates.

"Im so happy for you two!!!!!!" Yells Nya both hugging us hurting our handcuffed hands.

"Now lets eat!!" Yelled Jay going to sit down.
We all laugh as Kai and I go sit with them, I take a slice and start to bite it.
Kai leans over towards me,

"Oh and by the way, I love you too Princesse." He whispers.

So sorry been a really long while!
Just lot of shit happening again, god Im tired of that.
Love ya guys

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